MMI 2021 Listeners' Picks Poll

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The annual MMI Listeners' Picks poll aims to establish the top favourite releases of the year among the weekly Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast listeners.


A list of music from Maltese recording artists released in 2021 was compiled by Toni Sant for his sixteenth annual MMI Listeners' Picks poll. This is not a fully comprehensive list of 2021 releases; Toni Sant has always maintained, through his podcast and blog, that he is somewhat selective - but the scope has always been to include as many titles as possible at the nomination stage.


Here is the list of nominations for 2021.

Click on the link to the right to view/hide the full sortable list of 2021 nominees :
400ppmSpirtu ProntVideo bil-Malti
400ppmWitnessVideo [non-Maltese language]
400ppmSpirtu ProntAlbum
A Broken DesignAnother Day in HellEP
AidanNaħseb FikVideo bil-Malti
Aldo BusuttilFigura t'IdentitàVideo bil-Malti
Alexandra AldenHelliumOverseas
AmberPut Away Your MoneyVideo [non-Maltese language]
AmberThat's Life (acoustic)Online
Amber Grace & Rita PaceJien u Int FlimkienVideo bil-Malti
Andre CamilleriMy Life is a Country SongOverseas
Andrea Britton + Keith AnthonySing Out YourselfOnline
Anthony Saliba + Ferit OdmanTieniOnline
BahjatYoum Wara YoumOverseas
Banjo LuciaThat's Not LovingOverseas
Bark Bark DiscoGet Up & RunVideo [non-Maltese language]
BeesqueezeHashVideo [non-Maltese language]
Ben BaileyWhat It TakesVideo [non-Maltese language]
Ben BaileyLatelyVideo [non-Maltese language]
Bernard CurmiHoly BlessingOnline
Big Band BrothersXehdaAlbum
Big Band BrothersGżira tat-TamlaVideo bil-Malti
Bobby Baldacchino01-07Online
BrimbaTo EgyptOnline
BroduIl-QabruVideo bil-Malti
BroduBalzmuVideo bil-Malti
BroduChipsVideo bil-Malti
BrookeOverVideo [non-Maltese language]
Caravãna SunStellaOverseas
Carlo Gerada feat. Aidan24/7Video [non-Maltese language]
CEL & SaccoLeighVideo [non-Maltese language]
Charlene RaeL-Isbaħ FjuraVideo bil-Malti
CheckmateTonightVideo [non-Maltese language]
CheckmateStanding In My WayVideo [non-Maltese language]
Chellcy ReitsmaHappy New YearVideo [non-Maltese language]
Cher CamilleriNibni u NħottVideo bil-Malti
Chris BirddHobbyOverseas
Claire MaranteStainVideo [non-Maltese language]
Clifford BorgScientific EnergyOnline
Cyberia feat. KrhymeĊriekiVideo bil-Malti
Daniel SantIntruderOnline
Danny MagroSasquatchVideo [non-Maltese language]
Danny MagroHimalaVideo [non-Maltese language]
Danny MagroLeavingVideo [non-Maltese language]
Daryl EbejerHawn GħalikOnline
Dav.JrMake BelieveVideo [non-Maltese language]
Debbie ScerriJien Mill-ĠdidVideo bil-Malti
DestinyJe Me CasseVideo [non-Maltese language]
DiggerThings feat Blaze BayleyRuby EyesVideo [non-Maltese language]
DiggerThings feat. Gianni ZammitNo Time This TimeVideo [non-Maltese language]
Digital BlackHigh and LowOnline
Digital BlackWorld At Your FeetVideo [non-Maltese language]
DjunGħal Min Twieled, Għal Min MietVideo bil-Malti
Djun feat. Alexandra AldenDnubietOnline
ddnym feat Mel Xkejfa & Danny MagroCherry WineOnline
Dylan DebonoDo You Feel It Kicking In?Video [non-Maltese language]
Dylan DebonoAll I'm SayingVideo [non-Maltese language]
Edgar Allan PaulPolvere e CementoOverseas
Eyes to ArgusHabitualAlbum
F.A.I.T.H. & LexTake OffVideo [non-Maltese language]
Fake OpheliaFlamingos Over Rome / EurydiceOnline
Fake OpheliaFor Love and LightAlbum
FedsThat SwitchVideo [non-Maltese language]
FedsStay CoolVideo [non-Maltese language]
FedsEyes ClosedOnline
Frankie CallejaL-ImbarazzOnline
Gaia CauchiMessageVideo [non-Maltese language]
ĠennFeelVideo [non-Maltese language]
Geo DebonoWho We AreOnline
GhostseekerLive to Hate MeOverseas
Hooli x LokkoRispettVideo bil-Malti
Ira Losco + Matthew JamesTbissemVideo bil-Malti
Jacy FeverBreaking BarriersOverseas
Jes PsailaThe Hinge ProjectAlbum
Jessica MagroNaturalVideo [non-Maltese language]
Jessica MicallefWho We AreVideo [non-Maltese language]
Jillian JadeDaydreamingVideo [non-Maltese language]
Jillian JadeTell Me LiesVideo [non-Maltese language]
Joe RoscoeRed FlagVideo [non-Maltese language]
Joe S GrechMużika minn MaltaAlbum
Jolene SamhanFebruary 1stVideo [non-Maltese language]
JoonGood TimesVideo [non-Maltese language]
JoonOrqodVideo bil-Malti
JoonDream AgainAlbum
Julie PomorskiAr' Int!Video bil-Malti
JunNk x Dana McKeonLove LanguageOverseas
Juno ValdezLike You DoVideo [non-Maltese language]
Juno ValdezScream My NameVideo [non-Maltese language]
Kapitlu Tlettax feat. DigbyTweġġanixVideo bil-Malti
Kapitlu Tlettax feat. Janice MangionStenna Li Mhux Tistenna (Ramiro Mallia Tribute 2021)Video bil-Malti
Kapitlu Tlettax feat. Patrick GaffieroMisħutVideo bil-Malti
Karl FioriniIn the Midst of Things (album)Overseas
Karm Debattista msspBefore DawnOnline
Kersten GrahamKAOSVideo [non-Maltese language]
Kersten Graham feat. TobyBetween the LinesOnline
KNTRLWhen We CollideVideo [non-Maltese language]
KrhymeMeħbaVideo bil-Malti
Krista ŠujakGħalik MissierVideo bil-Malti
Kurt feat. KELNot This TimeVideo [non-Maltese language]
Kyle GrangeOver YouVideo [non-Maltese language]
LapesErġajna ĠejnaVideo bil-Malti
LapesKontrollVideo bil-Malti
LapesNimxu PassVideo bil-Malti
LapesMerħba MaltaAlbum
Lapes feat. NadineIl-MawraVideo bil-Malti
Lex + MicimagoHit & RunOnline
LleeggssWaiting on YouVideo [non-Maltese language]
Luke ChappellHold OnVideo [non-Maltese language]
Lulu AgiusAngie / Shadow / RainVideo [non-Maltese language]
LyndsayRide or DieVideo [non-Maltese language]
LyndsaySick of MeVideo [non-Maltese language]
ManaTapuKeep On FightingVideo [non-Maltese language]
Marco Ellul LarskiHopeOnline
Maria CiniNot EnoughVideo [non-Maltese language]
Marilyn AquilinaL-GħabexVideo bil-Malti
Marty RiversLucky Me / If Only These Walls Could TalkOnline
Matthew JamesRound & RoundVideo [non-Maltese language]
Matthew James + Dav.Jr + MicimagoRecoveringVideo [non-Maltese language]
Matthew James feat. Kersten GrahamMoonlight RiverVideo [non-Maltese language]
MaxineCool Like YouVideo [non-Maltese language]
MaxinePull Me CloserVideo [non-Maltese language]
Maxine feat. Destiny + Gaia Cauchi + MichaelaSkin DeepVideo [non-Maltese language]
Melchior SultanaRelentlessEP
Michael AzzopardiPjaneta PromettentiVideo bil-Malti
Michael AzzopardiPistolaEP
Michael Azzopardi feat. Cheryl CamilleriTiblagħni l-ArtVideo bil-Malti
MogadishuJust EnoughVideo [non-Maltese language]
NadineHigher LoveVideo [non-Maltese language]
Nick MoralesYou Don't CallVideo [non-Maltese language]
Nick MoralesStennieniVideo bil-Malti
Nick MoralesPeople of the SeaVideo [non-Maltese language]
Nicky BombaMalibuOverseas
NiketThe Sights I SeeVideo [non-Maltese language]
nosnow/noalpsFind Another WayVideo [non-Maltese language]
nosnow/noalpsOut of LoveVideo [non-Maltese language]
nosnow/noalpsOut of LoveEP
Owen LeuellenRunawayVideo [non-Maltese language]
OxygynMercyVideo [non-Maltese language]
Paris to IstanbulHappy on TimeVideo [non-Maltese language]
Paris to IstanbulYou Leave Me JadedVideo [non-Maltese language]
PilgrimageSigil of the Pilgrim Sun Album
Philip VellaGħalfejn Tħobbni DaqshekkVideo bil-Malti
RagħwaDagħwaL-EP tal-PipiEP
RaquelaLo VoglioVideo [non-Maltese language]
RaquelaBreaking FreeVideo [non-Maltese language]
Red Electrick feat. DestinyMistakeVideo [non-Maltese language]
RelikcWould You EverVideo [non-Maltese language]
RemM'Aħna XejnVideo bil-Malti
Robert FarrugiaTaħżiżaOnline
Robert FarrugiaVoicemailAlbum
Ryan Paul meets Rachel LowellYou & IOnline
SaħħarMexxej ta' Laħam MejjetEP
SandrinaYouVideo [non-Maltese language]
Sandro ZerafaLast Night When We Were Young (album)Overseas
Scarlet Pimpernel1551Video [non-Maltese language]
Scarlet PimpernelScarlet PimpernelAlbum
Sean BorgFuq l-IxkaffaVideo bil-Malti
ShirleyWhyVideo [non-Maltese language]
ShismuKFC DrivethruVideo [non-Maltese language]
Shyli RoseLike ThatVideo [non-Maltese language]
Sound SynthesisOrbital FrequenciesEP
Stefan VargaIdentityVideo [non-Maltese language]
SterjoTipiDifferentiVideo bil-Malti
SterjoTipi feat. AmberOażiVideo bil-Malti
TarznaKonkos, Ħadid, ArroganzaEP
The Busker x Dav.JrLooseVideo [non-Maltese language]
The Busker X RaquelaDon't You Tell Me What To FeelVideo [non-Maltese language]
The ClintessAngelVideo [non-Maltese language]
The New VictoriansIf I Had to Tell You the TruthEP
The New Victorians feat. Michela PaceOne MoreVideo [non-Maltese language]
The New Victorians feat. LapesMin JafVideo bil-Malti
The StentsI'm YoursOnline
The TravellersInżul u TlajjaAlbum
The TravellersIl-Biża'Video bil-Malti
Todamusica feat. OphidianShadow of MyselfVideo [non-Maltese language]
Todamusica feat. Desi CampbellCool in the ShadeVideo [non-Maltese language]
Todamusica feat. Juno ValdezHigh Rise Lovin'Video [non-Maltese language]
Todamusica feat. Rikki LeeOutta ControlVideo [non-Maltese language]
Todamusica feat. SandrinaFallingVideo [non-Maltese language]
Tom CaruanaBrewing Up (album)Overseas
Tryst ArcaneAutumn (vinyl release)Album
Upper LipKeep GoingVideo [non-Maltese language]
Upper LipDeep WithinAlbum
Various ArtistsTeknoloġija Vol. 1Album
Wayne CamilleriOnly The Heart Can TellAlbum
Winter MoodsThe JourneyVideo [non-Maltese language]
X-TendIlwien il-MiliedAlbum
Young SunsSoldier OnOnline

Top Picks

Voting was open throughout the month of January 2022 at where a total of 1,338 votes were submitted across the following categories by 223 individuals:

Top Album
Top EP
Top Music Video (bil-Malti)
Top Music Video (non-Maltese language)
Top Online Release
Top Overseas-based Artist

The top 5 vote receivers in each category are indicated below (percentage denotes share of votes in that category).

Top Album

Top EP

Top Music Video [bil-Malti]

Top Music Video [non-Maltese language]

Top Online Release

Top Overseas-based

The Crowd Signal service was used for voting on this poll.

Voting was open throughout the month of January 2022 at

Results were announced on 5 February 2022 through the Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast.

External links

Mużika Mod Ieħor : MMI Listeners' Picks
* 2000s: 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009
* 2010s: 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019
* 2020s: 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 -