Julie Pomorski
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Julie Pomorski born on the 13 November 1987, she currently employed as a Kindergarten Teacher with the Education Department. That said, she is also a woman of many talents, holding the distinguished element of being a triple threat, acquiring skills in dance, acting, and singing.
In 1993, she kick-started her career in music, with the support of several vocal coaches which more or less saw her compete in several children’s festivals on a local level, before garnering the attention of a television producer who sought to make her a television host, of a children’s programme, a side project which would at least 9 non-consecutive years on One TV and Net TV, respectively.
Her love towards the camera though did not eclipse that of music, and as a result, Julie auditioned for several musicals and pageants growing up, especially knowing that there was an involvement of a singing part, as was the case with “The Sound of Music” in 1994 where she had the opportunity to star as the young Gretel.
Getting on the stage meant a great deal for Julie, and it provided some great background, noting her future involvement in several television productions including: Undercover, F’Salib it-Toroq and most recently It-Tfal. Nevertheless, Julie could never shy away from her roots, and knowing how strong her correlation to music was, she was selected as the vocalist for Etnika, a group whose sound is categorized under world music, and with whom the female triple threat toured the world, going from Malta to Spain, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Germany amongst others.
Back in Malta following the end of Etnika, Julie decided to try her hand at a couple of local music competitions, always under the guidance of Ms Rita Signorino. On her debut, during L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2005, she emerged as the winner with the infectious tune Żewġ Qagħqiet, an original song composed by Augusto Cardinali and penned by Giovann Attard.
Just two years later, she reached the finals of the Malta Song for Europe with Look At Me, an original composition by Philip Vella, before reaching the final stage of the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza, and also the Summer Hit Song Contest, the latter being a competition she would emerge triumphant in 2015, with the song Tabula Rasa, the first song she co-wrote alongside Augusto Cardinali and Ġiovann Attard.
Julie Pomorski has recently taken up a Vocal Instructor role at VocalBooth Studios, hoping to share the wisdom that she has acquired through the years, to the young talented souls of the present.
On 2 September, 2017 Julie taken part in L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2017 with the song ‘Ħolqa’ lyrics by Emil Calleja Bayliss and music by Luke Agius, Julie herself and Augusto Cardinali.