Michela Pace
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Michela Pace was born on 25 January, 2001. In Victoria, Gozo Lives with her family in Victoria.
Michela has always been love singing, and in 2013 together with her friend Victoria Xuereb (now living in Canada) decided to start to go take some lessons to learn as well as the Technical singing. And began to learn with Audrey Marie Bartolo and her mother Marlene Bartolo.
Well remember her first experience in singing contests, was exactly 17 May, 2014 when she participated in 44 th. edition of Marian Festival held at the Oratorju Don Bosco, had sung the Maltese version of Hallelujah, and has also won first place in its category.
Michela encouraged by this success has continued to participate in various competitions organized as Marian Festival, Raise Your Voice, organized by Erseb Production, Voices of the Future, organizat by Stardust Promotions, Nadur Song Festival, Festival Singers Shine, Magic Melody Festival, organizat AllyGee Entertaiment, Erseb Goes Christmas, ‘Ġmiel is-Seba Noti and ‘Music is My First Love’, where she in about two years participated in about 54 festivals, and in most of them she always placed in the first three places finishing five times, overall and three times ‘Best overall Voice'.
Moreover Michela was also fortunate to go sing out our country, after having been selected from local competitions to go to Malta represents, in July 2014 had gone to take part in festivals Voci del Sud in Sicily, while in June '2015 has gone to take part in the Baltic Voice f'Lithuania, while in December, 2015 had gone to take part Riga in Latvia Symphony.
Michela was also fortunate that in 2014 sang with the La Stella Band in concert RockAstra Gozo and was sung along with Tiziana Calleja. Until now Michela not playing any instrument, or acting, and as hobbies besides singing, dancing and loves to watch football.
On April 19, 2015 took part in a competition of original Maltese songs, ‘Għanja Ġmiel is-Seba’ Noti’ at the City Theater in Valletta, and won first place.
While on 12 March, 2016 won another contest ‘Music Is My First Love’ and won the trophy of ‘Overall’, with her original song ‘Wara l-Bieb’ lyrics by Emil Calleja Bayliss and music by Andrew Zahra, two competitions organized by Erseb Production.
Towards the end of the month of March, 2016, also started taking some singing lessons at Joshua Alamu, Ultimate gone Artists August 2016 in England under the direction of Joshua Alamu same course plus a more extensive other singers. November gone to Germany represents Malta in Euro Pop festival Berliner Perle and was in third place. On 12 December last with the shortlist of MESC 2017 song Cruise Control and shortly after won Singer of The Year of Erseb Productions. In January, 2017 moved to the semi-finals of entertainers The Singing Challenge 2017.
After she appliaed for the first edition of X Factor Malta in middle of July, and after several steps of the change she finsied in the final phase with other three contestan and on 26 January she was declaird the winner of this first edito of X-Factor Malta u got the right to represent Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 at Tel-aviv in Israel. She got a new song written for her with the name of ‘Chameleon’ issued on 12 th March . 2019
She intends to remain in the career singing, An in life you want to work as Police Inspector Forensics.