Tryst Arcane
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Tryst Arcane are Julian Grech and Alexia Baldacchino from Malta, formed in 2017, heir Genre is Dark Symphonic Music.
Taking Alexia’s ethereal vocals and layering them over haunting cinematic soundscapes, organ sounds, or brooding piano riffs, the duo strikes a deviant balance between traditional song standards and music that you’d find accompanying a dramatic moment on screen.
Minimal Dark is a term that the duo coined for this genre of music, as it is composed of only two elements, shorn of percussive and instruments other than keys and vox.
Tryst Arcane’s self-released debut album AUTUMN was released on CD and on most digital music platforms in November 2019.
It was evident that the fil rouge in this collection of tracks was the autumnal spirit, hence the name AUTUMN. The lyrics in this album garner elements of mysticism with indirect references to realistic themes such as death and new beginnings. For the last track of the album, Tryst Arcane also released a music video on YouTube, with the support of the Malta Arts Council.
The album was nominated for Best Alternative Album 2019 and Alexia for Best Song Writer 2019 at the Malta Music Awards 2019.
Music creation of our likes is not going to be hitting the charts or rave the dance floors but it will find a place in the hearts of a niche audience who feel the honesty that is within it and absorb what they need at that moment from it.
With support from the Arts Council Malta, AUTUMN will be released on Vinyl Record on 7th November 2021, as a limited edition of 100 beautiful graphite-coloured Vinyl records. Proceeds will be in aid of Puttinu Cares and Research, Innovation & Development Trust (RIDT).
Available from / Bandcamp / via private message and selected local record shops. This duo was prompted to take this initiative since a cancer survivor repeatedly uses Tryst Arcane’s music during her difficult times for the past 3 years. She says that it is like therapy for her, as it brings her the comfort needed and feels regenerated after listening. The duo hopes to extend this positive effect on more people who are going through rough times but also accompany them in times of happiness.