L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2018
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Launching of the festival
L-Għanja tal-Poplu (2018) 42 Edition.
The committee's Song of the People encourages authors, composers, groups and singer and songwriter of the English song participate in the 42 edition of the festival L-Għanja tal-Poplu (The Song of the People). The date of submission of the songs will be till Tuesday 22 May,2018.
The authors and composers invited to write whatever they want and what style like composing, and only illimited Engaged social issues, or with only one musical style. The festival is expected to be held Saturday 1 September 2018, at Pjazza Teatru Rjal (Opera Theater Square) on the same lines of the last edition and is transmitted by PBS. So invite the Maltese song artists together to create a beautiful festival and quality both in words and also in music.
The regulations will be announched at an early date combined with favorable innovations for artists.
The festival will be held by at Għanja tal-Poplu (Song of the People) along with Opera Theater Square and with the support of the Cultural Partnership Agreement with the Maltese Council for the Arts, and with the participation of the orchestra will work hand in hand with -kompożituri and authors.
Il-festival se jittella' mill-Għanja tal-Poplu flimkien ma' Pjazza Teatru Rjal and bu the support of the Cultural Partnership Agreement with the Maltese Council for the Art Kunsill Malti ghal-Arti, and with the participation of the orchestra will work hand in hand together with composers and authors.
Any one who has any questions or suggestions you may write to ghanjatalpoplu@gmail.com . Further details will be announced in the coming days on www.ghanjafest.com
Rules of the Festival in Maltese
The rules of the festival in Maltese can be found here.
An informal meeting on L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2018 at Project-House
Laqgħa informattiva dwar L-Għanja tal-Poplu f' Project House Floriana
Organizing Committee
- Organizer: Fr Maurice Mifsud
- Chairperson:Carmelo Schembri
- Secretary: Alexia Cutajar Conti
- Co-ordinator / P.R.O: Noel D'Amato
- Member: Mark Grech
- Member: Michael Bondin
- Assistant Adminstrator: Anton Miceli
Announced the 42 semi-finalist Songs
For the eliminatory phase of the 42 Edition of l-Għanja tal-Poplu - Festival tal-Kanzunetta Maltija, entered the Malta Song 137 song. 42 of them have passed to the semi-finals.
Ths songs was heard by a professional five members jury. Now the next step was that other jury heard and chose the best of 42 songs, heard them live with recorded music.
The 42 Songs who passed for the the Semi-Final in Alfabetikal order are:-
No | Songs | Passed |
01 | Aħna il-Maltin | |
02 | Allura | X |
03 | Anamika | X |
04 | Belt tal-Maltin | |
05 | Bil-Mini jew Bl-Għonella | |
06 | Bis-Serqa | X |
07 | Bla Ħafna Reċti | |
08 | Dak Li Taf | |
09 | Determinata | |
10 | Din L-Art Ħelwa | X |
11 | Eku Mill-Belt | |
12 | Fejn Ma Jasalx il-Kliem | |
13 | F'ilsien In-Nies | X |
14 | Fjur Fuq it-Tarmak | |
15 | Fjuri tal-Karti | X |
16 | Għaliex Tlaqt | X |
17 | Ħadd Ma Jaf Xi Jrid | X |
18 | Ħalli Spazju Għan-Nanniet | |
19 | Il-Gżira tal-Burdell | |
20 | Jekk Taf Minn Jien | |
21 | Kartolina Ta' Imħabba | |
22 | L-Aħħar Żifna | X |
23 | Lellux | |
24 | L-Immigrant | X |
25 | L-Ixkubetta Fiha l-Grillu | |
26 | Manann | |
27 | Metafora | |
28 | Mhux Kif Ħsibt | X |
29 | Mhux kulma Jleqq Deheb | X |
30 | Mhux Li Kien | |
31 | Mhux Tard | |
32 | Min Aħna? | X |
33 | Nistennik | X |
34 | Oħt | |
35 | Omm Ta' Veru | |
36 | Pawlu l-Babaw | X |
37 | Senduq | |
38 | Taħfirli | |
39 | Tbissimli | |
40 | Tifla | |
41 | Tir | |
42 | Wegħdni | X |
This songs now will be heard again with a different jurys members on Saturday and Sunday 2nd and 3 rd June, 2018. With the jurys got a thing to choose the finalist songs. The songs must be anounced on Monday 4 June, 2018. The festival final night of the L-Għanja tal-Poplu - Festival tal-Kanzunetta Maltija will be held on Saturday 1 September, 2018 at Pjażża Teatru Rjal.
In the final night, the singers taken part, got a chose, that either be accompanied by the Malta Concert Orchestra, or accompany the song themselves, or accompany their song together with the Ochestra.
The festival is organized by the Committee, of L-Għanja tal-Poplu together with Pjażża Teatru Rjalm, and in collaboration with the Academy of Maltese. The Malta Concert Orchestra will be giving its parte in this festival by working hand in hand with the żituri of songs finalisti. L-Għanja tal-Poplu are assisted by the Maltese Council for the Arts – Cultural Parnership Agreement.
The Jurys
The jurys of the eliminatory phase was:-
Announced the 16 Finalist Songs
For the Semi-finalist phase of the 42 Edition of l-Għanja tal-Poplu - Festival tal-Kanzunetta Maltija, between Saturday and Sunday 1 st and 2 nd June, 2018 was chosen the 16 finalist songs.
This songs was heard by a professional five members jury.
The 16 Songs who passed for the the Semi-Final in Alfabetikal order are:-
No | Singers | Songs | Lyrics | Composer |
01 | Philip Vella | Allura | Joe Chircop | Philip Vella |
02 | Monica Said | Anamika | Monica Said | Conrad Dimech, Michael Camilleri |
03 | Rita Pace | Bis-Serqa | Rita Pace | Rita Pace |
04 | Dominic Cini & Ina Robinich | Din L-Art Ħelwa | Joe Julian Farrugia | Andrew Zahra |
05 | Dario Bezzina & Grecia Bezzina | F'ilsien In-Nies | Emil Calleja Bayliss, Dario Bezzina | Dario Bezzina |
06 | Krista Spiteri Lucas | Fjuri tal-Karti | Paul Ellul | Mark Spiteri Lucas |
07 | Ruth Portelli | Għaliex Tlaqt | Ryan Caruana | Mark Scicluna |
08 | JAMM Band | Ħadd Ma Jaf Xi Jrid | Mark Cachia | Mark Cachia |
09 | Mark Cachia | L-Aħħar Żifna | Mark Cachia | Mark Cachia |
10 | Alan Casha | L-Immigrant | Alan Casha | Andrew Vella |
11 | Cherylis Camilleri & Mikhail Attard | Mhux Kif Ħsibt | Ġiovann Attard | Pamela Bezzina, Alex Debono |
12 | Michela Galea | Mhux Kulma Jleqq Deheb | Emil Calleja Bayliss | Renato Briffa |
13 | Cain Portelli | Min Aħna? | Emil Calleja Bayliss | Philip Vella |
14 | Charlene Mercieca Magro | Nistennik | Corazon Mizzi | Corazon Mizzi |
15 | Neville Refalo | Pawlu l-Babaw | Corazon Mizzi | Neville Refalo |
16 | Lydon Incorvaja | Wegħdni | Rita Pace | Glen Vella |
The Jurys
The jurys of the Semi-finalist phase was:-
This songs now will be heard again with a different jurys members on Saturday and Sunday 2nd and 3 rd June, 2018. With the jurys got a thing to choose the finalist songs. The songs must be anounced on Monday 4 June, 2018. The festival final night of the L-Għanja tal-Poplu - Festival tal-Kanzunetta Maltija will be held on Saturday 1 September, 2018 at Pjażża Teatru Rjal.
In the final night, the singers taken part, got a chose, that either be accompanied by the Malta Concert Orchestra, or accompany the song themselves, or accompany their song together with the Ochestra.
The festival is organized by the Committee, of L-Għanja tal-Poplu together with Pjażża Teatru Rjal, and in collaboration with the Academy of Maltese. The Malta Concert Orchestra will be giving its part in this festival by working hand in hand with the composers of the finalist songs. L-Għanja tal-Poplu are assisted by the Maltese Council for the Arts – Cultural Parnership Agreement.
Festival Tickets
One could buy tickets for the Festival from [[1]]. There are special prizes of €10 tickets since 10 August, 2018.
Announced the Running Order of the 16 Finalist Songs
On Monday 23 July, 2018 at the Valletta local council hall. In the present of the l-Għanja tal-Poplu - Festival tal-Kanzunetta Maltija, committee and the chairman of Mr.Albert Marshall of the Maltese Council for the Arts, and all the singers, authors and composer, Chairman Mr. Carm Schembri presented some cds of the past festival edtions to broadcaster Mr.Emmanuel Brincat to used them on his Radio at Melbourne Australia. In the draws was estabblished the runner order for the final night on Saturday 1 September, 2018 at Pjazza Tejatru Irjal.
- Dwett was composed by Cherylis Camilleri & Mikhail Attard
Final Jury
On Friday Night their was held the popular juries vote was equivalent to a jury in the evening on Saturday. by the The Judges for the Final Night on Saturday 1 September, 2018.
Juries for the final Night where:-
- Analise Mifsud piannist, Singer, Actress.
- Maryann Zammit singer, song writer.
- Shaun Buhagair Drama and events director.
- Michael Spagnol
- Alfie Fabri Dj and radio and Television presenter.
Chairperson Jury chairman was Carmelo Schembri, assisted by Alexia Cutajar Conti (Secretary of the Committee of L-Għanja tal-Poplu Festival in the presence of Notary Paul Callus who certified the all result.
This year festival comperes will be the actress Kim Dalli and presenter Owen Bonnici. In the second part of the festival Mro.Paul Abela with the orchestra will give some of best success numbers composed by him in his music career.
Friday Night
On Friday 31 August, 2018, all the singers performend their songs infornt of the public jury, who vote for they see and heard, this votes will add with teh expert jury on Saturday Night.
The Orchestra
The Malta Concert Orchestra band of Pjazza Teatru Rjal made by an ensemble of sixteen musician under the direction of Mro.Joe Brown and Orchestra c-ordinator Mro. Emanuel Spagnol accompain all the singers, these ensemble was made by:-
- Violins 1st. Antoine Frendo, Tatiana Chircop,Augusto Quintano
- Violins 2nd. Odile Micallef, Veronica Said, Eric Bugeja, Christabelle Scerri, Berenice Zammit, Diane Vella, Roberta Schembri, Graziella Mizzi, Marie Claire Cassar, Romina Bugeja, Sarah Tanti
- Violas Daniel Zammit, Anna Zammit, Brian Agius
- Cello Gilmour Peplow, Kristina Dimic, Kevin Psaila
- Drums Melchior Busuttil
- Percussion Luke Abela
- Bass Guitar Ryan Abela
- Guitar Jon Camilleri, Evan Plumpton
- Electric Guitar Marc Galea
- Piano Carlo Bugeja
- Keyboards 1 Josef Farrugia
- Keyboards 2 Abigail Brown
- Trumpets Joseph Chircop, Francesco Barbara, Andrew Zarb
- Electric Alto Lino Pirotta
- Alto Angelo Borg
- Tenor Sax Ray Zammit
- Horn Josef Camilleri
- Trombone Jonathan Abela, Christian Lewis
Special guests
The special award L-Għanja li Tibqa was presented to Mro.Paul Abela for his contribution in Maltese music scene, prezented by Charles 'City' Gatt and while he directed the orchestera Georgina Abela and Roger Tirazona sang several popular immortal songs done by Mro. Paul Abela.
The winner of L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2017 Jessica Magro sang the winning song 'Meta r-Ramel Jitħallat mas-Silġ', while the winners of the L-Għanja tal-Poplu – Żgħażagħ 2018 Eliana Gomez Blanco and Aidan Jay Drakard sang their winning song 'Dwell'
No | Singers | Songs | Lyrics | Composer | Video - Youtube |
01 | Michela Galea | Mhux Kulma Jleqq Deheb | Emil Calleja Bayliss | Renato Briffa | (Click for Video) |
02 | Dwett | Mhux Kif Ħsibt | Ġiovann Attard | Pamela Bezzina, Alex Debono | (Click for Video) |
03 | Philip Vella | Allura | Joe Chircop | Philip Vella | (Click for Video) |
- Dwett was composed by Cherylis Camilleri & Mikhail Attard
Other Winners
# | Prizes | Winner | Song | Video |
* | Best Young Recording | Philip Vella Studios | Allura | (Click for Video) |
* | Best Interpretation | Monica Said | Anamika | (Click for Video) |
* | Best Singer-Songwriter | JAMM Band | Ħadd ma' Jaf Xi Jrid | (Click for Video) |
* | Best Original Song | Charlene Mercieca Magro | Nistenniek | (Click for Video) |
Done by Christopher Muscat Director of Pjazza Teatru Rjal, PRO and Member of l-Għanja tal-Poplu Noel D'Amato, Charles 'City' Gatt and Chairman of l-Għanja tal-Poplu Carmelo Schembri presented the trophies to the winners with May Falzon (Check for Video)
Backstage Crew
- Noel D'Amato
- Mark Grech
- Anton Miceli
- Raymond Mugliett(Stage Condinator)
- Ino Bonello (Stage desgin and constration)
- Best team Audio (Sound)
- Andrew Zammit (Desgin and Lights)
Special Thanks
- Marie Claire Cremona (Desgin for Poster, Programm and Cd)
- Geoffrey Buhagiar (Photograpy)
- Danjeli (Mastering of cd)
- TheTinkShop.com (Duplication of Cd)
- Bestprint (Publication of Festival Programm)
- Alka Ceramics by Paul Haber (Trophies)
- Alfie Fabri (feature)
- Tony Micallef (Radio Programm 'Kliem u Kant')
- Emotive Media (Fliming and editing features)
Important Dates
No | Day | Date | Event |
01 | Monday | 02-04-2018 | Rules of the Festival Annouced |
02 | Friday | 13-04-2018 | Festival launch RegulationsSubmitions of Songs - From 10.30 -12.00 - 18.00 - 21.00 at Għanja tal-Poplu Office, at YFC. 227, Merchant Street, Valletta. |
03 | Tuesday | 22-05-2018 | Submitions of Songs - From 10.30 -13.00 - 18.00 - 20.30 at Għanja tal-Poplu Office, at YFC. 227, Merchant Street, Valletta. |
04 | Monday | 28-05-2018 | Announced the Best 42 songs by the jury, and divided into two groups of 21 songs each. |
05 | Saturday | 02-06-2018 | Heard the First set of 21 songs sang live with playback |
06 | Sunday | 03-06-2018 | Heard the Second set of 21 songs sang live with playback |
07 | Monday | 04-06-2018 | Announced the finalist 16 songs |
08 | Wednesday | 06.06.2018 | Must reach the piano score sheets songs finalist |
09 | Monday | 23-07-2018 | The rikordings for the CD, and the scores of songs finalisti (if applicable) must be completed. |
10 | Sunday | 26-08-2018 | Held rehearsal with Orchestra at the green room of Teatru Rjal (first day) |
11 | Monday | 27-08-2018 | Held rehearsal with Orchestra at the green room of Teatru Rjal (second day) |
12 | Tuesday | 28-08-2018 | Rehearsal held on stage at Pjazza Teatru Rjal |
13 | Friday | 31-08-2018 | General rehearsal and with a possibility that the jury will attend |
14 | Saturday | 01-09-2018 | Final of the L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2018 at Pjazza Teatru Rjal |
External links
L-Għanja tal-Poplu Festival Editions * 1970s: 01 (1973) - 02 (1974) - 03 (1975) - 04 (1976) - 05 (1977) - 06 (1978) - 07 (1979) * 1980s: 08 (1980) - 09 (1981) - 10 (1982) - 11 (1983) - 12 (1984) - 13 (1985) - 14 (1986) - 15 (1987) * 1990s: 16 (1990) - 17 (1992) - 18 (1993) - 19 (1994) - 20 (1995) - 21 (1996) - 22 (1997) - 23 (1998) - 24 (1999) * 2000s: 25 (2000) - 26 (2001) - 27 (2002) - 28 (2003) - 29 (2004) - 30 (2005) - 31 (2006) - 32 (2007) - 33 (2008) - 34 (2009) * 2010s: 35 (2010) - 36 (2012) - 37 (2013) - 38 (2014) - 39 (2015) - 40 (2016) - 41 (2017) - 42 (2018) - 43 (2019) * 2020s: 44 (2020) - 45 (2021) - 46 (2022) - 47 (2023)