Ina Robinich
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Ina Robinich was born on 12 March 1979. She is a singer and Actress and is the youngest among four brothers.
From a younger age shows great interest to the music therefore the parents gave incouragment to practice the piano. She continued to study and practice advocated in the theory and obtained certificates provided by the fifth year of the London School of Music. – she got Qualifications: - Till Grade 4 Piano Practice & Theory at Royal School of Music, London, Till Grade 6 voice practice Royal School of Music, London, Grade 7 Musical Theatre at Trinity Collage, London
She was always be chosen by the music teachers at school to sing as a soloist in concerts organized by the same school and was also in the chorus of secondary school.
Ina has always had a desire to sing as a soloist and gave even the singing is part of the work gave. When she was fourteen years Ina has started voice training at the singer Phylisienne Brincat which through the first original song Għażieża Omm take part for the first time in` festival, through these festivals Ina gained confidence on stage.
In 1998 she get a drama Course with Teatru Rjal Company and make another one in 2001 with Bronk Productios.
In 1999 Ina was a finalist in the Festival Kanzunetta Żgħażagħ where classified in second place with the song Voice of the Moon. Take parti in the same Festival in 2000. She took part in most prestigious festivals including the L-Għanja Tal-Poplu where taken part in 2001, where she sung as a duet with singer Claudette Pace, with the song Għanja Maltija, a year after with Dominic Cini the get a song Nar Tat-Tiben. In 2004 Ina won l-Għanja tal-Poplu with music song Wellidni on the man gave himself Dominic Cini and words Deo Grech.
Taken part in Slavinski Bazaar Singers Contest 2005 in Belarus in 2007 and 2008 taken parti in Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza.
She also studied classical singing under the leadership of Mrs.Beatrice Brochdoff.
Ina addition to singing well loved drama where you say stage became part of the work gave th day. This year will be the tenth year gave that will take part in pantomima to held for the Christmas with the Teatru Rjal company with Paul Testa. She took part in several musicals and concerts including the ischium of other comedies, dram or musicals such as (1999) – Ġesu’ ta’ Nazaret – Produced by Teatru Rjal, (2000) – Sister Act – Produced by Teatru Rjal, (2001) – Il-Ħotbi ta’ Notre Dame – Produced by Bronk Productions, (2001) – Cindirella – Produced by Teatru Rjal, (2002) – Beauty & the Beast – Produced by Teatru Rjal, (2003) – Scrooge – Produced by Teatru Rjal, (2003) – Charlie Chaplin – Produced by Teatru Rjal, (2004) - Ġaħan u Samina – Produced by Teatru Rjal, (2005) – Loorie & Hardy – Produced by Teatru Rjal, (2006) – Aladdin u t-Tfajla tal-Palazz – Produced by Teatru Rjal, (2006) – Dik l-Affari – Produced by Teatru Rjal, (2007) – Popeye – Produced by Teatru Rjal, and (2013)- Ħdiemitna.
She also took part in TV drama too, when got part in Undercover produced by Eileen Montesin and Qalb in-Nies (2007), and Scrooge on Net TV. In (2008)and D.R.E.A.M.S
In September 2014 she took part and ended among the finalists in the final night of the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2014, with the song Ibqa' Ħdejha lyrics by Deo Grech and music by Dominic Cini 'Minik'.
On 17 September, 2015 Ina Robinich taken part in the Final of Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2015 with the song Onesta written and composed by Frederick Camilleri.
On 2 September, 2017 Kapitlu Tlettax with Ina Robinich and Dominic Cini taken part in L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2017 with the song ‘Angtifona ta’ Mħabba’ lyrics by Joseph Calleja and music by Edward Magri.
See also