Monica Said
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Monica Said born at Munxar, Gozo on 4 September, 1997. She is a Singer.
Singing is her passion, in fact she has been singing since she was 13 years old and has been performing in many local events since then.
In 2016 she performed on the main stage of The Farsons Beer Festival. Monica is currently attending Vocal Booth Studios classes and has been chosen as a finalist for L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2017 with the song ‘Ritratt’ lyrics and music by Philip Vella
Apart from being a singer Monica is also a second year student at university, studying B.A. (Hons) in Maltese.
On 2 September, 2017 Monica taken part in L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2017 with the song ‘Ritratt’ lyrics and music by Philip Vella. This was the first that Monica taken part in this festival and she also win a special prize for ‘The Best Interpretation’.