L-Għanja tal-Poplu Żgħażagħ u Addoloxxenti 2005

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The First Edition of L-Għanja tal-Poplu Żgħażgħa u Addoloxxenti 2005 was held on Saturday 10 May , 2005 at the Salesian Theater at Sliema.

Actually this was the the First Edition held by the organisers of L-Għanja tal-Polpu and for the final passed 15 songs for the Final. The songs were all high and the evening was one of the most enjoyable that also includes other diverse talent. Those who did not have the opportunity to be in the hall, will be able to follow this festival in the near future on Education 22 television station.

With fitteen singers in category from 10 and 15 years.

The show was broadcast live on Education 22.

Organizing Committee

Organizer: Fr Maurice Mifsud
Secretary: Alexia Cutajar Conti
Members: Noel D'Amato and Charles Schembri

Tickets & Cd

A copy of the double CD album , the cd with 24 songs of the two Categories issued for sale with a festival programm, from the Youth Talent Centre Office or from the records shows, along with a booklet with all the lyrics of the songs, can be purchased from major music stores, or YTC own at a price of Lm6.50c.

Tickets at € 10 were available from the Y.T.C. 227 Merchants' Street, Valletta.

Final Phase

Here are the 12 Songs featured in the 2007 final editon:-

Song Performers Words Music
Mhux Veru Pauline Briffa Joseph Pace Pauline Briffa
Talba lill-Madonna Danica Muscat Alexia Schembri Chan Vella
Biex Jitwettqu x-Xewqat Kylie Coleiro John David Zammit Klinsmann Coleiro
Tolleranza Jessica Magro Keith Zammit Andrew Zammit
Il-Ħabib ta’ l-Iskola Dario Bezzina, Grecia Bezzina Dario Bezzina Augusto Cardinali
Ħajja Mgħaġġla Decoda Buttigieg Corinne Caruana Anthony Buttigieg
Jiena, Int u l-Melodija Klinsmann Coleiro Justine Grech Andrew Zammit
Maż-Żifna tat-Tfal Brooke Borg Brendan Borg Doreen Cardinali
Ħabib Tassew Domenique Azzopardi Chris Azzopardi Marco Debono
Agħtuna Ħajja Aħjar Christabelle Borg Dorian Micallef Christine Micallef
Ħabib Ġdid Angela Vassallo Charles Azzopardi Sandro Zammit
Bewsa Felicity Rayner Paul Ellul Kurt Spiteri Lucas
Xi Dwejjaq Biancha Casha Rita Pace Jaqueline Cassar
L-Għana tan-Nannu Francesca Zarb Rita Pace Dominic Cini

The Judges

The judges during the live show were: Nazju Abela, Mariella Pisani Bencini, Erica Cini, Luckie Abela, Joe Morana, Fr.Karm Debattista, David Agius Muscat and Jurgen Scicluna.

The Interval

During intervall till was know the final result there where enterterment Olivia Dow Ballet school Dance, The Wild Strength Dancers, and the Festival resident dancers Kieth & Adonelle.

Winners Finalist

Here are the Winning Songs featured in the final:-

No Song Performers Words Music
01 Maż-Żifna tat-Tfal Brooke Borg Brendan Borg Doreen Cardinali
02 Xi Dwejjaq Biancha Casha Rita Pace Jaqcueline Cassar
03 Tolleranza Jessica Magro Keith Zammit Andrew Zammit

Other Winners

  • For Best Social Theme: Rita Pace for the song Xi Dwejjaq.
  • Public vot For Best Presentation: Biancha Casha for Xi Dwejjaq

The Comperes

The Comperes of the Festival where the winner of the 30 Edition Julie Pomorsky,Owen Bonnici and Daniel Chircop.

See also

External links

L-Għanja tal-Poplu Festival Editions
* 1970s: 01 (1973) - 02 (1974) - 03 (1975) - 04 (1976) - 05 (1977) - 06 (1978) - 07 (1979)
* 1980s: 08 (1980) - 09 (1981) - 10 (1982) - 11 (1983) - 12 (1984) - 13 (1985) - 14 (1986) - 15 (1987) 
* 1990s: 16 (1990) - 17 (1992) - 18 (1993) - 19 (1994) - 20 (1995) - 21 (1996) - 22 (1997) - 23 (1998) - 24 (1999)
* 2000s: 25 (2000) - 26 (2001) - 27 (2002) - 28 (2003) - 29 (2004) - 30 (2005) - 31 (2006) - 32 (2007) - 33 (2008) - 34 (2009)
* 2010s: 35 (2010) - 36 (2012) - 37 (2013) - 38 (2014) - 39 (2015) - 40 (2016) - 41 (2017) - 42 (2018) - 43 (2019)
* 2020s: 44 (2020) - 45 (2021) - 46 (2022) - 47 (2023)