This is the user page for Toni Sant, Founding President of the M3P:Foundation.
M3P registered users can leave messages here.
My main interest in this project is to bring together my professional work as an academic with my great passion for all forms of Maltese culture. You can also get a glimpse of some of the M3P-related things I'm interested in from the titles I add to the M3P:Reading Room.
There isn't a formal Toni Sant entry yet, but my Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast details are available through a working list.
I've also created a working list for my radio series Il-Fil tat-Tiġdid, which was originally broadcast on Radju Malta in 1990/91.
You can also check out some of the personal (non-academic, non-administrative, etc ) aspects I'm working on through the following links:
and this...
SEE ALSO: - Toni Sant's personal website
Subpages: a springboard for further research
Things My Father Told Me
M3P in Context: Internet Culture
M3P in Context: Memory Studies
M3P in Context: Oral History
- M3P:Oral History
- Express Scribe - transcription software
- Public Memory Archive - University of Malta
- Oral history on the Chelsea Hotel from Vanity Fair (Oct 2013)
- Unfinished Histories Recording British Alternative Theatre (1968-88) through oral histories and archive material.
- Oral History of American Music from Yale University
M3P in Context: Preservation Efforts
- Digital Preservation Handbook - from DPC
- LoC Preservation Schemes - all vocabularies
- Preservation Events Controlled Vocabulary
- Film Preservation Handbook - from Australia's National Film and Sound Archive
- more on /Film
- Digital Archiving: The 7 Pillars of Metadata from the UK National Archives
- Levels of Digital Preservation Proceedings of the Archiving (IS&T) Conference, April 2013, Washington, DC
- Community Owned digital Preservation Tool Registry (COPTR)
- Archiving Websites and Software Projects
- Magnetic Tape Alert Project
Archives & Databases
interesting things to consider: more springboards for further research
- Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser
- Extension:MultiUpload
- Digitalkoot - a game to index Finland's National Library's archives
- The Grande Guide to Wikipedia
- UK Digital Projects Directory
- Alliance for Permanent Access
- Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale – Nuove Tecnologie per i Beni Culturali
- How to evaluate success online? - Culture24′s first action research project
- Data Seal of Approval
- LOCKSS - Lots Of Copies Keep Stuff Safe + Controlled LOCKSS
- Digital Preservation: LOC + DPE
- Wikiteam software - a set of tools for archiving wikis.
- U.S. National Recording Preservation Foundation gets donation from Jack White + National Recording Preservation Board + National Recording Preservation Foundation
- British Library: Unlocking Audio Conference 2009
- British Library: 80000 free audio recordings 2016
- Activists' Guide to Archiving Video
- Introducing electronic legal deposit in the UK
- MoMA and wikis at museums from the Wall Street Journal
- Sustained Theatre Online Archive Toolkit - An Essential Guide for Archiving in the Performance & Theatre Sector (supported by Arts Council England)
- Missing Believed Wiped (N. Ireland TV project) [1], [2], [3]
- Wipe Out: When the BBC Kept Erasing Its Own History
- A visit to the CBC archives, on the eve of destruction July 2018
- 10 ways to support nonprofits without giving away your art
- Digital Collections in Performing Arts curated by Eric Colleary at the University of Texas at Austin
- Cloudisle - Pointcloud Visualisations of Real Space
- Connecting to Collections Care
academic research
- Wikipapers - compilation of resources (conference papers, journal articles, theses, books, datasets and tools) focused on the research of wikis
- International Journal on Digital Libraries
- International Journal of Digital Curation
- SMI2014 - Sound and Moving Images Collections: digitisation, access, preservation workshop in Malta
- Do Burned CDs Have a Short Lifespan? - PCWorld article (2006)
- The death of the CD industry is leaving millions of audiophile holdouts in the lurch - Business Insider article (16 February 2018)
- Controlled Digital Lending
- CDs sales are growing. How I wish I hadn’t given my beloved collection away - Tom Lamont, The Guardian, 28 Jul 2024
Other MediaWiki projects to consider
- Wiki of the Month - great list of wikis from Semantic MediaWiki
- WikiWorks - a consulting company dedicated exclusively to MediaWiki implementation.
- - good example of MediaWiki use for very specific project
- DBpedia - community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia
- The Archive Team - along with their presence on the Internet Archive [4]
- Wikidata - pulling in data vs entering information manually
- Lansbury Voices - a local history project based in the community
- WikiSpooks - antidotes to official narratives
- WikiSimpsons
- ESAT The Encyclopaedia of South African Theatre, Film, Media and Performance
- Fanlore
- Librivx Wiki
- Monoskop - a wiki for collaborative studies of the arts, media and humanities
- Wikipedia Tools for Wikidata on Google Sheets
- WikiVisually - search wiki visually
- Living heritage in Finland
Other Music projects using MediaWiki
other music/arts projects to consider
- The Paul Bowles Moroccan Music Collection
- Van Morrison database - very comprehensive!
- ECLAP - the e-library for performing arts a European project and Best Practice Network that is bringing together the most relevant performing arts content (videos, photographs, texts, essays, etc.) from cultural institutions across Europe, that were never before accessible via the Internet.
- Ward Irish Music Archives - largest public collection of Irish music in America
- ICAA Documents of 20th-century Latin American and Latino Art digital archive
- John Peel Centre for Creative Arts
- Museum of Endangered Sounds
- Vermont Folklife Center - Field Research Guides
- Digital Traditions providing access to the Folklife Resource Center at McKissick Museum
- Popular Music & Cultural Memory - Australian Research Council (ARC) funded project
- DIY popular music archives and museums - Australian Research Council (ARC) funded project
- Hydrogenaudio Forums The audio technology enthusiasts' resource
- New York Philharmonic - Digital Archives + NYT report
- Harkive - stories from people around the world about how, where and why they listened to music on a single day.
- Why the Cassette Tape is Still Not Dead - from Rolling Stone 18 April 2016
- Miles Davis Universe - Miles Davis’ legacy, represented by every Wikipedia page that mentions him
- Il Discobolo
- Metal Archives
- Our Place - UK music venue memories database
built on WordPress...
- Women's Liberation Music Archive Feminist Music-Making in the UK and Ireland, 1970-1990
- Birmingham Popular Music Archive
- Victorian Illustrated Shakespeare Archive
- Hull Music Archive
other open source projects to consider
- Qwiki - creates interactive, on-the-fly, multimedia presentations of information
- Opencast - Open source collaborative platform
- My OpenArchive
- ROAR - Registry of Open Archives
- Alliance for Permanent Access