M3P:Oral History
Oral history is a method for collecting information worthy of preservation for future generations. The technique normally consists of planned interviews or first person testimonials, captured through audio or video recordings. Transcripts of the recordings are also an essential part of the preservation process.
M3P started using oral history as a preservation technique since its M3P:Inaugural Conference in June 2011.
Initial support for the M3P Oral History Series was provided from the Malta Arts Fund.
This page captures M3P oral history gathering and preservation efforts.
Galea Family Oral History at the National Archives in Rabat
On Friday 3 June 2011 at 7pm, the National Archives hosted a musical/oral history with the Galea Family, at its main premises in Rabat. Composer/pianist Sammy Galea, singer and vocal coach Doreen Galea, were accompanied by their sons Dominic (composer/pianist) and Benedict (percussionist), as well as niece Leontine Spiteri (nee' Camilleri), who is also a singer. The family were interviewed at length by Toni Sant between performances of the most significant songs and compositions they have written and performed throughout their careers.
The video from this event is preserved at the Internet Archive.
Following this session, Toni Sant evaluated M3P's oral history collection and processing methods. [1]
Niltaqgħu mal-Artist
Niltaqgħu mal-Artist is a series of illustrated artist talks co-produced by the MCAST Art & Design Institute and the M3P Foundation. The series features students from MCAST meeting with a Maltese artist for a talk in the MCAST video studio at Tarġa Gap. Further interaction with the artists takes place through filming at their personal studios or other relevant venues.
A pilot run for the series was produced early in 2012, featuring three artists, without any M3P input. The artists in this part of the series are:
For the next production round (September - November 2012), the following three artists were featured:
The M3P segment producers are Noel D'Anastas (Paul Asciak), Michael Bugeja (Erich Azzopardi), and Toni Sant with Charles City Gatt (Freddie Mizzi). Post-production was completed by February 2013. Ian Attard and David Tanti were the production tutors responsible for this series at MCAST, with Stephen Vella as executive producers.
No transcripts are available from this series.
One one video has been uploaded to YouTube (as indicated above). All other videos are presently with MCAST.
Ebejer, Francis and Damian: A Research Project
Early in 2016 Spazju Kreattiv embarked on a research project with Damian Ebejer, stemming from his relationship with his father, Francis Ebejer. As part of this project, on 17 March 2016 Damian was interviewed by Joe Julian Farrugia for M3P at the St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity Studio B.
Sammy Murgo: Oral History
On 17 March 2016 Sammy Murgo was interviewed by Joe Julian Farrugia for M3P at the St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity Studio B.
See also
External links
- Oral History - Wikipedia article
- Oral History: Collection guides - from the British Library
- Training in Oral History - from the East Midlands Oral History Archive
- ↑ Sant, Toni. (2011), ‘Initial Work on the Malta Music Memory Project - and its connections with Oral History,’ Journal of Maltese History 2: 2, pp. 42–50