User:Tonisant/Teaching Wikipedia
Embracing Wikipedia as a Learning & Teaching Resource
I presented these ideas at the University of Hull's Technology Expo on Wednesday 23 March 2011:
Wikipedia is the devil. This is the general feeling from teachers at all levels of education. It's understandable that those of us trained through authoritative, fixed texts would feel this way about Wikipedia. The countless examples of mischief across all sorts of pages reinforces the idea that Wikipedia is not a useful tool for learning and teaching, especially in higher education. However, Wikipedia remains popular with students for all sorts of reason. It's an obvious short-cut to finding out about something, even if what you find out is not always entirely accurate. It's also a great springboard to further online (even offline) information about a specific topic.
If students are going to use Wikipedia anyway, one way or another, why don't we as lecturers and tutors provide them with a support mechanism than ensures they:
a. understand how a wiki really works (i.e. collaboration)
b. learn to distinguish between "reliable", "less reliable", and "unreliable" sources
c. comprehend the difference between subjective and objective viewpoints
d. discover ways to produce data on the internet rather than just consume it
Wikipedia in the Classroom
On Wednesday 5 January 2011 I attended a webinar organized by Educause called Wikipedia in the Classroom: Changing the Way Teachers and Students Use Wikipedia. [1]
The session was presented by Annie Lin [2] [3] [4] [5]
Here are some related links and resources from that session:
- - Wikipedia School and University Projects
- - Wikimedia Bookshelf (CONTAINS RESOURCES AS PDF)
- Wikipedia:CAMPUS - Info on/for Campus Ambassadors
- Wikipedia resources from Educause
- #EduLive on Twitter - worth a look...but may become irrelevant later
- Wikipedia in the Classroom: Changing the Way Teachers and Students Use Wikipedia
- What Wikipedia Can Teach Us About the New Media Literacies
Wikipedia Education Programs
- Category:Wikipedia school and university projects
- Wikipedia:India Education Program
- UK Education Projects
- Wikipedia Education Program
- Global Education Program A–Z
- THE coverage from EduWiki 2012
Wikipedia Ambassador Program
- Wikipedia:Ambassadors | talk
- Support for educators from the Wikipedia Ambassador Program
- Wikimedia Foundation's Public Policy Initiative
- Was introducing Wikipedia to the classroom an act of madness leading only to mayhem if not murder?
Reflections on the use of Wikipedia in the University of British Columbia's course SPAN312, "Murder, Madness, and Mayhem: Latin American Literature in Translation," Spring 2008.
Related Articles by Andy Carvin
Andy Carvin is founding editor of the Digital Divide Network, an online community of more than 9,000 Internet activists working to bridge the digital divide. He is the author of the pioneering online education resource EdWeb: Exploring Technology & School Reform launched in 1994. He has published extensively through his blog, Andy Carvin's Waste of Bandwidth.[6]
- Wikipedia in the Classroom: Consensus Among Educators? 3 July 2006
- Wikipedia Blocks School’s Editing Privileges Due to Vandalism 28 March 2006
- Are Educators Hostile to Wikipedia? 27 September 2005
- Turning Wikipedia into an Asset for Schools 11 July 200
- Wikipediocracy
- Revenge, ego and the corruption of Wikipedia - Andrew Leonard,, 17 May 2013
See also
- Head, Alison, & Eisenberg, Michael. "How today’s college students use Wikipedia for course-related research" First Monday [Online], Volume 15 Number 3 (26 February 2010)
- Wikipedia wants more contributions from academics - Zoe Corbyn, The Guardian, Tuesday 29 March 2011
- Academics, in New Move, Begin to Work With Wikipedia - Josh Fischman, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 28 May 2011
- Now, you can also become Wikipedia's campus ambassador-, 29 May 2011
- Wikipedia in Higher Education Summit held in Boston - Wikimedia Foundation Global Blog, 14 July 2011
- How to Improve the Quality of Wikipedia’s Drivel - Michael Martinez, SEO Theory, 22 July 2011
- For Wikipedia in Education, the future is now - Frank Schulenburg, Wikipedia's Global Education Program Director, 29 July 2011
- Errors in the Encyclopædia Britannica that have been corrected in Wikipedia + Reddit comments about that. [7]
- Gove proposes 'wiki curriculum' - Jeevan Vasagar, The Guardian, Wednesday 11 January 2012
- Kids prefer to 'Google it' than ask teachers or parents - Birmingham Science City study, 2012
- Reaching the Wikipedia Generation: Reference Roundtable Tackles Trends and Thorny Issues by Henrietta Thornton-Verma, Library Journal, 18 April 2012
- GMU Prof Teaches How To Falsify Wikipedia — and Get Caught - Slashdot, Thursday 17 May 2012
- Should Students Use Wikipedia? - Rhett Allain, Wired Science Blogs, 17 November 2012
- How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses - Joshua Davis, Wired, 15 October 2013
- The End of the College Essay - Rebecca Schuman, 'Slate', 13 December 2013
- Wikipedia Pros & Cons - from BGSU
- Using Wikipedia - from Carleton College - EXCELLENT RESOURCE