In January 2011 I started following an online course called Appropriating MediaWiki, offered by P2PU and delivered by Enric Senabre Hidalgo [1] and Toni Hermoso Pulido [2] from Barcelona.
Here are some of the things I discovered and/or learned during the course:
Week 1: why a wiki? why MediaWiki?
We were asked these two questions, along with another and here's my response:
1) What do you think makes a wiki special, compared to other CMS or collaboration tools?
It's simply the level of openness and relative ease for creating hyperlinked pages and resources. You can easily collaborate on a CMS but the level of opennes is rarely paralleled with that of a wiki.
2) Where can we find cool wiki sites on the Web using MediaWiki (apart from Wikipedia)?
There are all the other Wikimedia Foundation sites, of course. See
But I also like the following MediaWiki sites that are not from the Wikimedia Foundation:
3) Which are interesting features of MediaWiki, compared to other wiki softwares?
Not sure how to answer this one because I have only tried PBwiki briefly. What I'd say is that MediaWiki has a substantial developer community behind it and it's the engine that enables all the Wikimedia Foundation projects, which include the world's most popular wiki. For me, these elements in themselves make it attractive aside from (or as much as) any other feature.
Perhaps if I knew about the Wikimatrix before I would have considered another wiki instead of MediaWiki. Looking at Wikimatrix I see that MediaWiki is the only software also available in Maltese, which is where the community I'm currently working with is based from a language perspective, other than English.
Responses from other course members can be found at
Other resources provided by Enric and Toni include:
- For those of you completely new to wikis (you can get the basics here, very visual)
- MediaWiki entry in Wikipedia (sooo long, we just need sections 1 to 5 for this exercise)
- Wikimatrix (a comparison tool for wikis, great "Choose" or "Wiki Choice Wizard" sections)
Toni H.P. aslo said: For your information, MediaWiki is translated collaboratively in website. I guess many languages still need a lot of help. For Maltese, this can be interest for you:
Week 2
We were pointed to a set of videos at
This is a 13-part video instruction on how to edit a wiki that uses MediaWiki software.
Rather than just cover the usual basics, the tutorial covers a good deal of less obvious material, such as the rules surrounding page names and namespaces.