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==Others Prizes==
==Others Prizes==

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The Fifth Editon of the Festival Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza - 1987 this year was held in November.

This year the Organising Committee decieced to do the Festival early and not in September, because for the week celebration they plains several activities, like drama, concerts, Rock Operas and shows for 23 Anniversary from the day Malta came Independent in 21 September, 1964.

So Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza - 1987 was held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 19, 20 and 21 November, 1985 back in the Assembly Hall at the University of Malta at Tal-Qroqq, today we known it as Sir Temi Zammit Hall

Organising Committee

The organizing Committee under the Chairman ship of Charles A.Bellia, issued the regulaitions of the festival, the other members where Charles Stroud, John Camilleri and Doris Stroud. There where submitted 46 songs, and it was very hard for the Jury ? to heard the songs in the eliminatory phase too chose 24 songs for the Final. And after 16 songs was chose to reach the Final.

The teem of the Festival was:- Ngħixu Familja Nibnu Futur.

The Festival

As we taught this year the Festival was held on Friday 2 August, 1985 this time in the Assembly Hall at the University at Tal-Qroqq. And it was another great success Festival that year, and year after year would be strong and build a good reperution with singers, Authors, Composer and the public ingeneral.

In this editon again, the Festival spred over three days, when on day one Thursday 19 November, 1987 was interpreted 12 songs, and from them passed 8 songs to the Finali night, Other 12 songs was held on Friday 20 November, 1987 and from them again passed 8 songs, for the total of 16 songs which competed in the final on Saturday night 21 November, 1987.

For this Edition the Festival Committee’ also issued two cassettes with this songs with a production of Tony Scott and prepare a souverner program with the lyrics of the songs, and photos of the singers taken part, This year they issued two cassettes with the twelve songs in each cassettes, in the second cassette their was also a song by Edwin Vella Niċċelebraw and they was sell at Lm 2.50.

Iżreġ Ja Xemx Ħanina by Doreen Galea was dropt from the final in the last time, although it was issued on the cassettes.

The set design was made by Ruben Caruana, and the special effects by I.T.C System under the direction of Tony Valletta and Lorry Farrugia. The stage direction ws under Charles Bellia and sound in the care of Tony Scott. The price for the show was Lm 1.

The First Semi-Final Song Festival

Here are the 12 Finalist Songs heard on Thursday 19 November, 1987:-

Song Performers Words Music
Merżuq tas-Sliem Josette Camilleri Charles Mifsud Carmelo Zammit
Nibnu fis-Sod Benny Grima & Benny Grima Edwin Vella Edwin Vella
Il-Ħolma Incorvaja Sisters Edwin Vella Edwin Vella
Sar il-Ħin The Roots Frank O’Neill Frank O’Neill
Fejn l-Hena Ssib Agnes Cassar Agnes Cassar Agnes Cassar
Nibqgħu Ħajjien Għal Dejjem Charles Cirillo Charles Dalli Charles Dalli
Ġrajja Waħda X-Tend Charles Dalli Charles Dalli
Iżreġ Ja Xemx Ħanina Doreen Galea Doreen Galea Dominc Galea
Jiem Aħjar Nathalie Farrugia Frederick Camilleri Frederick Camilleri
Żerniq Victor Cutajar & Marie Louise Sammut Ghigo Victor Cutajar Victor Cutajar
Ħolma Olivia Philip Farrugia Randon Sammy Galea
Għanja Lil Malta Ġdida Louis Dalli Joe Friggieri Sammy Galea

The Second Semi-Final Song Festival

Here are the 12 Finalist Songs heard on Friday 20 November, 1987:-

Song Performers Words Music
Naħseb Fikom u Nżomm Sħiħ Frank O’Neill Frank O’Neill Frank O’Neill
Sewwa Sew Illum Sammy Bartolo John Paul Grech John Paul Grech
Magħqudin Nibnu Futur Joe Dalli [[Frederick Camilleri Frederick Camilleri
Metropoli Frederick Camilleri Frederick Camilleri Frederick Camilleri
Feġġet il-Qawsalla Adelina Atatrd Paul Micallef Eileen Micallef
Diska Ġdida Mirage Amadeo Cassar Amadeo Cassar
Meta Tessie Farrugia/td> Paul Falzon Pail Falzon
It-Tama Fil-Futur Freddie Castelletti Patrick Mifsud Dorseille Misfud
Viżjoni Godwin Lucas Joe Friggieri Victor Fenech
Id-Dielja ta’ l-Imħabba Mike Spiteri Ray Agius Ray Agius
Qawsalla Spectrum Ino Mario Busuttil Mario Caruana
Jekk Għadek M’Intix Lest Joe Naudi Charles Mifsud Benedict Galea


During the intervall till one could know the winner result by the jury where enterment by the YADA Dance Company and the winner of 1986 Brown Rice, The Greenfields, Phyllisienne Brincat, and a number of well known singers Benny & Tonia Grima, Marie Louise Sammut Ghigo, Victor Cutajar, Incorvaja Sisters, Brian Muscat, Phyllisienne Brincat, Edwin Vella, Jo Naudi, Frederick Camilleri, Tessie Farrugia, and Godwin Lucas to sing the song by composed by Edwin Vella Niċċelebraw writing after the winning Election of 1986.

Festival Comperes

The compers of the Festival Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 1987 where Hector Bruno , Lilianna Risiott and Robert Abela. In ever place UKAM was ever present.


he prizes where for the first places Lm 100 and a trophie, for the Seconds Lm 60 and trophie and for the Third place Lm 40.

Winner Finalist

Here are the Winning Songs featured in the final:-

td>01 td>02 td>03
No Songs Performers Words Music
Viżjoni Godwin Lucas Joe Friggieri Victor Fenech
Feġġet Qawsalla Adelina Attard Paul Micallef Eileen Micallef
Id-Dielja Ta’ l-Imħabba Mike Spiteri Ray Agius Ray Agius

Others Prizes

  • This same three song win the prize for the Best Lyrics
  • Grajja Wahda – Charles Dalli
  • For Best Music First came Id-Dielja Ta’ l-imħabba by Ray Agius, Second came Viżjoni by Victor Fenech, and Third came Ġrajja Waħda by Charles Dalli
  • Tessie Farrugia got the Trophy for The Best Singer of the Festival
  • Nibnu Fis-Sod by Edwin Vella was the Best Song chose by public