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==125 Sena Banda u anniversarji oħra==
==125 Sena Banda u anniversarji oħra==
[[File:8sanlaw.jpg|300px|thumb|left| Presentation during National Contest of Marches]]  [[File:9sanlaw.jpg|200px|thumb|right| Presentation of Embroidery Standard]]   
[[File:8sanlaw.jpg|300px|thumb|left| Presentation during National Contest of Marches]]  [[File:9sanlaw.jpg|200px|thumb|right| Presentation of Embroidery Standard]]   
Pero` żgur lis-sena 2008 titniżżel b’ittri tad-deheb fl-istorja ta’ din is-Soċjeta`. Kienet is-sena fejn din il-banda iċċelebrat il-125 sena mit-twaqqif tagħha u l-kumitat ħaseb li jħejji programm t’attivitajiet ambizzjuż għal din l-okkażjoni. Fost id-diversi attivitajiet li ġew organizzati kien hemm konkors nazzjonali tal-marċi li ntrebaħ minn Mro Gordon Baldacchino bil-marċ tiegħu ‘Jubilant’. Saret ukoll lejla muziko-letterarja fl-okkażjoni tal-kxif tal-irħama ta’ komemorazzjoni, flimkien ma’ diversi marċijiet brijjużi mill-Banda San Lawrenz kif ukoll mill-Banda Unione u Banda Sant’ Andrija ta’ Ħal-Luqa.
Pero` żgur lis-sena 2008 titniżżel b’ittri tad-deheb fl-istorja ta’ din is-Soċjeta`. Kienet is-sena fejn din il-banda iċċelebrat il-125 sena mit-twaqqif tagħha u l-kumitat ħaseb li jħejji programm t’attivitajiet ambizzjuż għal din l-okkażjoni. Fost id-diversi attivitajiet li ġew organizzati kien hemm konkors nazzjonali tal-marċi li ntrebaħ minn Mro [[Gordon Baldacchino]] bil-marċ tiegħu ''Jubilant''. Saret ukoll lejla muziko-letterarja fl-okkażjoni tal-kxif tal-irħama ta’ komemorazzjoni, flimkien ma’ diversi marċijiet brijjużi mill-Banda San Lawrenz kif ukoll mill-Banda Unione u Banda Sant’ Andrija ta’ Ħal-Luqa.
Barra minn hekk, ġie ippublikat ktieb li jirrakkontra ġrajjiet is-Soċjeta` tul il-125 sena tagħha, b’kitba tas-Sur Anton Attard. Il-banda kienet impenjata ferm b’ recordings ta’ żewg double albums għall-okkażjoni tal-Ġimgħa Kbira u l-Għid kif ukoll b’marċi funebri u valzi kif ukoll marċi brijjużi għall-festa. Pero` żgur li l-qofol taċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet intlaħqu nhar it-30 ta’ Lulju 2008, il-jum li fih ġie inawgurat il-planċier artistiku tas-Soċjeta`, fejn fost spettaklu mill-isbaħ u Programm Muzikali mill-aqwa, inkixef wieħed mill-isbaħ planċieri li hawn f’Malta.
Barra minn hekk, ġie ippublikat ktieb li jirrakkontra ġrajjiet is-Soċjeta` tul il-125 sena tagħha, b’kitba tas-Sur Anton Attard. Il-banda kienet impenjata ferm b’ recordings ta’ żewg double albums għall-okkażjoni tal-Ġimgħa Kbira u l-Għid kif ukoll b’marċi funebri u valzi kif ukoll marċi brijjużi għall-festa. Pero` żgur li l-qofol taċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet intlaħqu nhar it-30 ta’ Lulju 2008, il-jum li fih ġie inawgurat il-planċier artistiku tas-Soċjeta`, fejn fost spettaklu mill-isbaħ u Programm Muzikali mill-aqwa, inkixef wieħed mill-isbaħ planċieri li hawn f’Malta.
Wara din is-sena hekk memorabbli, l-għan tal-kumitat ċentrali kompla jkun li jsaħħaħ u jikkonferma lil din il-banda fost l-aqwa fi gżiritna, u kompla jagħmel dan bis-suċċess tas-servizzi u l-programmi mużikali li jsiru. Il-futur għal din is-Soċjeta` hu wieħed li jipprometti tajjeb ħafna, u ninsabu żguri li s-sena 2010 ħa tkun sena oħra memorabbli għal żewġ avvenimenti; 30 sena anniversarju ta’ Mro Paul Schembri bħala surmast tal-Banda San Lawrenz kif ukoll l-iskambju li din is-soċjeta` qiegħda tipprepara ma’ banda Belġjana. Filfatt il-Programm Annwali li s-Soċjeta` Mużikali San Lawrenz tagħmel kull sena kien propju ddedikat għat-30 sena surmast ta’ Mro Paul Schembri. Dan il-Kunċert Annwali sar fil-Caraffa Exhibition Halls, Vittoriosa Marina, nhar l-24 t’April 2010. Ma setax jonqos li bħal l-okkażjonijiet ta’ qabel, is-Surmast Paul Schembri iżanżan biċċa mużika. Filfatt, għal din is-sena, Mro Schembri ikkompona Grande Marcia bl-isem ta’ 30th Anniversary u propju indaqqet għall-ewwel darba f’dan il-programm.
Wara din is-sena hekk memorabbli, l-għan tal-kumitat ċentrali kompla jkun li jsaħħaħ u jikkonferma lil din il-banda fost l-aqwa fi gżiritna, u kompla jagħmel dan bis-suċċess tas-servizzi u l-programmi mużikali li jsiru. Il-futur għal din is-Soċjeta` hu wieħed li jipprometti tajjeb ħafna, u ninsabu żguri li s-sena 2010 ħa tkun sena oħra memorabbli għal żewġ avvenimenti; 30 sena anniversarju ta’ Mro [[Paul Schembri]] bħala surmast tal-Banda San Lawrenz kif ukoll l-iskambju li din is-soċjeta` qiegħda tipprepara ma’ banda Belġjana. Filfatt il-Programm Annwali li s-Soċjeta` Mużikali San Lawrenz tagħmel kull sena kien propju ddedikat għat-30 sena surmast ta’ Mro Paul Schembri. Dan il-Kunċert Annwali sar fil-Caraffa Exhibition Halls, Vittoriosa Marina, nhar l-24 t’April 2010. Ma setax jonqos li bħal l-okkażjonijiet ta’ qabel, is-Surmast Paul Schembri iżanżan biċċa mużika. Filfatt, għal din is-sena, Mro Schembri ikkompona Grande Marcia bl-isem ta’ 30th Anniversary u propju indaqqet għall-ewwel darba f’dan il-programm.

==Musical Exchange==
==Musical Exchange==

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Soċjeta Mużikali Banda Vittoriosana San Lawrenz A.D.1883

Lis-Storja tas-“Soċjeta Mużikali Banda Vittoriosana San Lawrenz” tal-Birgu

Twaqqif tal-Banda u xiri ta’ Palazzo Huesca

Pic 1: Mro Artz with the Band in a Concert at the Royal Theatre

Il-qasam mużikali fil-festa ta’ San Lawrenz tal-Birgu jmur il-bogħod sewwa fl-imgħoddi meta fil-proċessjoni kien ikun hemm għadd ta’ mużikanti quddiem sew l-ewwel standard fil-proċessjoni. Dan nafuh minn ikonografija qadima li turi l-proċessjoni ta’ San Lawrenz bħala fost l-eqdem festi Maltin. Mal-wasla tal-kavallieri l-proċessjoni kienet dejjem tkun preċeduta minn mużikanti tax-xwieni u dan ġab li mal-wasla tal-Ingliżi f’Malta fil-bidu tas-seklu dsatax, anki dawn kienu jipprovdu mużikanti mill-baned militari tagħhom sabiex jieħdu sehem fil-festa ta’ San Lawrenz. Kien propju dan il-każ li nvolva l-baned militari mal-festi tagħna u hekk ġara li għal bosta snin tal-bidu tal-ħakma Ingliża kellna s-sehem ta’ baned militari fil-festi patronali Maltin tagħna.

The President of the Republic of Malta Miss. Agatha Barbara unveils a Commemorative

Dan kien li ħajjar lil xi Maltin jibdew huma wkoll jinġabru f’għaqdiet mużikali. Lejn is-sena 1858 fi Strada Palazzo Antico del Governatore dak iż-żmien magħrufa wkoll bħala t-Triq ta’ Lhud, grupp ta’ rġiel mill-Birgu bdew jiltaqgħu biex is-Surmast Indri Grima kien jgħallimhom il-mużika u strumenti ta’ dak iż-żmien. Dan il-grupp mexa ‘il quddiem tant li lejn is-sena 1863 krew dar fi ‘Strada Porta Maggiore’ biex hekk ikunu f’post prominenti tal-Belt biex hawn il-banda ħadet laqam bħala l-banda TA’ LJUN. Hekk kien il-bidu tal-banda li ħasra safa fi tmiem tiegħu meta f’Malta fl-1868 kellna l-kolera. Iżda meta għaddiet il-burraxka s-Sur Giuseppe Portelli għaqqad mill-ġdid il-banda li kellha każin fil-Pjazza.

The Band under the direction of Mro. Giumarra

Hawn il-banda bdiet tissejjaħ l-UNIONE u fis-sena 1878 sar Innu lil San Lawrenz li kien dedikat lill-organizzaturi s-Sur Farrugia u s-Sur Cesareo. Il-Pjazzetta dari kienet il-qalba tal-Birgu fejn għadd ta’ nies kienu jgħixu. Minn dak il-kazin il-banda tal-Palma bdiet tesegwixxi l-programmi fosthom dak ta’ Santu Kruċ fil-Belt Valletta taħt is-Surmast Catania fis-sena 1885. Fis-sena 1911 il-każin tal-banda nsibuh fid-dar ta’ ‘Strada Brittania’ Nru 40, illum din it-Triq hija msemmija ‘Triq Hilda Tabone’. Din id-dar kienet laqgħet il-Banda u b’att tal-24 t’Ottubru għand in-Nutar Neriku Saydon ġiet mikrija bħala każin. Billi l-progress tal-banda kien ġmielu speċjalment wara meta kienet f’idejn is-Surmast Giovanni Giumarra, il-kumitat ħabrieki ħaseb għal dar aħjar fil-qalba tal-Belt. L-għazla kienet il-palazz tal-Perit Soler fil-Pjazza u billi dan l-istess perit kien għadu kemm irranġa d-dar u kien ukoll ammiratur tal-istess banda intlaħaq ftehim li l-Kumitat jixtri d-dar tal-pjazza Nru. 10, 11 u 12 fi Pjazza Vittoriosa bħala dar għall-kazin.

100 Sena Banda u s-snin 80

Regatta 1984 Winning Celebrations
Synchronized Fire during the Feast Program

Fl-1983, għeluq il-mitt sena mit-twaqqif tal-Banda saru festi kbar mifruxin fuq sena sħiħa, bil-qofol tal-Festi jkun Programm Vokali u Strumentali mill-Banda ġol-Pjazza nhar l-10 t’Awwissu, Festa Liturġika ta’ San Lawrenz. Fl-okkażjoni tal-Festa ta’ Santa Ċeċilja fl-1987, il-Banda Vittoriosana San Lawrenz ġiet magħzula sabiex tagħmel Programm Mużikali ġewwa t-Teatru Manoel. Fost il-mużika li esegwiet il-Banda taħt id-direzzjoni tas-Surmast Schembri nsibu xogħlijiet ta’ Paolino Vassallo, Giumarra, Bazzini u Tchaikovsky. Bla dubju ta’ xejn, is-sena 1984 tibqa’ tissemma’ fl-istorja ta’ Beltna, meta il-Klabb tar-Regatta tal-Birgu rebaħ għall-ewwel darba ix-Shield tar-Regatta tat-8 ta’ Settembru u il-Banda San Lawrenz ħadet sehem bis-sħieħ fiċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet li segwew.

900 Sena Parroċċa u s-snin ta’ wara

New Banner Presentation in 1994
The new Flag

L-1990 ħabat għeluq id-Disa Mitt Sena tal-Parroċċa. Fil-Festi Kbar li saru l-Banda minbarra li daqqet bosta drabi matul is-sena, esegwiet Akkademja Mużikali ġewwa l-Knisja nhar it-30 ta’ Lulju fejn daqqet xogħlijiet ta’ Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Kan. Fenech, Fabri, Schembri u l-famuż ‘Innu lil San Lawrenz’ għall-Kor, Tenur u Baxx tal-ex Surmast Hector Dalli.Biex jitfakkar l-Anniversarju tal-ħamsin sena minn meta nġiebet l-istatwa ta’ San Lawrenz wara t-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija saret Akkademja Vokali u Strumentali fil-Knisja nhar il-Ħamis 29 ta’ Lulju 1994 fejn il-Banda esegwiet xogħlijiet ta’ Bazzini, Mascagni, Korsakov, Rozsa, Puccini, Dalli u tas-Surmast Direttur Paul Schembri.

Minbarra dan tul dawn l-aħħar snin il-Banda kisbet isem b’diversi Programmi Muzikali li jsiru ta’ kull sena kemm fi swali u teatri kif ukoll nhar is-7 t’Awwissu fl-okkażjoni tal-Festa ta’ San Lawrenz fejn dan il-Programm isir f’Misrah ir-Rebha fuq il-Planċier Meravilja tas-Soċjeta`. Fis-sena 2005 il-Banda esegwiet Programm Mużikali kollu xogħolijiet tas-Surmast Paul Schembri sabiex tfakkar il-25 sena minn mindu ħa t-tmexxija tal-Banda. U fl-2006 avveniment importanti ieħor kienet Akkademja Mużikali biex jitfakkar il-mitt sena mill-mewt tal-Kanonku Dun Alwiġ Fenech.

125 Sena Banda u anniversarji oħra

Presentation during National Contest of Marches
Presentation of Embroidery Standard

Pero` żgur lis-sena 2008 titniżżel b’ittri tad-deheb fl-istorja ta’ din is-Soċjeta`. Kienet is-sena fejn din il-banda iċċelebrat il-125 sena mit-twaqqif tagħha u l-kumitat ħaseb li jħejji programm t’attivitajiet ambizzjuż għal din l-okkażjoni. Fost id-diversi attivitajiet li ġew organizzati kien hemm konkors nazzjonali tal-marċi li ntrebaħ minn Mro Gordon Baldacchino bil-marċ tiegħu Jubilant. Saret ukoll lejla muziko-letterarja fl-okkażjoni tal-kxif tal-irħama ta’ komemorazzjoni, flimkien ma’ diversi marċijiet brijjużi mill-Banda San Lawrenz kif ukoll mill-Banda Unione u Banda Sant’ Andrija ta’ Ħal-Luqa.

Barra minn hekk, ġie ippublikat ktieb li jirrakkontra ġrajjiet is-Soċjeta` tul il-125 sena tagħha, b’kitba tas-Sur Anton Attard. Il-banda kienet impenjata ferm b’ recordings ta’ żewg double albums għall-okkażjoni tal-Ġimgħa Kbira u l-Għid kif ukoll b’marċi funebri u valzi kif ukoll marċi brijjużi għall-festa. Pero` żgur li l-qofol taċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet intlaħqu nhar it-30 ta’ Lulju 2008, il-jum li fih ġie inawgurat il-planċier artistiku tas-Soċjeta`, fejn fost spettaklu mill-isbaħ u Programm Muzikali mill-aqwa, inkixef wieħed mill-isbaħ planċieri li hawn f’Malta.

Wara din is-sena hekk memorabbli, l-għan tal-kumitat ċentrali kompla jkun li jsaħħaħ u jikkonferma lil din il-banda fost l-aqwa fi gżiritna, u kompla jagħmel dan bis-suċċess tas-servizzi u l-programmi mużikali li jsiru. Il-futur għal din is-Soċjeta` hu wieħed li jipprometti tajjeb ħafna, u ninsabu żguri li s-sena 2010 ħa tkun sena oħra memorabbli għal żewġ avvenimenti; 30 sena anniversarju ta’ Mro Paul Schembri bħala surmast tal-Banda San Lawrenz kif ukoll l-iskambju li din is-soċjeta` qiegħda tipprepara ma’ banda Belġjana. Filfatt il-Programm Annwali li s-Soċjeta` Mużikali San Lawrenz tagħmel kull sena kien propju ddedikat għat-30 sena surmast ta’ Mro Paul Schembri. Dan il-Kunċert Annwali sar fil-Caraffa Exhibition Halls, Vittoriosa Marina, nhar l-24 t’April 2010. Ma setax jonqos li bħal l-okkażjonijiet ta’ qabel, is-Surmast Paul Schembri iżanżan biċċa mużika. Filfatt, għal din is-sena, Mro Schembri ikkompona Grande Marcia bl-isem ta’ 30th Anniversary u propju indaqqet għall-ewwel darba f’dan il-programm.

Musical Exchange

Inauguration of Artistic Band Stand
The Banda execute a program in Malta House in Brussels

The year 2010 will also be remembered for the exchange between the St Lawrence Band Club, Vittoriosa and Philharmonie Royale Concordia Ottignies, Belgium. This was the first time that a Band Club in our City invited a foreign musical society for the The visit by the Belgian Band was a huge success, with a wide number of activities organized for their stay on the island. This exchange reached its peak during the Vittoriosa in Festa on 7 August 2010, where both bands performed an international music exhibition in front of a fully packed audience in our main square. After this successful visit, the focus shifted to the band club’s visit to Belgium in the following December.

In fact, the visit of the Saint Lawrence Band Club in Belgium was also a huge success. Everyone was satisfied and delighted with this exchange – the organisers, the musicians who joined us and of course the supporters which joined the band in this visit, apart from all the beautiful places the group visited. The Saint Lawrence Band Club became the first Maltese Band to have played in Malta House, Brussels.

25 Years President’s Anniversary

Ex former President Lawrence V. Farrugia receives a gift on the occasion of 25 year President

In 2012, the St. Lawrence Band Club Vittoriosa also celebrated the 25th Anniversary from the appointment of Mr. Lawrence V. Farrugia as President of the Society. The celebrations reached their peak on 2nd August, when a musical programme and concert were performed on the society’s artistic band stand. Other Band Clubs participated in this event since this year was also the 25th anniversary of Mr. Farrugia as President of the Band Club’s Association of Malta. Along with the musicians, the Bel Canto Choir participated in these celebrations. Mro. Paul Schembri composed a new piece for the occasion, a Classic Overture named the President’s Jubilee and donated it as a present to Mr. Farrugia and the Club.

Inauguration of Palazzo Huesca

Inauguration of Palazzo Huesca

Another page in the Society’s history was written in 2015, when on Monday 3rd August the facade was inaugurated after a long much needed extensive restoration project, and installation of new lights. Nowadays, this facade is described as spectacular, and is an attraction not to be missed during the days of the feast and the rest of the year. On this day the Society’s Palazzo was baptised with the name Palazzo Huesca. In order to commemorate permanently this name, 2 marble signs were installed near the main door; one stating the name of the band club and the other stating the name of the club – Palazzo Huesca. The restoration of the beautiful facade was a long and tedious process which nearly 2 years to be completed. However, the final works are nowadays being admired by the thousands who visit Vittoriosa on an annual basis, be it during sunlight or else at night, where the splendour of the facade will all be glowing with the professional lighting. One cannot miss this beautiful Palazzo with its imposing structure in the middle of Vittoriosa’s main square.

135 Years Anniversary

Logo of 135 Years for Band Formation

The Central Committee of the Saint Lawrence Band Club had planned the year 2018 as another important year in its rich History, due to the fact that this years coincided with the 135th year anniversary of the foundation of the Saint Lawrence Band Club. To this effect, in the months preceding this year, the band club prepared an extensive programme of activities and projects in order to commemorate with the best way possible this particular year. In fact, in October 2017, the competition LOGO 135 was launched where the aim was to have an open submission of potential logos for this anniversary. By the stipulated deadline, more than 30 logos were submitted and the sub-committee set up for this special purpose chose the best logo in its opinion. The 135 year anniversary logo was launched at the end of December 2017 and the winning designer was given an adequate prize.

The Banda at Viagrande, Sicily, January 2018

Soon after the Christmas festivities, in particular between the 13 and 16 January 2018, the Saint Lawrence Band Club went to perform abroad for the 5th time in its history, on the invitation of Associazione Musicale Culturale Bandistica Symphonica Citta` di Viagrande and the Local Council of Viagrande, Sicily, for the feast of their Patron Saint St. Mauro. This visit abroad is part of a broader Musical Exchange programme which will also bring the Sicilian Band in Malta in the beginning of August, for the feast of Saint Lawrence in Vittoriosa. The visit of the Saint Lawrence Band in Viagrande can be described as a huge success, where it played festive marches on the eve and also on the day of the Feast of Saint Mauro. Also, the Saint Lawrence Band performed a musical programme in the main square of Viagrande, just before the beginning of the procession. For yet another time, the Saint Lawrence Band was the Musical Ambassador of Vittoriosa and also of Malta.

New Flag and other decorations in 2018

. In addition, just a few days after the arrival of the band in Malta, the Saint Lawrence Band performed once again, this time in Valletta for the grand opening of Valletta 2018 on Saturday 20 January 2018. it must be noted that the Saint Lawrence Band was the only band club from Vittoriosa and the Cottonera Area taking part in these festivities, and above all meant that the festivities for this anniversary began with a bang!

The celebrations for this Anniversary continued on a high throughout the whole year. In fact, for the occasion of Good Friday, the Saint Lawrence Band Club published a collection of funeral marches on a USB Flash drive. This initiative was quite innovative in the local bands scenario. The same thing was done for festive marches, together with a new recording published on a CD Album. On Easter Sunday, the Band Club inaugurated a new flag bearing its emblem. In June, it held the Annual Concert in Fort Saint Angelo, while in July all activities relating to the Festa period kicked in, whereby the Final of the Snooker 135 Competition was held, Blood Donation initiative in the Main Square, Thanksgiving Mass with the participation of the band and also inauguration of decorations for the inner courtyard of Palazzo Huesca. On 7 August, the Club received two new small flags, the first one with the Maltese Cross and the second one with the emblem of the club. In addition, between 7 and 10 August 2018, the Saint Lawrence Band reciprocated its hospitality to the Associazione Musicale Culturale Bandistica Synphonica Citta` di Viagrande.

Another Musical Exchange

Musical symbolizes Exchange where the band Viagrande was Malta in August 2018

Following the visit of the Saint Lawrence Band to Viagrande and its participation in the Feast of Saint Mauro in January 2018, the Associazione Musicale Culturale Bandistica Synphonica Citta` di Viagrande reciprocated by a visit in Malta and participation in the feast of Saint Lawrence. In fact, the Italian band arrived in Malta on the morning of 7 August 2018 and left Malta on the afternoon of 10 August 2018. During its visit, this Viagrande band participated in the feast of Saint Lawrence on three different days. The first performance was an alternated band march with the Saint Lawrence band on 7 August. Than on 8 August, it performed a band march and a musical concert in the main square, while on 9 August it performed another musical concert in Sally Port and a band march in the Vittoriosa Waterfront. The band members also joined the festivities during the morning march held on 9 August 2018. Without any doubts, this was the jewel in the crown of the celebrations of the 135 Anniversary of the Saint Lawrence Band.


No Band Master From Until
01 Ġiuseppe Portelli, Ignazio Catania 1883 1884
02 Carmelo Abela 1984 1885
03 Ignazio Catania 1885 1888
04 Carmelo Abela 1888 1889
05 Gaetano Grech 1889 1905
06 Alfred Porkiman Hare 1905 1906
07 Durante Magri Grech 1906 1907
08 Ġiovanni Giumarra 1907 1909
09 Gaetano Grech 1909 1910
10 Alfred Porkiman Hare 1910 1912
11 Ġiovanni Giumarra 1912 1924
12 Carl Maria Artz 1925 1927
13 Pacifico Scicluna 1927 1930
14 Ġiovanni Giumarra 1930 1936
15 Pacifico Scicluna 1936 1952
16 Hector H. Dalli 1952 1980
17 Paul Schembri 1980 2015
18 Jonathan Abela 2015
No Name of President From Until
01 Lorenzo Vella 1883 1891
02 Paolo Lanzon 1892 1900
03 Enrico Francica 1900 1901
04 Michele Soler 1901 1905
05 Dr. Alfredo Parnis LL.D. 1905 1907
06 Ġuże Muscat Azzopardi L.P. 1907 1902
07 Dr. Robert Bonello M.D. 1909 1914
08 Dr. William Soler LL.D. 1915 1927
09 Carmelo Camilleri Lanzon 1928 1929
10 Dr.William Harding LL.D. B., Litt. 1929 1930
11 Dr. Lorenzo Casha M.D. 1931 1933
12 Dr. Ġiovanni Calleja LL.D. 1934 1948
13 Dr.Louis A. Buttigieg M.D. 1949 1950
14 Dr.Paul Mallia LL.D., B.A., K.S.S. 1950 1987
15 Lawrence V. Farrugia 1987 2019
16 Bjorn Callus 2019


No Band Master From Until
01 G.Batta Porsella 1983 1888
02 Paolo Antonio Farrugia 1899
03 Carmelo Lanzon 1900 1907
04 G.F. Farrugia 1907 1909
05 Ġiuseppe Calleja 1909 1915
06 Ġiovanni Vella 1915 1925
07 Robert Gatt 1925 1927
08 G. Lucchese 1927 1931
09 Vinċenzo Pule' 1931 1937
10 Benedetto Dalmas 1937 1970
11 Lawrence V. Farrugia, (Jos. Chetcuti) (1980) 1970 1980
12 Lawrence V. Farrugia 1981 1986
13 Alfred Micallef 1987 1995
14 Alfred Micallef, Anton Gellel 1995 1995
15 Anton Gellel 1996 1998
16 Ant. Gauci 1999 2007
17 Noel Gauci 2007
18 Bjorn Callus 2008 2015
19 Paul Bongailas 2015 2016
20 Simon Farrugia 2016


No Band Master From Until
01 Vinċenzo Pace 1883 1888
02 Ant. Serracino 1907 1909
03 Alfredo Lucchese 1909 1915
04 Ġiuseppe De Raffaele 1915 1921
05 Ġiov. Gabrielli 1922 1929
06 D Vella 1929 1954
07 Ġiuseppe De Raffaele 1955 1956
08 Antonio Darmanin 1956 1960
09 Ġiuseppe Calleja 1960 1965
10 Joseph Calleja 1965 1969
11 Francis Gatt 1969 1971
12 Silvio Farrugia 1971 1979
13 John Raggio, Can. Paul Camilleri 1980 1980
14 Can. Faul Camilleri 1981 1982
15 Eugenio Pelicano 1983 1985
16 John Raggio 1986 1987
17 John Powell 1987 1994
18 John Raggio 1995 1999
19 Anton Gellen 1999 2001
20 Johan Pisani (Charles Gellel) 2001 2003
21 Charles Gellel (J.Powell) 2003 2005
22 Mark Agius 2005 2007
23 Oscar Adami 2007


  • L'Unione - 1883 - 1891
  • Duke of Edinburgh - 1899 - 1900
  • Banda Vitoriosana San Lawrenz - 1978 -

Band Commissions

Band Activities Overseas

Soċjeta Mużikali Banda Vittoriosana San Lawrenz - Aboard during Years.

After the progress made by musical societies during the 20th century, they started to contribute more socially, culturally and educationally to their towns and cities. In each of these locations, the societies were making an effort to distinguish themselves and establish their society. The good reputation of some of them was not only known locally, but also internationally. This led to some of them being invited to perform abroad. The St Lawrence Band Club was one of these, as it had shown it was one of the best equipped and popular bands on the island. Wherever it went it always left with full honours, and this was reported in the media both locally and abroad.

The first one of these trips was a pleasure trip together with the musicians, who had to perform a programme in Catania. The contingent should have travelled on 3rd September 1898 and return the following Monday. This trip, however, was cancelled.

Musical Exchange

Historical Events in which the Band participated

Annual Concerts

Annual Musical Activities

Recorded releases (LPs, Cassettes and CDs)


No Name of Cassettes Year Marches Funeral Marches Waltzes Others
01 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (1983) 1983 *
02 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (1985) 1985 *
03 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (1987) 1987 *
04 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (1990) 1990 *
05 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (1992) 1992 *
06 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (1993) 1993 *
07 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (1995) 1995 *
08 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (1996) 1996 *
09 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (1997) 1997 *
10 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (1998) 1998 *
11 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (2000) 2000 *
12 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (2001) 2001 *


No Name of Cd's Year Marches Funeral Marches Waltzes Other
01 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Millennju 2000 2000 *
02 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - (2002) 2002 *
03 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - (2005) 2005 *
04 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - (2008) (Double Album) 2008 *
05 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - (2011) 2011 *
06 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - (2018) 2018 *
07 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Collection from the new Millennium *2018 *
  • Festive Marches Collection from the new millennium - 6 Albums on USB - between 2000 and 2011
No Name of Cd's Year Marches Funeral Marches Waltzes Other
01 Funeral Marches - Marċi Funebri (2001) 2001 *
02 Funeral Marches - Marċi Funebri (2005) 2005 *
03 Funeral Marches & Waltzes - Marċi Funebri u Valzi (2008) (Double Cd) 2008 * *
04 Funeral Marches - Marċi Funebri - Getsemani (2014) 2014 *
05 Funeral Marches - Marċi Funebri - Collection from the New Millennium *2018 *
  • Funeral Marches collection from the new millennium - 4 Albums on USB - between 2001 and 2014

Programmes and Publications


External links