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== History ==
== Lis-Storja tas-Soċjeta Filarmonika L-Unjoni A.D. 1880 ==
[[File: Union Band Club.png|300px|thumb|right|Union Band Club A.D 1880 (Luqa)]]
[[File: Union Band Club.png|300px|thumb|right|Union Band Club A.D 1880 (Luqa)]]
Is-Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni hija organizzazzjoni volontarja reġistrata mwaqqfa lura fl-1880 minn Mro. [[Vincenzo Camilleri]] flimkien mal-għajnuna ta’ wliedu [[Ferdinando Camillieri]] u [[Gavino Camilleri]]. L-iskop ewlieni tat-twaqqif tas-Soċjetà kien li tipprovdi edukazzjoni mużikali lir-raħħala, tfal u adulti, u sussegwentement li tipprovdi divertiment mużikali fid-diversi okkażjonijiet rilevanti.
Tul l-eżistenza tagħha s-Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni kellha l-unur li tqabbad uħud mill-aqwa diretturi mużikali tal-gżira. Ta’ min isemmi Gavino u Ferdinando Camilleri, il-Prof [[Gaetano Grech]], Mro. [[Orlando Crescimanno]], Mro. [[Joseph Abela Scolaro]] u l-Prof. [[Charles E. Zammit]]. Mis-sena 2010, Mro. [[John David Zammit]] huwa d-Direttur Mużikali tal-Banda tas-Soċjetà.
== Appuntament Annwali ==
Minbarra l-impenji tagħha waqt il-festa tar-raħal u servizzi mużikali li jsiru kull sena f’diversi lokalitajiet madwar [[Malta]] u [[Għawdex]], is-Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni ilha tospita kunċert sinfoniku annwali minn nofs is-snin tmenin. Kienet inizjattiva tal-Prof. Mro. Charles E. Zammit, direttur mużikali ta’ dak iż-żmien, biex jibda jtella’ kunċert sinfoniku annwali f’teatru stabbilit. Din l-inizjattiva serviet biex issaħħaħ ir-reputazzjoni tas-Soċjetà tagħna u, fl-istess ħin, offriet lill-mużiċisti tagħha l-opportunità li jesponu t-talenti tagħhom f’ambjent li, dak iż-żmien, kien aktar marbut mal-orkestri milli mal-baned tar-raħal. Kburin ngħidu li konna waħda mis-soċjetajiet filarmoniċi pijunieri li norganizzaw kunċerti sinfoniċi f’uħud mit-teatri ewlenin madwar il-gżira bħat-Teatru tal-[[Istitut Kattoliku]],  [[Teatru Metanoia]] f’[[Ħal Luqa]], iċ-[[Ċentru tal-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi]] u t-[[Teatru Manoel]].
==Żjarat Barra minn Malta ==
F’Novembru 1997 il-Banda L-Unjoni siefru [[Amalfi]], l-Italja fejn apparti li ħadet sehem fil-festa ta’ Sant’ Andrija, għamlet kunċert fi Knisja fil-belt Scala u daqqet ukoll f’Sala Nervi fil-Belt tal-[[Vatikan]] waqt. udjenza mal-'''Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II'''.
F’Diċembru 2018, il-Banda tagħna ġiet mistiedna ttella’ kunċert fil-Palazzo Reale (Palazzo dei Normanni), il-binja li fiha l-Assemblea Reġjonali ta’ Sqallija (ARS). Dan il-kunċert sar fis-Sala Gialla taħt il-patroċinju tal-President tal-Parlament [[Gianfranco Miccichè]]. Matul iż-żjara tiegħu l-kumitat u l-bandisti kellhom ukoll żjara ta’ kortesija fil-Municipio ta’ [[Palermo]] fejn ġew milqugħa minn LeoLuca Orlando, is-Sindku ta’ Palermo.
== Proġetti Reċenti ==
Is-sena 2004 uriet li kienet waħda memorabbli għas-Soċjetà tagħna. Fl-24 ta’ April, il-L-we ospitaw akkademja mużiko-letterarja fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Ħal Luqa u, taħt il-bakkata tal-Prof. Mro. Charles E. Zammit, esegwixxa żewġ xogħlijiet mużikali komposti mill-mibki Mro. Joseph Abela Scolaro; Hymnus in Divum Andream Apostolum u l-Vexilla Regis. Għall-istess okkażjoni l-Banda tagħna kkollaborat mal-Kor [[Urbanu]], taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Mro. [[John Vella]] u wkoll mat-tenur [[Brian Cefai]] u l-baritonu [[Alfred Farrugia]].
Ta’ min isemmi wkoll il-kunċert li sar fl-1 ta’ April 2017, għal darb’oħra fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Ħal Luqa, bl-isem ‘Tristis Est Anima Mea’, li kien fih mużika sagra minn epoki differenti, bis-sehem tal-[[Coro Bel Canto]]. Kunċert tematiku ieħor ta’ suċċess sar fil-21 ta’ April 2018 fil-bitħa tal-Palazz ta’ San Anton li ffoka fuq mużika magħmula għall-industrija tal-films. Dan il-kunċert, bl-isem Movies at the Palace, ġibed udjenza ta’ aktar minn 700 persuna. Kunċert ieħor simili, bl-isem Movies in Concert, sar fiċ-Ċentru tal-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi fl-2019, bl-udjenza laħqet 1,400 persuna.
== Aspetti Oħra tas-Soċjetà Tagħna ==
Apparti l-aspett mużikali li l-Għaqda tagħna kburin għaddiet lill-ġenerazzjonijiet kollha, innovattiv, apparti l-aspett mużikali, is-Soċjetà tagħna hija wkoll waħda mill-organizzaturi tal-festa tar-raħal li saret Ħal Luqa ad unur Sant Andrija Appostlu. Is-Soċjeta’ tagħna għandha numru ta’ sotto-kumitati biex jgħinu fl-organizzazzjoni ta’ dawn il-festi ta’ barra bħall-Fabbrika tan-Nar ta’ Sant’ Andrija, it-Tim tad-Dekorazzjonijiet tat-Triq u s-Sezzjoni Żgħażagħ. Barra minn dawn is-Soċjetà għandha grupp ta’ dilettanti nisa, Media Team, Kids Club u wkoll stazzjon tar-radju tagħha, [[Radju Sant’ Andrija]] li huwa attiv matul ix-xahar tal-festa tar-raħal.
== History Soċjeta Filarmonika L-Unjoni A.D. 1880 ==
[[File: Union Band Club.png|300px|thumb|right|Union Band Club A.D 1880 (Luqa)]]
The '''Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni''' is a registered voluntary organisation established way back in 1880 by Mro. [[Vincenzo Camilleri]] together with the help of his sons [[Ferdinando Camillieri]] and [[Gavino Camilleri]]. The main purpose of the establishment of the Society was to provide music education to the villagers, children and adults alike, and subsequently to provide music entertainment in the various relevant occasions.
Throughout its existence the Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni had the honour of engaging some of the finest musical directors of the island. Worth mentioning are Gavino and Ferdinando Camilleri, Prof. [[Gaetano Grech]], Mro. [[Orlando Crescimanno]], Mro. [[Joseph Abela Scolaro]] and Prof. [[Charles E. Zammit]]. As from the year 2010, Mro. [[John David Zammit]] is the Musical Director of the Society’s Band.
==Annual Appointments==
Appart from its commitments during the village feast and musical services held annually in various localities around Malta and Gozo, the Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni has been hosting an annual symphonic concert as from the mid 1980’s. It was an initiative of Prof. Mro. Charles E. Zammit, musical director at the time, to start holding an annual symphonic concert in an established theatre. This initiative served to boost the reputation of our Society and, at the same time, offered its musicians the opportunity to expose their talents in a setting which, at the time, was more associated with orchestras rather than village bands. We are proud to say that we were one of the pioneering philharmonic societies to hold symphonic concerts in some of the main theatres around the island such as the Catholic Institute Theatre [[Metanoia Theatre]] in [[Luqa]], the [[Mediterranean Conference Centre]] and the [[Teatru Manoel]].
==Visits Abroad==
In November 1997 the L-Unjoni Band travelled to [[Amalfi]], [[Italy]] where, apart from taking part during the feast of St. Andrew, it held a concert in a Church in the town of Scala and also played in Sala Nervi at the [[Vatican City]] during an audience with [[Pope John Paul II]].
In December 2018, our Band was invited to hold a concert at the Palazzo Reale (Palazzo dei Normanni), the building that houses the Sicilian Regional Assembly (ARS). This concert was held at the Sala Gialla under the patronage of the President of Parliament [[Gianfranco Miccichè]]. During its visit the committee and band members had also a courtesy visit at the Municipio of Palermo where they were received by LeoLuca Orlando, the Mayor of [[Palermo]].
==Recent Projects==
The year 2004 proved to be a memorable one for our Society.  On April, 24, the L-we hosted a musico-literary academy at the Luqa Parish Church and, under the baton of Prof. Mro. Charles E. Zammit, performed two musical works composed by the late Mro. Joseph Abela Scolaro; Hymnus in Divum Andream Apostolum and the Vexilla Regis. For the same occasion our Band collaborated with the [[Chorus Urbanu]], directed by Mro. [[John Vella]] and also with tenor [[Brian Cefai]] and baritone [[Alfred Farrugia]].
Worth also mentioning is the concert held on 1st April 2017, again at Luqa’s Parish Church, entitled ‘Tristis Est Anima Mea’, which featured sacred music from different eras, with the participation of the [[Coro Bel Canto]].
Another thematic successful concert was held on 21st April 2018 at the courtyard of the [[San Anton Palace]] which focused on music penned for the film industry. This concert, entitled ''Movies at the Palace'', attracted an audience of over 700 persons. Another similar concert, entitled ''Movies in Concer''t was held at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in 2019, with the audience reaching 1,400 persons.
==Other Aspects of Our Society==
Apart from the musical aspect that our Society proudly passed on to all generations, innovative, apart from the musical aspect, our Society is also one of the organisers of the village feast held in Luqa in honour of St Andrew the Apostle. Our Society has a number of sub-committees to help in organising these outdoor festivities such as the St Andrew’s Fireworks Factory, the Street Decorations Team and Youth Section. Apart from these the Society has a group of female enthusiasts, a Media Team, a Kids Club and a also its radio station, [[Radju Sant’ Andrija]] which is active during the month of the village festa.

== Organisation ==
== Organisation ==

=== Band Masters ===
=== Surmastrijiet ===
{| class="wikitable sortable" name="1st"
{| class="wikitable sortable" name="1st"
! No !! Band Master !! From !! Until
! No !! Band Master !! Minn !! Sa
| 01||[[Mro. Vinċenzo Camilleri]]||1880||1883
| 01||[[Vincenzo Camilleri]]||1880||1883
| 02||[[Mro.  Prof. Gavinu Camilleri]]||1883||1891
| 02||[[Gavinu Camilleri]]||1883||1891
| 03||[[Mro. Emanuel Camilleri]]||1891||1893
| 03||[[Emanuel Camilleri]]||1891||1893
| 04||[[Mro. Prof. Gaetano Grech]]||1893||1904
| 04||[[Gaetano Grech]]||1893||1904
| 05||[[Mro. Chev. Orlando Crescimento]]||1904||1912
| 05||[[Orlando Crescimento]]||1904||1912
| 06||[[Mro. Emanuel Spiteri]]||1912||1920
| 06||[[Emanuel Spiteri]]||1912||1920
| 07||[[Mro. Vincenzo Costa]]||1921||1937
| 07||[[Vincenzo Costa]]||1921||1937
| 08||[[Mro. Joseph Casapinta]]||1937||1938
| 08||[[Joseph Casapinta]]||1937||1938
| 09||[[Mro. Charlie Xuereb]]||1938||1945
| 09||[[Charlie Xuereb]]||1938||1945
| 10||[[Mro. Joseph Abela Scolaro]]||1945||1979
| 10||[[Joseph Abela Scolaro]]||1945||1979
| 11||[[Mro. Prof. Dr. Charles Zammit]]||1979||
| 11||Profs. [[Charles E.Zammit]]||1979||2010
| 12||[[John David Zammit]]||2010||

=== Presidents ===
=== Presidenti ===
{| class="wikitable sortable" name="1st"
{| class="wikitable sortable" name="1st"
! No !! Presidents !! From !! Until
! No !! Presidenti !! Minn !! Sa
| 01||Mro. [[Vincenzio Camilleri]]||1880||1883
| 01||Mro. [[Vincenzo Camilleri]]||1880||1883
| 02||[[Nikola Sammut]]||1883||1899
| 02||[[Nikola Sammut]]||1883||1899
Line 68: Line 111:
| 14||[[Innoċent Camilleri]]||1989||1993
| 14||[[Innoċent Camilleri]]||1989||1993
| 15||[[Salvu Sammut]]||1993||
| 15||[[Salvu Sammut]]||1993||2001
| 16||[[Noel Camilleri]]||2001||2014
| 17||[[Joseph Piscopo]]||2014||

=== Secretaries ===
=== Segretarji ===
{| class="wikitable sortable" name="1st"
! No !! Segretarji !! Minn !! Sa
| 01||[[ ]]|| ||
=== Teżoriera ===
{| class="wikitable sortable" name="1st"
! No !! Teżoriera !! Minn !! Sa
| 01||[[ ]]|| ||

=== Treasurers ===

==Band Commissions==
==Band Commissions==
Line 90: Line 157:

== Recorded releases (LPs, Cassettes and CDs) ==
== Recorded releases (LPs, Cassettes and CDs) ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" name="Name of Cassettes"
{| class="wikitable sortable" name="Name of Cassettes"
Line 102: Line 168:
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Others'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Others'''
| 01||[[Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Mill-Union Banda Club (1994)]]||1994||'''*'''||||||
| 01||[[Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Waslet il-Festa (1992) - Mill-Union Banda Club (1992)]]||1992||'''*'''||||||
| 02||[[Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Mill-Union Banda Club (1994)]]||1994||'''*'''||||||
| 02||[[Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Mill-Union Banda Club (1996)]]||1996||'''*'''||||||
| 03||[[Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Mill-Union Banda Club (1996)]]||1996||'''*'''||||||
| 03||[[Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Mill-Union Banda Club (1998)]]||1998||'''*'''||||||
| 04||[[Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Mill-Union Banda Club (1998)]]||1998||'''*'''||||||
Line 121: Line 189:
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Others'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Others'''
| 01||[[Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (2011)]]||2011||*||||||
| 01||[[Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (1999)]]||1999||'''*'''||||||
| 02||[[Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (2011)]]||2011||'''*'''||||||
Line 135: Line 205:
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Others'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Others'''
| 01||[[Funeral Marches - Marċi Funebri (2017)]]||2017|| ||*||||
| 01||[[Funeral Marches - Marċi Funebri (2017)]]||2017|| ||'''*'''||||

Latest revision as of 09:20, 27 June 2023

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Lis-Storja tas-Soċjeta Filarmonika L-Unjoni A.D. 1880

Union Band Club A.D 1880 (Luqa)

Is-Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni hija organizzazzjoni volontarja reġistrata mwaqqfa lura fl-1880 minn Mro. Vincenzo Camilleri flimkien mal-għajnuna ta’ wliedu Ferdinando Camillieri u Gavino Camilleri. L-iskop ewlieni tat-twaqqif tas-Soċjetà kien li tipprovdi edukazzjoni mużikali lir-raħħala, tfal u adulti, u sussegwentement li tipprovdi divertiment mużikali fid-diversi okkażjonijiet rilevanti. Tul l-eżistenza tagħha s-Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni kellha l-unur li tqabbad uħud mill-aqwa diretturi mużikali tal-gżira. Ta’ min isemmi Gavino u Ferdinando Camilleri, il-Prof Gaetano Grech, Mro. Orlando Crescimanno, Mro. Joseph Abela Scolaro u l-Prof. Charles E. Zammit. Mis-sena 2010, Mro. John David Zammit huwa d-Direttur Mużikali tal-Banda tas-Soċjetà.

Appuntament Annwali

Minbarra l-impenji tagħha waqt il-festa tar-raħal u servizzi mużikali li jsiru kull sena f’diversi lokalitajiet madwar Malta u Għawdex, is-Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni ilha tospita kunċert sinfoniku annwali minn nofs is-snin tmenin. Kienet inizjattiva tal-Prof. Mro. Charles E. Zammit, direttur mużikali ta’ dak iż-żmien, biex jibda jtella’ kunċert sinfoniku annwali f’teatru stabbilit. Din l-inizjattiva serviet biex issaħħaħ ir-reputazzjoni tas-Soċjetà tagħna u, fl-istess ħin, offriet lill-mużiċisti tagħha l-opportunità li jesponu t-talenti tagħhom f’ambjent li, dak iż-żmien, kien aktar marbut mal-orkestri milli mal-baned tar-raħal. Kburin ngħidu li konna waħda mis-soċjetajiet filarmoniċi pijunieri li norganizzaw kunċerti sinfoniċi f’uħud mit-teatri ewlenin madwar il-gżira bħat-Teatru tal-Istitut Kattoliku, Teatru Metanoia f’Ħal Luqa, iċ-Ċentru tal-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi u t-Teatru Manoel.

Żjarat Barra minn Malta

F’Novembru 1997 il-Banda L-Unjoni siefru Amalfi, l-Italja fejn apparti li ħadet sehem fil-festa ta’ Sant’ Andrija, għamlet kunċert fi Knisja fil-belt Scala u daqqet ukoll f’Sala Nervi fil-Belt tal-Vatikan waqt. udjenza mal-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II.

F’Diċembru 2018, il-Banda tagħna ġiet mistiedna ttella’ kunċert fil-Palazzo Reale (Palazzo dei Normanni), il-binja li fiha l-Assemblea Reġjonali ta’ Sqallija (ARS). Dan il-kunċert sar fis-Sala Gialla taħt il-patroċinju tal-President tal-Parlament Gianfranco Miccichè. Matul iż-żjara tiegħu l-kumitat u l-bandisti kellhom ukoll żjara ta’ kortesija fil-Municipio ta’ Palermo fejn ġew milqugħa minn LeoLuca Orlando, is-Sindku ta’ Palermo.

Proġetti Reċenti

Is-sena 2004 uriet li kienet waħda memorabbli għas-Soċjetà tagħna. Fl-24 ta’ April, il-L-we ospitaw akkademja mużiko-letterarja fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Ħal Luqa u, taħt il-bakkata tal-Prof. Mro. Charles E. Zammit, esegwixxa żewġ xogħlijiet mużikali komposti mill-mibki Mro. Joseph Abela Scolaro; Hymnus in Divum Andream Apostolum u l-Vexilla Regis. Għall-istess okkażjoni l-Banda tagħna kkollaborat mal-Kor Urbanu, taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Mro. John Vella u wkoll mat-tenur Brian Cefai u l-baritonu Alfred Farrugia.

Ta’ min isemmi wkoll il-kunċert li sar fl-1 ta’ April 2017, għal darb’oħra fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Ħal Luqa, bl-isem ‘Tristis Est Anima Mea’, li kien fih mużika sagra minn epoki differenti, bis-sehem tal-Coro Bel Canto. Kunċert tematiku ieħor ta’ suċċess sar fil-21 ta’ April 2018 fil-bitħa tal-Palazz ta’ San Anton li ffoka fuq mużika magħmula għall-industrija tal-films. Dan il-kunċert, bl-isem Movies at the Palace, ġibed udjenza ta’ aktar minn 700 persuna. Kunċert ieħor simili, bl-isem Movies in Concert, sar fiċ-Ċentru tal-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi fl-2019, bl-udjenza laħqet 1,400 persuna.

Aspetti Oħra tas-Soċjetà Tagħna

Apparti l-aspett mużikali li l-Għaqda tagħna kburin għaddiet lill-ġenerazzjonijiet kollha, innovattiv, apparti l-aspett mużikali, is-Soċjetà tagħna hija wkoll waħda mill-organizzaturi tal-festa tar-raħal li saret Ħal Luqa ad unur Sant Andrija Appostlu. Is-Soċjeta’ tagħna għandha numru ta’ sotto-kumitati biex jgħinu fl-organizzazzjoni ta’ dawn il-festi ta’ barra bħall-Fabbrika tan-Nar ta’ Sant’ Andrija, it-Tim tad-Dekorazzjonijiet tat-Triq u s-Sezzjoni Żgħażagħ. Barra minn dawn is-Soċjetà għandha grupp ta’ dilettanti nisa, Media Team, Kids Club u wkoll stazzjon tar-radju tagħha, Radju Sant’ Andrija li huwa attiv matul ix-xahar tal-festa tar-raħal.

History Soċjeta Filarmonika L-Unjoni A.D. 1880

Union Band Club A.D 1880 (Luqa)

The Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni is a registered voluntary organisation established way back in 1880 by Mro. Vincenzo Camilleri together with the help of his sons Ferdinando Camillieri and Gavino Camilleri. The main purpose of the establishment of the Society was to provide music education to the villagers, children and adults alike, and subsequently to provide music entertainment in the various relevant occasions.

Throughout its existence the Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni had the honour of engaging some of the finest musical directors of the island. Worth mentioning are Gavino and Ferdinando Camilleri, Prof. Gaetano Grech, Mro. Orlando Crescimanno, Mro. Joseph Abela Scolaro and Prof. Charles E. Zammit. As from the year 2010, Mro. John David Zammit is the Musical Director of the Society’s Band.

Annual Appointments

Appart from its commitments during the village feast and musical services held annually in various localities around Malta and Gozo, the Soċjeta’ Filarmonika L-Unjoni has been hosting an annual symphonic concert as from the mid 1980’s. It was an initiative of Prof. Mro. Charles E. Zammit, musical director at the time, to start holding an annual symphonic concert in an established theatre. This initiative served to boost the reputation of our Society and, at the same time, offered its musicians the opportunity to expose their talents in a setting which, at the time, was more associated with orchestras rather than village bands. We are proud to say that we were one of the pioneering philharmonic societies to hold symphonic concerts in some of the main theatres around the island such as the Catholic Institute Theatre Metanoia Theatre in Luqa, the Mediterranean Conference Centre and the Teatru Manoel.

Visits Abroad

In November 1997 the L-Unjoni Band travelled to Amalfi, Italy where, apart from taking part during the feast of St. Andrew, it held a concert in a Church in the town of Scala and also played in Sala Nervi at the Vatican City during an audience with Pope John Paul II.

In December 2018, our Band was invited to hold a concert at the Palazzo Reale (Palazzo dei Normanni), the building that houses the Sicilian Regional Assembly (ARS). This concert was held at the Sala Gialla under the patronage of the President of Parliament Gianfranco Miccichè. During its visit the committee and band members had also a courtesy visit at the Municipio of Palermo where they were received by LeoLuca Orlando, the Mayor of Palermo.

Recent Projects

The year 2004 proved to be a memorable one for our Society. On April, 24, the L-we hosted a musico-literary academy at the Luqa Parish Church and, under the baton of Prof. Mro. Charles E. Zammit, performed two musical works composed by the late Mro. Joseph Abela Scolaro; Hymnus in Divum Andream Apostolum and the Vexilla Regis. For the same occasion our Band collaborated with the Chorus Urbanu, directed by Mro. John Vella and also with tenor Brian Cefai and baritone Alfred Farrugia.

Worth also mentioning is the concert held on 1st April 2017, again at Luqa’s Parish Church, entitled ‘Tristis Est Anima Mea’, which featured sacred music from different eras, with the participation of the Coro Bel Canto. Another thematic successful concert was held on 21st April 2018 at the courtyard of the San Anton Palace which focused on music penned for the film industry. This concert, entitled Movies at the Palace, attracted an audience of over 700 persons. Another similar concert, entitled Movies in Concert was held at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in 2019, with the audience reaching 1,400 persons.

Other Aspects of Our Society

Apart from the musical aspect that our Society proudly passed on to all generations, innovative, apart from the musical aspect, our Society is also one of the organisers of the village feast held in Luqa in honour of St Andrew the Apostle. Our Society has a number of sub-committees to help in organising these outdoor festivities such as the St Andrew’s Fireworks Factory, the Street Decorations Team and Youth Section. Apart from these the Society has a group of female enthusiasts, a Media Team, a Kids Club and a also its radio station, Radju Sant’ Andrija which is active during the month of the village festa.



No Band Master Minn Sa
01 Vincenzo Camilleri 1880 1883
02 Gavinu Camilleri 1883 1891
03 Emanuel Camilleri 1891 1893
04 Gaetano Grech 1893 1904
05 Orlando Crescimento 1904 1912
06 Emanuel Spiteri 1912 1920
07 Vincenzo Costa 1921 1937
08 Joseph Casapinta 1937 1938
09 Charlie Xuereb 1938 1945
10 Joseph Abela Scolaro 1945 1979
11 Profs. Charles E.Zammit 1979 2010
12 John David Zammit 2010


No Presidenti Minn Sa
01 Mro. Vincenzo Camilleri 1880 1883
02 Nikola Sammut 1883 1899
03 Vincenzo Cremona 1899 1900
04 Nikola Sammut 1900 1923
05 Joseph Azzopardi 1923 1942
06 Joe Azzopardi 1942 1947
07 James Ciappara 1947 1949
08 Dr. John Azzopardi M.D. 1949 1953
09 Eng. Joseph Mary Azzopardi 1953 1957
10 Noe Spiteri 1957 1960
11 Carmel Spiteri 1960 1965
12 Dr. George Borg M.D. 1965 1971
13 Salvu Schembri 1971 1989
14 Innoċent Camilleri 1989 1993
15 Salvu Sammut 1993 2001
16 Noel Camilleri 2001 2014
17 Joseph Piscopo 2014


No Segretarji Minn Sa
01 [[ ]]


No Teżoriera Minn Sa
01 [[ ]]

Band Commissions

Band Activities Overseas

Historical Events in which the Band participated

Song Festivals, Events or Drama Activies

Annual Concerts

Annual Musical Activities

Recorded releases (LPs, Cassettes and CDs)


No Name of Cassettes Year Marches Funeral Marches Waltzes Others
01 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Waslet il-Festa (1992) - Mill-Union Banda Club (1992) 1992 *
02 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Mill-Union Banda Club (1994) 1994 *
03 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Mill-Union Banda Club (1996) 1996 *
04 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi - Mill-Union Banda Club (1998) 1998 *


No Name of Cd's Year Festive Marches Funeral Marches Waltzes Others
01 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (1999) 1999 *
02 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijużi (2011) 2011 *
No Name of Cd's Year Festive Marches Funeral Marches Waltzes Others
01 Funeral Marches - Marċi Funebri (2017) 2017 *


No Name of Cd's Year Festive Marches Funeral Marches Waltzes Others
01 Hymnus in Divum Andraeam Apostoum - 2004) 2004 *

Programmes and Publications


External links