Orlando Crescimanno
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Mro. Orlando Crescimanno was born in Senglea on 13 February 1861 by Ġiovanni and Michelina nee’ Bonnici. It was small among the five brothers. Since childhood he studied music under Mro. Ġiuseppe Wolgenshafer and Mro. Antonio Nani and for many years the viola playing at the Opera Theater orchestra and the Kapella Bugeja and Nani who had the best orchestras to play in churches in those days.
Mro. Orlando Crescimanno began his career as a conductor director of bands with the Soċjeta Filarmonika Banda San Filep of Ħaż-Żebbuġ in October 1902, when it directed a musical program in the square of Żebbuġ.
Crescimanno has established itself as one of the best conductors of that time. His name remains known for ability, humility and patience he had for music education. Both ran to the De Rohan Band was making another one concert programs and on programs. In one word raised the level of the De Rohan Band, and soon established the band as one of the best at that time. As a result, the band was invited musical programs at various festivals around the country. The De Rohan Band lasted under the leadership of Maestro Crescimanno by the year 1906.
In 1915 when the current Bandmaster of the De Rohan Band made some time indisposed, the director of the Soċjeta Filarmonika Banda San Filep was elected as Conductor of Każin San Ġużepp u Banda de Rohan.
During his career as a conductor Orlando Crescimanno directed four other bands other than De Rohan. Union Band Club Luqa (1904 - 1912), the Soċjeta Filarmonika Banda San Filep (1920 - 1921), the Vilhena Band Club of Floriana (1920) and Soċjeta Filarmonika Leone Band Club ( 1911 - 1923), when he spend some time to settle in Gozo.
Among the many headmaster compositions Orlando Crescimanno made to Banda De Rohan and that is very dear to Ġużeppini Żebbuġin, we find the Great hymn of St. Joseph, "Inno a San Giuseppe" to ndaqq first once the feast of St. Joseph the year 1903 accompanied by the children's choir. This was the first great band that composed a hymn to the headmaster Crescimanno.
Other compositions of Maestro are Crescimanno Anthem Band Rohan, La Stella d'Italia, Marcia Caratteristika - 10 settembre, Valzer - Ma Belle, and a number of marches and other funeral marches contained in Society archive. Among his other compositions find operetta "Marchisa Nina", sinfoniji like "Premier", "Purpose Concert" and "Gli EROI" and hymns for St. Philip, St. Andrews and Santa Maria in the sky.
The Crescimanno Orlando Headmaster died Ħamrun on 22 December 1923, at the age of 62 years.
Profil bil-Malti
Mro. Orlando Crescimanno twieled l-Isla fit-13 ta’ Frar 1861 minn Ġiovanni u Michelina nee’ Bonnici. Kienet żgħira fost il-ħames aħwa. Sa mit-tfulija studja l-mużika taħt Mro. Ġiuseppe Wolgenshafer u Mro. Antonio Nani u għal ħafna snin il-vjola daqq fl-orkestra tat-Teatru tal-Opra u l-Kapella Bugeja u Nani li f’dawk il-jiem kellhom l-aqwa orkestri biex idoqqu fil-knejjes.
Mro. Orlando Crescimanno beda l-karriera tiegħu bħala surmast direttur tal-baned mas-Soċjeta Filarmonika Banda San Filep ta’ Ħaż-Żebbuġ f’Ottubru 1902, meta dderieġa programm mużikali fil-pjazza ta’ Ħaż-Żebbuġ.
Crescimanno stabbilixxa ruħu bħala wieħed mill-aqwa kondutturi ta’ dak iż-żmien. Ismu jibqa’ magħruf għall-ħila, l-umiltà u l-paċenzja li kellu għall-edukazzjoni tal-mużika. It-tnejn damu lejn il-Banda De Rohan kienet qed tagħmel programmi oħra ta' kunċert u fuq programmi. F’kelma waħda għolla l-livell tal-Banda De Rohan, u malajr stabbilixxiet il-banda bħala waħda mill-aqwa f’dak iż-żmien. Minħabba f’hekk, il-banda kienet mistiedna programmi mużikali f’diversi festivals madwar il-pajjiż. Il-Banda De Rohan damet taħt it-tmexxija tal-Maestro Crescimanno sas-sena 1906.
Fl-1915 meta s-Surmast attwali tal-Banda De Rohan għamel xi żmien indispost, id-direttur tas-Soċjeta Filarmonika Banda San Filep ġie elett bħala Direttur tal-Każin San Ġużepp u Banda de Rohan.
Matul il-karriera tiegħu bħala direttur Orlando Crescimanno idderieġa erba’ baned oħra minbarra De Rohan. Każin tas-Soċjeta Filarmonika L-Unjoni A.D. 1880 ta'Ħal Luqa (1904 - 1912), is-Soċjeta Filarmonika Banda San Filep (1920 - 1921), il-Vilhena Band Club tal-Furjana (1920) u l-Soċjetà Filarmonika Leone A.D. 1863 (1911 - 1923), meta jqatta’ xi żmien biex joqgħod joqgħod. f’Għawdex.
Fost il-ħafna kompożizzjonijiet ta’ surmast Orlando Crescimanno li għamel lill-Banda De Rohan u li huwa għal ħafna għal Ġużeppini Żebbuġin, insibu l-Innu l-Kbir ta’ San Ġużepp, “Inno a San Giuseppe” biex ndaqq l-ewwel darba l-festa ta’ San Ġużepp is-sena 1903. akkumpanjat mill-kor tat-tfal. Din kienet l-ewwel banda kbira li kkomponiet innu lis-surmast Crescimanno.
Kompożizzjonijiet oħra tal-Maestro huma Crescimanno Anthem Banda Rohan, La Stella d'Italia, Marcia Caratteristika - 10 settembre, Valzer - Ma Belle, u numru ta' marċi u marċi funebri oħra li jinsabu fl-arkivju tas-Soċjetà. Fost il-kompożizzjonijiet l-oħra tiegħu nsibu operetta “Marchisa Nina”, sinfoniji bħal “Premier”, “Purpose Concert” u “Gli EROI” u innijiet għal San Filep, Sant’Andrija u Santa Marija fis-sema.
Is-Surmast Crescimanno Orlando miet il-Ħamrun fit-22 ta’ Diċembru 1923, fl-età ta’ 62 sena.