Rachel Mamo
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Rachel Mamo born on 12 May, 1999. Lives at Santa Luċija. She is a Singer. Rachel comes from and artist background, her uncle is the late Mario Ellul tv director, Producer, Actor and singer for some years with Mirage and her grandfather was Pawlu Ellul a producer presenter on One Radio.
She begain to sing at an younger age, she always like the hear music. And after some singing lessions begain to taken part also in local Festivals such as Stardust Productions and Singers Shine Festivals, where she win Best Voice for more then one time. Rachel as a singer is part of the La Voix Academy directed by Gillian Attard.
In 2016 she went to Sicily taken part in a competition in Una Stella sta Nacendo with other Maltese singers and Italian singers, and she win the first place and also the the Overall Prize who bring her a good sadisfaction for her career.
Rachel together with the singer Kurt Cassar sang the song Nemmen Irrid at the end of the drama teleserial Il-Patt view on One TV every Wednesday night.
Now she is working on an new original english song who will be released in few months. Music for Rachel is a dream of passion, and always dreams about many things that she want to do in music scene.
On 2 September, 2017 Rachel taken part in L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2017 with the song ‘Li Kien Għalija’ lyrics by Rita Pace and music by Marco Debono.