Il-Kor L-Għanja tal-Poplu
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The Choir L-Għanja tal-Poplu. The purposes for which the choir of L-Għanja tal-Poplu was established are threefold. The first purpose is to old songs remain popular Maltese be appreciated by the present generation. The choir director is a state school teacher go and feel that children and youths of today are too concerned about foreign singers and groups, and interest them the Maltese singers and songs.
But when she started learned the Maltese songs in school, they began to realize that fancy, and that children and young people with certain enthusiasm sing with them. So thought that if these songs be presented to them in an interesting way, they appreciate.
Therefore, the first objective is to Fostering appreciation in young generation Maltese songs out, especially old ones. The second aim of the choir is to offer lessons for everyone without money. This is not to exclude families who can not afford to pay.
The lessons take place on a professional level where besides Maltese learn old songs, and learn some music theory, vocal exercises, reading of musical notes and appreciation of English music in all its forms. The third view is that the choir members learn several songs disciplined environment of friendship between them, and have opportunities representations together to Upload getting confidence on stage, raise the profile of their artistic experiences, and have the satisfaction when they applied what they learned in a musical or entertainer apprecieate their work before an audience that after weeks of study and work. The choir meet once a week.
The lesson starts the voice exercises and cultural. Then a little rest until the students, teachers collect household work (which is given each week on the aspect of theory that students have learned the week before). The teacher distributes the work corrected the week before and start 10 minuti theory lesson. After that, start singing the old songs Maltese. Each week students receive printed notes, housework and a CD with a melody or voice students have to study. Many of the songs learned not only one common voice (melody line) but learn other voice based on the SATB (soprano, alto, tenor and bass).
The choir was set up in May 2013 and the first time where members sang that were studied were at the Mass of the feast of St. James Cavallier in the Capital City Valletta. Having enjoyed musical involving drama, singing and dancing. This musical was 45minuta long and was presented to the Minister of Education on the occasion of the renovation of hall of Mary Reginain girls' secondary school at l-Blata l-Bajda.
After the members of the choir again held the same musical in town during the Notte Bianca. Having passed the musical, held in September, students began to learn old Maltese Christmas songs from the CD-Card that was issued the YTC. Since January of last choir began studying several of the most popular songs that came up from the festival 'L-Ghanja tal-Polpu' to sing them as a medley at the opening of the festival, L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2014. Also preparing a spectacle of 20 minutes will combine together the objectives of the people throughout the history of Malta with the occasion of the anniversaries of some national holidays. In the future, this choir is admired to have more occasions where presents what is studied, recording more songs old Maltese and maybe bringing in a CD that can distribute radio stations.
The choir wants to continue working and improving to be able to make a concert of old songs Maltese and Maltese song continues to lead the young generation. Josephine Ebejer Grech choir director.
The choir of l-Għanja tal-Poplu , led by Josephine Ebejer Grech, one could mention all the names of the singer, Britney Galea, Ilenia Camilleri , Chantelle Abela, Rihana Azzopardi, Nicole Camilleri, Shantea Cardona, Brad Cardona, Rachel Lowell, Kurt Lowell, Hayley Bonello, Aidan Cassar, Kayley Cuschieri , Nicole Casha, Kaylie Magri, Tanishia Camilleri, Danizya Camilleri, Jürgen Manicolo, Cherylis Camilleri, Ann Marie Ellul, Lydon Incorvaja, Megan Caruana, and Lara Azzopardi