Anna Azzopardi
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Anna Azzopardi born on 23 February,1981 and comes from the beautiful rural village of Baħrija found on the western side of Malta in the limits of Rabat.
This is the second time that Anna is taking part as a solo artist in the Malta Eurovision Song Contest. Last year she was in the semi-final with the song Unfaithful. However, Anna took part at least another time as backing vocalist when she was selected from the television show Pop-In to experience the big stage in Riga, Latvia in 2003 with Lynn Chircop’s To Dream Again.
Anna got into the local music scene and festivals at a very early age in her life when she formed part of a local band that played in different entertainment functions. She is not a new face on TV as she performed as a resident singer during several television shows, mostly magazine and entertainment programmes on local private channels.
Her participation in local festivals includes twice at the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza, Once at the prestigious Maltese festival L-Għanja Tal-Poplu and of course last year at the Malta Eurovision Song Contest.
Animae is a popular Gospel Choir that is led by prominent singers Pamela Bezzina and Glen Vella. Anna joined Animae three years ago and today she became an integral part of the vocal ensemble. This choir has put together some established singers and performs at various events and functions on a national scale across Malta and Gozo.
Her second attempt at the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2012 is called Still Waiting. The song is composed by Samuel Bugia Garrido and written by Athanasios Nakos. Still Waiting refers to a broken love where one of the partners is living a dilemma, suffering from the break up and still waiting and hoping that one day they will get back together.
Beside this Anna also sing with the great Ira Losco and here band. Where she shows her versilarty as one of a great backing vocalist.
She has two kids at home and a classroom full at school seeing that her full time career is a kindergarten teacher.
On 2 September, 2017 Anna taken part in L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2017 with the song ‘Dil-Qalb’ lyrics by Fleur Balzan and music by Paul Giordimaina.
On Saturday 7 August, 2021 Anna Azzopardi with Dominic Cini as a duet performed the song Se Nirranġaw lyrics and music by Mark Laurence Zammit, this song win the title of Best Social Theame.