Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 1986

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The Fouth Editon of the Festival Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza - 1986 This year the Organising Committee decieced to do the Festival early and not in September, because for the week celebration they plains several activities, like drama, concerts, Rock Operas and shows like Ħajrilliberta‘86 and Kulturrartna’86. for th 21 Anniversary from the day Malta came Independent in 21 September, 1964.

So Konkors Kanunetta Indipendenza - 1986 was held on Friday 2 August, 1986. Originally the Festival could plain to held at the Assembly Hall at the University at Tal-Qroqq, today we known it as Sir Temi Zammit Hall, but the permission was not given, and the event went back fiftheen days back and after was held in Radio City at Ħamrun.

Organising Committee

The organizing Committee under the Chairman ship of Charles A.Bellia, issued the regulaitions of the festival, the other members where Charles Stroud, John Camilleri and Doris Stroud. There where submitted 30 songs, and it was very hard for the Jury to heard the songs in the eliminatory phase held on Saturday 12 July, 1986, too chose 24 songs for the Final. The teem of the Festival was:- Fix-Xogħol Il-Ġejjieni.

The Festival

As we taught this year the Festival was held on Friday 2 August, 1986 this time in the Assembly Hall at the University at Tal-Qroqq. And it was another great success Festival that year, and year after year would be strong and build a good reperution with singers, Authors, Composer and the public ingeneral.

For this Festival the Committee’ agian think to issued a cassette with this songs with a production of Tony Scott and prepare a souverner program with the lyrics of the songs, and photos of the singers taken part, the compers of the Festival where again Hector Bruno and Maria Mintoff and Christine Calleja.

The Song Festival

Here are the 24 Finalist Songs featured in the final:-

Song Performers Words Music
Id f’id Għal Malta [[ ]] Charles Mifsud Carmelo Zammit
Din Hija l-Ħajja Sajjied [[ ]] Frank O’Neill Frank O’Neill
Fil-Futur ix-Xogħol [[ ]] Tonia Grima Benny Grima
Tibżax [[ ]] Paul Falzon Paul Falzon
Nittamaw Fil-Ġejjieni [[ ]] Frank O’Niell Frank O’Niell
Id-Dritt Tax-Xogħol [[ ]] Edwin Vella Edwin Vella
B idla [[ ]] Joe Friggieri Doreen Galea
Robot Mekkanizzat [[ ]] Fredirick Camilleri Fredirick Camilleri
Fix-Xogħol Il-Ġejjieni [[ ]] Edwin Vella Edwin Vella
Fi-Ħdima u x-Xogħol [[ ]] Ġorġ Zammit ofm Mario Cardona
Idejn Felhana [[ ]] Frederick Camilleri Frederick Camilleri
Lilek Ħaddiem Bieżel [[ ]] Charles Mifsud Carmelo Zammit
Fil-Ħidma s-Sliem [[ ]] Paul Falzon Paul Falzon
Mistoqsija [[ ]] Anthony Vella Victor Cutajar
Zepp [[ ]] Victor Cutajar Victor Cutajar
Il-Ħaddiem tas-Sena Brown Rice Joe Friggieri Dominic Galea
L-Għodwa ta’ Qawmien [[ ]] Amadeo Cassar Amadeo Cassar
Uliedna [[ ]] Victor Cutajar Victor Cutajar
il-Ġejjieni Daqt Jibda [[ ]] Benny Grima Benny Grima
Bħali Taf Bi [[ ]] Paul Falzon Paul Falzon
Karba Minn Taħt l-Ilsien [[ ]] Vince Fabri Vince Fabri
Hekk Għad Jiġri [[ ]] Agnes Cassar Agnes Cassar

The Jury

The Jury was composed bye eight members Vinny Vella Sr., Vanni Pulè, Oscar Lucas, Trevor Zahra, Paul Arnaud, Ivan Cumbo, Frank Vassallo and John Schranz to heard the songs in the eliminatory phase held on Saturday 12 July, 1986, too chose 24 songs for the Final. There were representative of UKAM and MEU the Musicians and Entertainers Union.


Winner Finalist

Here are the Winning Songs featured in the final:-

No Songs Performers Words Music
01 Il-Ħaddiem tas-Sena Brown Rice Joe Friggieri Dominic Galea

Others Prizes

  • Il-Ħaddiem tas-Sena by Brown Rice was vote the Best Song chose by public


The trophies was presented by Dr.Guido Demarco President of the Nationalist Party, and at the end he address to the present public.