Talk:Main Page
Much of what's on this talk page is being handled by admins/sysops via the M3P:To Do list. If you see something on here that requires action (rather than discussion) please feel free to add your recommendations on the M3P To Do list Talk Page.
- Discussions on this page are largely of an administrative nature. If you're looking for a discussion on the contents of the M3P you're probably better off going to the M3P:Community Portal – the place to find out what is happening on M3P.
- Discussions about basic new user engagement are now being discussed on the Community Portal talk page leaving only preliminary talk about possible action here, as much as possible.
- Issues that previously discussed on this page that have been settled have been moved to /Settled_Issues.
Migration to new hosting, and to Mediawiki 1.25.2 has happened. The move seems to be (largely) working at first sight, though there will be some wrinkles to iron out as we go. There are some notable additions to the platform:
- Semantic Media wiki (plus semantic map data),
- the ability to embed map data using the Special:MapEditor page
- mobile-aware layout using the MobileFrontEnd extension,
- Scribunto scripting
- more backend improvements for administration
- ...and a whole bunch of other improvements.
A number of pending issues (which previously appeared here) have now been listed on M3P:Redesigning website in 2016.
Lost in migration
This is a list of things/features that got lost in the migration and need to be addressed or have been fixed:
- CAPTCHA - these have been changed, hopefully xpatcha should be a bit more readable now. and more words added tot he wordlist Stephensd (talk) 12:53, 3 November 2015 (UTC)
- COLLAPSIBLE TABLES. Tables are no longer collapsible (click on hide - see here) or uncollapsible (click on show - see here)
- Tables are in fact, still collapsible. It just seems that the class hss changed from collapsible to mw-collapsible - the example shown has been changed Stephensd (talk) 16:06, 26 October 2015 (UTC)
- This is fine for new tables and ones we use frequently can easily be updated, but what about all the other collapsible tables already in the wiki? Can we create a class without the mw- prefix for them? Or is there any easy way to identify where all the tables with the old class are located across the wiki? --Toni Sant (talk) 09:35, 27 October 2015 (UTC)
- doing a quick search for "collapsible" doesn't throw up many candidates, and I've just gone through and tidied those. I've checked through the mediawiki [manuals] and it doesn't really offer any great insights as to what to do with legacy code - I suspect digging into the default codebase is going to be problematic, as any upgrade might immediately bork it anyway, so I want to leave that well-enough alone where possible There is one one small bugaboo at Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza. not sure what I've managed to do to the formatting... Stephensd (talk) 17:20, 27 October 2015 (UTC)
- The new way of handling collapsible tables works fine but I think it may need a couple of aesthetic tweaks. (1) Why does it say both 'collapse' and 'hide' at the top of every collapsible table? (2) 'nowrap' doesn't seem to work on table headers and the 'collapse' and 'hide' links wrap text in the top row in an undesirable way, as can be seen for example here.
- doing a quick search for "collapsible" doesn't throw up many candidates, and I've just gone through and tidied those. I've checked through the mediawiki [manuals] and it doesn't really offer any great insights as to what to do with legacy code - I suspect digging into the default codebase is going to be problematic, as any upgrade might immediately bork it anyway, so I want to leave that well-enough alone where possible There is one one small bugaboo at Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza. not sure what I've managed to do to the formatting... Stephensd (talk) 17:20, 27 October 2015 (UTC)
- This is fine for new tables and ones we use frequently can easily be updated, but what about all the other collapsible tables already in the wiki? Can we create a class without the mw- prefix for them? Or is there any easy way to identify where all the tables with the old class are located across the wiki? --Toni Sant (talk) 09:35, 27 October 2015 (UTC)
- Tables are in fact, still collapsible. It just seems that the class hss changed from collapsible to mw-collapsible - the example shown has been changed Stephensd (talk) 16:06, 26 October 2015 (UTC)
FIXED issues have been moved to /Settled Issues
General Maintenance
Update to 1.34.1 on 20 April 2020. Migrated MySQL database to 5.7 and updated PHP to 7.2.
Patching to 1.19.24 completed yesterday. This is likely to be final 1.19 patch before an upgrade path to 1.24 is planned, as 1.19 is due to be removed form LTS schedules next month. Stephensd (talk) 14:26, 1 April 2015 (UTC)
We were offline this afternoon, due to PHP upgrades, patching and a couple of other issues. Stephensd (talk) 17:23, 25 March 2015 (UTC)
1.19.15 has been released. However, the release notes do not appear to address the significant issues that broke our install. For that reason, I'm holding off. There may come a point, when the issues we identified are resolved, when I can roll all these patches together and apply them, but it isn't yet :) Stephensd (talk) 15:00, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
I have, for the current time, rolled back mw to 1.19.12. This is in response to issues concerning use of HotCat and problems with watchlist functions, inter alia. There seems to be an issue with the 1.19.13 patch, which is acknowledged as a bug at Mediawiki Bugzilla (63049) Stephensd (talk) 11:19, 25 March 2014 (UTC)
Mediawiki has now been patched to 1.19.13 following a security and maintenance update
Stephensd (talk) 08:18, 12 March 2014 (UTC)
- This update seems to have broken HotCat and article watching. It also seems to have opened a "hole" for a new type of rouge registrations to take place whereby not only the captcha is broken but the new rogue user creates a user page and an article with junk content. This latter issue is less problematic than the first two, of course, because there are only one or two rogue users to deal with per day, whereas the other two functions are central to the way the wiki works. Thanks. --Toni Sant (talk) 10:08, 23 March 2014 (UTC)
- I've hacked the Hot Cat Gadget to use the new convention (the gadget is updated direct from Wikimedia servers, instead of on a local copy). I'll check out the captcha and watch code, which has probably been fiddled with by the patch, which I suppose I could look at rolling back, but I've removed the rogue users for today...Stephensd (talk) 22:19, 24 March 2014 (UTC)
Mediawiki has now been patched to 1.19.12 following a security and maintenance update Stephensd (talk) 12:33, 28 February 2014 (UTC)
Mediawiki has now been patched to 1.19.11 following an urgent security upgrade (bugzilla) stephensd (talk) 22:00, 28 January 2014 (UTC)
Mediawiki has now been patched to 1.19.10 following security and maintenance upgrades stephensd (talk) 20:23, 14 January 2014 (UTC)
Mediawiki has now been patched to 1.19.9 following security and maintenance upgrades Stephensd (talk) 16:07, 17 December 2013 (UTC)
Mediawiki has now been patched to 1.19.8 following security and maintenance upgrades Stephensd (talk) 12:11, 10 September 2013 (UTC)
Mediawiki has now been patched to 1.19.6 following security and maintenance upgrades Semantic MW has an upgrade available (1.7.1 -> 1.8.0) but this can happen in the near future Stephensd (talk) 17:38, 6 May 2013 (UTC)
Mediawiki has now been patched to 1.19.5 following security and maintenance upgrades released yesterday Stephensd (talk) 11:39, 16 April 2013 (UTC)
Mediawiki upgraded to 1.19.2 on Aug 31 following earlier migration from 1.15.3 to 1.19.1. Several core security fixes made. Stephensd (talk) 08:34, 31 August 2012 (EDT)
Maintenance templates
We need to develop Maintenance Templates to enable smoother/efficient maintenance. Currently doing this for stubs and clean up notices but we need a systematic way to develop more and use these effectively. --Toni Sant (talk) 10:05, 20 January 2012 (UTC)
• There are now templates in place for Delete and SpeedyDelete marking, as of yesterday Stephensd (talk) 08:34, 31 August 2012 (EDT)
- Can the word HELP in the left hand menu (not the bold one) be replaced by INTERACTION, as in wikimedia pls? --Joejulian (talk) 14:33, 23 March 2016 (UTC)
- A link to Help:Frequently asked questions could be added to left hand menu, under section INTERACTION (HELP up till now) --Joejulian (talk) 14:33, 23 March 2016 (UTC)
Look and feel
- Can we revisit the overall look and feel of the wiki? Specifically: choice of fonts for headers and use of red and blue lettering. Also having problems getting bold and italics to render properly on pages - Alex Grech (talk) This appears to be a Chrome/Firefox issue. We therefore need to keep in mind cross-browser matters. --Toni Sant (talk) 09:21, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
- Can you point me at some specific examples, please? The skins css is fairly compendious and I'd need to know which styles are being affected to be able to narrow things down a touch. Stephensd 15:14, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
- Ok, had a look with Toni. Reverted body fonts to Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif to make sure extended chars in the UTF set are in the fonts. This may have been the problem, with embedded fonts not having them all, so font substitution being used to fill. Stephensd 17:21, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
- Now fiddled with link colours etc. a little more; hope this is more agreeable for the moment, unless there are major objections. Stephensd 22:26, 21 September 2010 (UTC)
- Ok, had a look with Toni. Reverted body fonts to Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif to make sure extended chars in the UTF set are in the fonts. This may have been the problem, with embedded fonts not having them all, so font substitution being used to fill. Stephensd 17:21, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
- I'd like to look at tweaking the Main page banner a bit. The 'fixed' width causes some problems with rendering on the m3pmobile skin Stephensd 17:27, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
- Could we find some alternative colour to green for roll overs? We still have too many different font colours, which are potentially distracting.Alex Grech (talk)
- The header font has been chosen to sit better with the logo and colours. I'll have a look at the hover and active link colors though.
- Other than these, the colours are basically, grey, black and red. For now, ,this fits with the general scheme of things, I think. The external (blue) links are more difficult to sort out - the settings I'm applying in the skin don't seem to be doing what they should be. Stephensd 15:01, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
- Right now, links are in red, but when a link page is visited, it reverts to black and bold text. Could we indicate that a visited link page is still a link page by, say, underlining the link (as is the case in Wikipedia)? Some users are not realising that some bold text actually represents a link. --Alex Grech (talk) 15:37, 21 September 2010 (UTC)
- As it is, the navigation menus (and toolbox)on the left is a bit confusing. Could all the text in the menus be black, and only turn red when either it is rolled over by the cursor (momentarily), or when that particular page is clicked and displayed; ie. if page 'Main Page' is displayed, then the corresponding item in the menu (Main Page) changes to red for as long as that page is displayed...or become underlined for that matter. Tony Grimaud(talk) 18:15, 19 October 2010 (UTC)
- I agree! It's time for us to revisit how we display links, hovers, and visited links. --Toni Sant (talk) 19:36, 19 October 2010 (UTC)
- I fixed the link colors by switching the visited and hover colors in the various css files. There's quite a few of them! This should make things a little less problematic in the foreseeable future. --Toni Sant (talk) 19:30, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
- Still not convinced the link colors are right the way they appear now. Grey visited links are rather confusing. --Toni Sant (talk) 13:14, 4 June 2012 (UTC)
- I agree! It's time for us to revisit how we display links, hovers, and visited links. --Toni Sant (talk) 19:36, 19 October 2010 (UTC)
- As it is, the navigation menus (and toolbox)on the left is a bit confusing. Could all the text in the menus be black, and only turn red when either it is rolled over by the cursor (momentarily), or when that particular page is clicked and displayed; ie. if page 'Main Page' is displayed, then the corresponding item in the menu (Main Page) changes to red for as long as that page is displayed...or become underlined for that matter. Tony Grimaud(talk) 18:15, 19 October 2010 (UTC)
- Right now, links are in red, but when a link page is visited, it reverts to black and bold text. Could we indicate that a visited link page is still a link page by, say, underlining the link (as is the case in Wikipedia)? Some users are not realising that some bold text actually represents a link. --Alex Grech (talk) 15:37, 21 September 2010 (UTC)
- Other than these, the colours are basically, grey, black and red. For now, ,this fits with the general scheme of things, I think. The external (blue) links are more difficult to sort out - the settings I'm applying in the skin don't seem to be doing what they should be. Stephensd 15:01, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
Consistent names for talk/discussion links (pending)
- Another thing that we should look at is the talk/discussion issue. The button at the top of the page reads 'discussion', however, when this button is click, it takes you to a page saying: 'Editing Talk:The Artiste's Name'. This is a bit confusing too. Is it possible to change this to always read: 'Editing discussion:The Artiste's Name'? This way, there will be more consistency. Tony Grimaud(talk) 21:05, 19 October 2010 (UTC)
- Ah, yes, consistency! I've noticed this somewhere else too...can't remember where now. But yes, we need to keep this in mind as we move along. --Toni Sant (talk) 06:58, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
Help section (pending)
How do we improve the help links? --Alex Grech (talk) 08:25, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
- Tony Grimaud is now looking into this and has started by seeing what we can adapt from Wikipedia as a simple set of help pages to get us going. --Toni Sant (talk) 13:46, 16 October 2010 (UTC)
Categories (pending)
We going to need to look at the taxonomy of categories sometime soon as things can easily get out of hand if we allow this to slip from the top of our agenda as more new entries are made. In the process we should also be keeping an eye on Special:UncategorizedCategories / Special:UnusedCategories and Special:WantedCategories --Toni Sant (talk) 13:46, 16 October 2010 (UTC)
Another interesting thing to consider: How to sort the Categories list at the bottom of an article. --Toni Sant (talk) 13:08, 6 October 2012 (EDT)
Technical Considerations
URLs and Permalinks
- Can we activate redirection for non-CasE-sENsiTive titles? This is available on wikipedia - so, is it a configuration option in MediaWiki? - Toni Sant (talk)
- Action on this question has now moved to the M3P:To Do list#URLs_.26_Permalinks_.28ongoing.29. --Toni Sant (talk) 17:51, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
- Emails generated automatically by the system still indicate the webmaster address from We should probably change this to something more appropriate either using or identifying more clearly with m3p on the email address itself. --Toni Sant (talk) 09:38, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
- I think this has been sorted...but I'm not 100% sure. --Toni Sant (talk) 17:51, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
- Can we make all external links open in a new tab or window by default? --Toni Sant (talk) 16:33, 7 October 2010 (UTC)
- I'm thinking that further discussion on the next two sub-sections (naming conventions & refering pages) belongs under help. Let's see if anyone comments about this and/or moves them in the coming days. If not I'll move them myself. --Toni Sant (talk) 17:51, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
Naming conventions
We need to ensure that names of people who are known by nicknames follow this format: Firstname "Nickname" Surname. All variations on the name should refer to the page named this way. This should probably also be on a Help document in relation to style that comes as a linked document from the editorial policy.--Toni Sant (talk) 12:35, 7 October 2010 (UTC)
We also need to look into a naming convention for gig reviews to enable disambiguation for page that bear the same name as an artist page or similar. --Toni Sant (talk) 12:38, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
- I am planning to pay some attention to this issue in the coming weeks. --Steve Borg (talk) 12:36, 28 February 2012 (UTC)
And the rest...
Removed these three links from the Getting Started section on the Main Page because they may be confusing to people visiting the site for the very first time.
We probably need to keep these handy somewhere eventually, but I thought I'd just dump them here for now.--Toni Sant (talk) 11:05, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
And a few other things we need to emulate/adapt:
--Toni Sant (talk) 20:18, 3 November 2012 (EDT)