Ruth Abela
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Ruth Abela know as in music sence as Troffa Ħamra was born at St Catherine’s Hospital at Ħ' Attard on 22 January, 1980, and grow up and lived at Ħaż-Żabbar.
From a younger age Ruth begain to learn music instruments, first the clarinet and after the saxophone and after some years practice she begain the playing with Maltese village bands in different feast round the island.
The passion to the music continued to grow into to her, and continued to learn and get her a diploma in Classical Guitar until Grade 6. When she wet to studied at Malta Johann Strauss School of Music with Wilfrid Buttigieg, Sandro Zerafa and Fernando Benito.
Also Attended Summer Guitar Course by Mro. Simon Schembri at Guerande, France, May 1990, and Attended various master classes for Saxophone until Grade 7 studied with Mro. Raymond Sciberras and Mro. Joseph Vella even got Music Theory until Grade 8, and studied with Ms. Rita Psaila the Clarinet. Studied with Mro. David Agius - Jazz and Attended Jazz Improvisation lessons at Johann Strauss School of Music and also Attended Jazz Improvisation course by Michael Mossman at Mondonedo, Spain, July 2011
Between 1995 and 2006 she lead the children’s guitar choir in her parish centre in Żabbar.
Between 1997 and 2007 she continue learn under the direction of Mro.Paul Abela in the mean time between 1997 and 2005 played with the Johann Strauss Big Band at various events including two editions of The Malta Jazz Festival.
Ruth get her own band too and between 1998 – 2010 with her band Ruth & the Boyz take part in wedding and functions.
Between 2007 and 2010 Ruth played with Siggy’s Band at various swing concerts, festivals, shows and TV programs under the direction of Mro. Sigmund Mifsud.
She played the saxophone with funk band Zizza Ensemble between 2004 – 2010, while between 2008 – 2010 she was part of the alternative folk band Brikkuni playing the clarinet.
On March 2010, produced with Mark Attard and played at first edition of funk concert “What the Funk?!”
July 2010 – September 2011 she studied and performed with body percussion group The Bodyphones
From June 2010 till today Ruth got and gain a lot Music Experience, she studied Jazz with Mro. David Agius and a Attended Jazz Improvisation lessons at Johann Strauss School of Music, while in July 2011 she Attended Jazz Improvisation course by Michael Mossman at Mondonedo, Spain
In June 2010 I have decided to go and spend 6 months out in Spain, Barcelona for the first two months, I had to work , and do Physiotherapy in a hospital and then the other four months spend them travelling around Spain. But I loved Barcelona and I felt comfortable immediately. I began to meet with many musicians and started trapping much inspiration, and so have decided to go Barcelona extend the time.
Although previously known in the alternative Maltese music scene as sax and clarinette player, Abela sings and plays guitar with this band. Other members are Maria Puertas Malagarriga on tuba, Eloi Vidal on trumpet, Feliu Ribera on drums and percussion, and Rafa Buzon Velazquez who plays electric guitar. They are all from Barcelona.
From December 2010 till today Ruth was the Leader and singer of TroffaHamra y los Mechones and with them playing the guitar and singing in various bars and venues in Barcelona, as a soloist, with street band TubaHamra and with TroffaHamra y los Mechones.
Their debut album I Hate You For That was released on 17 February 2013 via Bandcamp. Drummer Mark Abela ż-Żiżża and Andreas Kyriakou (playing cajon and percussions) rather than Feliu Ribera appear on the recording. The second album will be launch on 27 th March 2014 Todo es más bonito – Lest’s Go.