Raquel Galdes
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Raquel Galdes was born on the 5 September, 1996. She's a singer with Raquel as a stagename.
She lives in il-Gudja together with her parents and older brother. Regarding studies, she's currently studying Marketing as well as German.
At the age of 4, she started taking vocal lessons followed by piano lessons just a few years later.
Mentioning younger ages, by that time, she used to take acting and guitar lessons. By today, she decided to focus on what's the most important to her, and so she is focusing mainly on voice but still studying piano. She doesn't imagine what her life would be like without music, especially singing.
Raquel's vocal coach is Ludwig Galea. She focuses mainly on pop songs although she experiments a lot, with her favorite artists being Coldplay.
She's still new to the music scene. Infact, her first appearance was during last Summer in Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza with the song 'Mhux Pupa Biss' composed by Dominic Cini Minik and penned by Rita Pace.
In 2013 beginning 2014 she got her first experience in the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2014 by the song 'Invisible' composed by Philip Vella and penned by Gerard James Borg. On 7 th February 2014 she sings in the Semi-Final in her first apperance in the final, but she did'nt made it to the Final on the 8 th February, 2014.
On 21 November, 2014 Raquel Galdes taken part in the semi-final of the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2015, with the song Stop Haunting Me but unfortunately, she didn’t made it to the Final sixteen.
During 2015 Raquel taking part for the first time in the 39 edition of the festival og L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2015. And on the 21 March, 2015 she was one, of the sixteen finalist with the song Ċans Ieħor written by Daniel Paul Farrugia and composer by Norbert Borg and placed second. This was the first time that Raquel placed and win a trophy in a festival. During this year she is thinking to issued a new single, and later on his first cd Album.
On 24 May, 2016 Raquel issued her first single Signs penned by Emil Calleja Bayliss and composed by Andrew Zammit and production by Tone Studios.
- 2016 - Signs
- 2014 - Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2014 - Mhux Pupa Biss
- 2014 - Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2014 - Invisible
- 2015 - Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2015 - Stop Haunting Me
- 2015 - L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2015 - Ċans Ieħor (2nd Place)