Maria Spiteri
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Maria Spiteri was born on April 11, 1994. She lives in Birkirkara with her family for the first years of her life, today lives in Qawra where she has been staying there since 1998. Maria Spiteri is a singer.
Maria has a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing and works as a nurse at Karen Grech Hospital. She is currently also studying Masters with British University.
One could say that Maria comes from a musical family environment, and she can not fail, when at her young age, whatch their anties and uncle singing refering too Helen Micallef and Renato Micallef, sister and brother from her mother and Marbeck Spiteri her father sister, and she begian singing, to walk on their footsteps. She always love and went for the show and the singing and from her young age always watch them taken part in several festivals or musical worked and participated.
She started singing lessons with her auntie Helen. After some time she started forming part of Ruth Sammut Casingena’s choir were she took part in many shows such as Journey and even took part in her original song. When Maria was around 14 years old, she started forming part of Joseph Calleja’s choir and for three consecutive years, and was part of his concerts which her performs every year with international artists. Today, she form a part of vocalbooth studios under the guidance of Julie Pomorski.
She was the main singer twice a week at the Seabank Hotel in Mellieħa were she worked as an animator and twice a week we used to perform shows were she used to dance and sing too.
Till now she din’t went aboars singing, but she is looking forward to do it one day.
She sang in Joseph Calleja’s concerts, in Rockestra and even in concerts and churches in Christmas time.
Maria had the opportunity to meet Riccardo Cocciante, Dionne Warwick and Michael Bolton when they came to Malta to sing with Joseph Calleja.
From October 2017 Maria is taken part in music serie on televison named Don't Stop Me Now 2017.
Maria admire and she is forever grateful for her aunties and uncle for giving her the gift of singing, her family and friends for always believing in her. And Julie who constantly supports her and is proud of her. Julie guidance and talent, are what makes Maria a professional singer.
On 18 September, 2018 Maria singing in Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2018 (Talent Ġdid) (New Talent) for the first time, with the song orginals song Mann lyrics by Emil Calleja Bayliss and music by Mark Scicluna. Maria came first in the New Talent Section.
On 31 August, 2019 Maria was one of the finalist of the 43 Edition of L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2019 – Festival tal-Kanzunetta Maltija with the song ‘Vuċijiet’ words and Music by herself.
On 19 September, 2019 Maria was one of the finalist in the 28 Edition of Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2019 held at Pieta near Dar Ċentrali with the song 'Ta' Kuljum' lyrics by Emil Calleja Bayliss and composed by Augusto Cardinale.
On Saturday 7 August, 2021 Maria Spiteri with Philip Vella as a duet performed the song Għada Jisbaħ Ukoll lyrics by Emil Calleja Bayliss and music by Philip Vella.