Marco Larski Ellul
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Mark Larski Ellul was born in 18 September. 1968 at Mtarfa Military Hospital Malta. He is a Musician and Composer.
Lived his youthful and teenage years in Sliema. Married to Fiona nee' Mahoney, and got a daughter Daniela.
Always fascinated by music, by the age of 10 he started exploring music more in depth when his father gave him a small, battery operated toy keyboard. During the early 80's started to take great interest in Ska, Reggae and Punk music.
Larski is a self taught musician & composer. Music is a vital part of his life. “It keeps the blood pumping constantly into my veins”. Mark was the co-founder of the very first full electronic band in Malta called The Joy Circuit back in early 1986. Highly influenced by the sound of Depeche Mode, Japan, Art of Noise, Kraftwerk, Devo and many other New Wave, alternative and electronic bands. The Joy Circuit was formed by Jody Fiteni on vocals, Kevin O'Neill on drums & programmable percussion, Jon Debattista keyboards and Larski keyboards. Jon, was replaced by Roger Micallef in early 1987.
They played live several times, particularly with Toni Sant's popular band, Artwork. After the split in 1988 , Kevin, Jody and Roger, formed other bands, especially Goth Rock bands (Prinz Eugene, Dance the Ghost and The Ophidian Twin) but instead of doing the same, Larski decided to hibernate, and for a very long time indeed!
He continued to make music just for fun for several years. During this period, back in the early 90’s, he started to experiment musically with his first computer (a modified Amiga 500 and samplers). During 1994/95 Mark worked on various music projects with Jody Fiteni and his Australian cousin Damian Paris.
In 1999 he made his first debut in a local festival by making the music for the song "Devastazzjoni" (Devastation), lyrics by Joe M. Farrugia and sang by Dominic Cini, for the festival ‘Fl-Ghaqda l-Melodija’. It placed 3rd by Jury votes and 1st place by the audience votes.
Immediately afterwards, he vanished once again for another 6 years. Deciding to work entirely for TV, short movies and theatrical scores, Larski composed the music for several theatrical comedies & drama, including Madame X, which was staged at Manoel National Theatre late 2006. He also made several musical arrangements for veteran Maltese singer Enzo Gusman and composed the music for the last 2 seasons of the popular TV series of "Dejjem Tieghek Becky", including the opening theme.
Larski also composed the incidental music for KC, a ramantic comedy on TVM. Larski composed the entire music for "Midinbin" TV drama on One TV. Sang buy Mark Tonna. He also scored the music for another TV thriller/drama on Net TV by the name of "Rubini" Mark wrote the whole soundtrack for short movie, The Medic . Presently, he's taking another short brake and concentrating on his new hobby which is photography. Until next time.....