Vincent Scerri

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Vincent Scerri (born 13 February 1942) is a radio music presenter.

Vincent has always had a big drag to music, he grew up during the period of Rock 'n Roll, Elvis Presley, Pat Boone, Cliff Richard, The Beatles and Rolling Stones, dance hall days and juke-boxes in bars.

Vincent has always been active in the music scene, even organizing several song contests in the sixties in the Kottonera area. Then he joined Rediffusion and started to gain some experience. In 1968, he started presenting on his own with a Saturday show Id-Disk-Jockey ma għandux Ħtija (the Disk Jockey is innocent). For many years he also presented the breakfast show.

He was also one of the presenters when ir-Radju ta' Malta was founded in 1973 by presenting in weekends.

Vincent Scerri

He also helped in some television productions and presented several local contests. He also served as jury in some of the Malta Eurovision Song Contest editions.

Vincent also wrote some song lyrics, and even wrote a novel by the name of Uncontrollable Desire.

He is also popular with radio oldie shows, using the phrase Ragħad mill-passat (Thunder from the past).

He presented the daily breakfast show on Radju Malta with Anna Bonett: Reġa Sebaħ ma Vincent u Anna.

Presently he presents music shows on One Radio with the programm Ferrovija Mużikali.

See also

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