Vincent Bonnici
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Mro. Chev Vincent Bonnici K.T.L son of Lawrence and Rose nee’ Bonnici was born on 23 November 1960 in Pieta.
A few months later, the family went Bonnici Wales where she lived, and returned to country in 1968 which established itself in il-Birgu, the father country. In 1970 when he was ten years, the Little Vincent began to receive the first music lessons from Mro.Carmelo Vella inside the club the Soċjeta Filarmonika San Ġorġ Bormla of Cospicua and three years later he became a band musician with the same band where has this commitment to the present day. In the beginning it was studying the theory at Ms Rita Micallef, where after a long time has learned at Mro.Carmelo Caruana.
In July 1982 he joined the band of the Armed Forces which is currently one of the soloists of the same band. With the Band of the Armed Forces he traveled seven times, twice to Germany twice to Italy, Brussels, St. Petersburg, Russia and Libya for the Libyan National day. In 1993, he attended the master classes at the University of Malta where he met and made friends with professor David Campbell.
Mro. Vincent Bonnici is composer nice number of marches including the famous march Force Dynamos and many others. In addition he also composed a lot of beautiful Funeral marches dedicated to several people who were so close to it. Mro. Bonnici also made several musical arrangements which arrangements, played at numerous Programs Bands Music by Maltese and even abroad. Furthermore it is headmaster director of Soċjeta Filarmonika San Pietru Banda Birżebbuġa, Mro. Vincent Bonnici is headmaster director of Għaqda Mużikali u Soċjali Madonna tal-Karmnu (Fgura). It also occupies the post of assistant headmaster of Soċjeta Filarmonika San Ġorġ Bormla of Cospicua, assistant conductor of the Għaqda Filarmonika Prince of Wales Own of Birgu, and teacher with Soċjeta Mużikali Sant' Antnin of Birkirkara, and since 1989 teacher allievi with Anici Band and Social Club of Ħal-Qormi where this band has had several opportunities to direct the band.
In December 1995 he took the investiture of Knight in the Order of the eastern tewtonika. He is married to Anna née Schembri and have two children, Lorraine and Dominique.