The Future Stars Concert
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Ally-El Entertainment in early 2018 decided to organize a concert with a 40 piece concert band in aid of Puttinu Cares. The Soċjeta Mużikali Peace, Naxxar, collaborated with Ally-El Entertainment.
An audition was held on Sunday 8th April, 2018 and we recieved 40 applications. The audition was held at St Benedict College, Kirkop where the singers had to audition in front of 3 jury. Mro. Joe Brown, Adie and Marie Claire Attard Bason.
It was very hard to choose for them as all the singers were all talented but a decision had to be taken . In total 21 singers were chosen. The Future Stars Concert is going to be held on Friday 1st June at St Benedict College, Kirkop and finalists are going to be accompanied by the Peace Band Club, Naxxar .
All profit from these activity will be given to Puttinu Cares . Maestro Joe Brown did all the musical arrangements and the band will be directed by Maestro Joseph Chircop.
The Future Stars Concert 2018
First Part of the Concert
No | Singers | Songs | Video |
01 | Emma Cutajar | Ta’ Rasi | (Click for Video) |
02 | Briannah Caruana | Wellidni | (Click for Video) |
03 | Michela Deguara | Valerie | (Click for Video) |
04 | Eksenia Sammut | Hurt | (Click for Video) |
05 | Kaylee Cutajar | Fit-Tieġ tan-Neputija | (Click for Video) |
06 | Shazay Grima | I’m In Love With A Monster | (Click for Video) |
07 | Amy Farrugia | I Can’t let Go | (Click for Video) |
08 | Jan Camilleri | Stars | (Click for Video) |
09 | Raquel Seguna | Something’s Got A Hold On Me | (Click for Video) |
10 | Katryna Borg | Rolling In The Deep | (Click for Video) |
11 | Rihana Azzopardi | River Deep Mountain High | (Click for Video) |
Second Part of the Concert
No | Singers | Songs | Video |
12 | Thea Borg | La Mia Scuola | (Click for Video) |
13 | Gislaine Mifsud | Grande Amore | (Click for Video) |
14 | Mychael Bartolo Chircop | The Great Pretender | (Click for Video) |
15 | Luana Schembri | It’s Raining Men | (Click for Video) |
16 | Elisa Andrea Muscat | Don’t Rain On My Parade | (Click for Video) |
17 | Nathan Psaila | Tu Primo Grande Amore | (Click for Video) |
18 | Kelsey Sant Farrugia | Calore | (Click for Video) |
19 | Julia Camilleri | Mercy | (Click for Video) |
20 | Nicole Hammett | No More Tears | (Click for Video) |
21 | Demi Galea | At Last | (Click for Video) |
The Band Orchestra
The Peace Band Club Orchestra made by an ensemble of fouthy musician under the direction of Mro.Joseph Chircop, while Mro.Joe Brown made all the musical arrangements, this orchestera was made by:-
- French Horns Josef Camilleri and Isabella Borg
- Euphoniums Peter Cini and Ryan Cauchi
- Clarinets Josef Grech, Hertian Gauci, Maris Micallef, Mary Grace Micallef, Kevin Agius, Graziella Brincat and Jo Therese
- Saxes Kenneth Cassar, Lino Pirotta
- Trumpets Justin Azzopardi, Matthew Tonna, Aldo Lucas, Joseph Brincat, Francesco Barbara and Jake Cauchi
- Trombones Christian Lewis, Joseph Farrugia and Joseph Buhagiar
- Bass Guitar Amante Farrugia
- Tuba Mario Testa and Victor Deguara
- Piano Joe Brown
- Strings Carlo Bugeja
- Drum- Kit George Zammit
- Bb Baritone Ryan Magro
- Auxiliary Percussion Anthony Cauchi, Keith Fenech and Emilia Zeinzo Azzopardi
The concert will be hosted by Eliana Gomez Blanco and Aidan Jay Drakard and they durign the concert sang also their winning song of Għanja tal-Poplu Żgħażagħ 2018 ‘Dwell” (Click for Video)
Doriette Gomez Blanco, Rita Zarb, Antonio Camilleri, Lorraine Borg, Claire Borg, Kevin Zerafa and also Eliana Gomez Blanco and Aidan Jay Drakard
- Peace Band Club Naxxar, Kulleġġ San Benedittu Skola Sekondarja, Lonzu Boat Yard, Marindex Trophies, Michelle’s Hair Salon, Beauty Bliss, Glamsquad ,Zuri, Foodbox, MXD Productions, B4 Group, Cakeholic, Copyserv, Mannarinu, Hair by Maria, Nestle, Woman’s Secret, Bella Vista Hotel, Toyland, Choc au lait, Alencia, Studio B