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  • '''Joe Julian Farrugia''' (born 9 April 1962) is a Maltese writer, songwriter and broadcaster. ...uscat Azzopardi prize in the Maltese language from the University of Malta in 1979.
    47 KB (6,289 words) - 13:35, 19 September 2018
  • ...-1982, inħatar ukoll bħala Assistent Direttur u għalliem tal-mużika mal-Każin tal-Banda Queen Victoria AD 1865. ...L.(Mus.) L.C.M. Diploma fl-1993. Fl-1991, inħatar bħala t-8 surmast tal-Każin tal-Banda Queen Victoria AD1865, wara Mro. [[Emmanuel Bugeja]] wara li rtir
    32 KB (4,151 words) - 11:00, 26 September 2023
  • ...''' (1948 - 2010) was the first Maltese-born person to be appointed Bishop in Australia. Christi Seminary]], which at the time was situated at [[Glen Waverley]] in Victoria. He settled quickly, showing himself as a bright student and fine
    9 KB (1,473 words) - 01:21, 23 August 2017
  • ...t filgħaxija. Waqt li Joe kien ħareġ jdoqq sena wara, fil-festa ta’ “Ħadd in-Nies” li ssir f’Ħaż-Żabbar fejn kienu jindaqqu innijiet reliġjużi ...ikkompetta b’ kanzunetta għall-konkors “Kanzunetta tal-Paċi” li kien isir Malta u l-kanzunetta tiegħu, “Jien u int ...”, kienet ġiet l-ewwel fost il-
    10 KB (1,632 words) - 08:31, 26 February 2023
  • ...1994. For a view years she lives at [[Ħaż-Żabbar]] nowadays lives at [[Ħal-Balzan ]]. She is a singer. ...t [[Ħal-Lija]] Primary School, Secordary School at [[Mosta]] and [[Mcast]] in [[Paola]], today she is a Learning Support Assistant at Education Departme
    4 KB (672 words) - 07:55, 7 August 2023
  • ...Vella''' A. Mus. L.C.M., A. Mus. L.S.M, L.Mus. L.C.M., F.V.C.M. was born in [[Birkirkara]] on 15 February 1955. ...years, the Mro. Vella began his musical study, at Mro. Joseph Zammit where in 1969 he joined as bandsmen, with Saint Helen's Band of Birkirkara.
    3 KB (502 words) - 06:13, 16 August 2020
  • ...u Rita. Minħabba l-gwerra l-familja tiegħu marret toqgħod f’kerrejja [[Ħal Balzan]] u għexxu fil-faqar. Kienu żmienijiet iebsa ferm, minkejja dan, il-ġeni ...lfred Darmanin]] li kien involut f’diversi programmi edukattiv fuq [[Radju Malta]] wieħed jew tnejn. Eddie kien ħass ferm it-telfa tiegħu, għal kemm ke
    10 KB (1,493 words) - 07:21, 30 November 2020
  • '''Sammy Murgo''' (born 13 August 1936) is a Maltese [[Jazz]] musician. ...Diacono]]. That was his first paid musical service and Sammy kept playing in churches during feasts with different band masters for some time.
    8 KB (1,357 words) - 00:57, 23 August 2017
  • '''Daniel Muscat''' was born on the 7 July 1991. He is from [[Ħal Balzan]]. By profession, Daniel is an Architect, however he is also a singer. He s ...wn singer and song writer, [[Rita Pace]] and made it to the final of the [[Malta Hit Song Contest - 2010]] with the song Glamorous. During this competition
    3 KB (510 words) - 16:33, 27 August 2021
  • Mro. '''Raymond Sant''' L.Mus.LCM; was born in [[Siġġiewi]] on 17 October 1955. Since his childhood Raymond had a passion for football. In fact, he played both with the under 16 and minor teams of his home town S
    4 KB (659 words) - 09:39, 8 October 2020
  • '''Christopher Azzopardi''' born on 1 September, 1972, he comes from [[Ħal-Balzan]]. He is a Maltese lyric writer and also books author. He had been participating in serveral festivals since the age of fourteen.
    1 KB (177 words) - 10:20, 10 August 2023
  • Fl-1951 laħaq Surmast tal-[[Għaqda Mużikali San Gabriel]] ta' [[Ħal Balzan]] Ii kienet għadha fl-ewwel snin tagħha. [[Category:A-Z of the Malta Music Scene]]
    1 KB (155 words) - 12:44, 22 June 2021
  • ...u kien ukoll Trumpet Major. Mexxa 1-Banda tal-Forzi Armati anki barra minn Malta. ...Direttur tal-Banda tas-[[Soċjeta Filarmonika Marija Annunzjata]] ta' [[Ħal Balzan]] li tagħha huwa wkoll wieħed mill-fundaturi.
    3 KB (384 words) - 09:14, 26 February 2021