Odessa Green
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Odessa Green was born in the Capital City of Malta, Valletta on 1 December 1976. For twelve years she grew up and lived with the Ursuline Sisters at’ G'Mangia, who gave her all their loving, in a special Sister Rose Xuereb was taking also intends as all sisters.
Took her Education at Our Lady Immaculate, Sir Luigi Preziosi and Alfons Maria Galea.
Odessa has always been drive to the stage and singing was very fall in love, she has started at five years with the children's choir under the direction of Sister Magdalene Cauchi, who believed very much in its potential and to further advance and take singing serioursly.
Although she singing with the children's choir, Odessa never had been sang in a festivals before, but she was always active in singing and some were drama too organize by the Sisters.
Unless in 2011 Odessa had an occasion to be, backing Vocal in Sophie Debattista song Love To Love You at Malta Eurovision Song 2011.
Meanwhile Odessa had been invited to go singing at a particular hotel and there was the singer Renato singing, which was impressed with her voice, and it was he, that encourage her, and give her, his help to continue, singing and get experience.
Odessa continued and slowly began to make some also appeared on television in the program including Alfred Zammit popular Kalamita, for some time after became the resident singer of the program filed by Joe ''Ċoki'' Borg Siegħa Żmien ma’ Ġorġ (An Hour time with George).
Until now Odessa, had never got the opportunity to go aboard to sing and rapresenting Malta in a Festival, being always thinging and dreaming about this, and hope that one day it becomes reality too.
Odessa, apart from having any planned projects including recordings of some songs, at present she giving various shows and nights in various hotels and Maltese evenings singing, as well as sing in the evenings more festive with singer Renato where apart that they sing together, also singing along separatley.