Michela Dalli
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Michela Dalli was born on 6 January, 1991. And lives in St Julian’s. She is a Singer.
Michela's singing career has started at the age of 6, joining Cantores Sancti Juliani Choir where she had the opportunity to sing on different occasions both locally and abroad, also performing in a number of festivals around the island and traditional Maltese fiestas.
Some of the events Michela will never forget together with this choir include; the participation in the International Choir Festival Orlando di Lasso held in Rome and at the Vatican City and also the participation in the International Choral Festival Guido D'Arezzo in Arezzo. Apart from these two great experiences, she had the opportunity to sing at a number of prestigious events alongside this choir.
She has realized that music plays an important role in her life therefore Michela decided to take on music theory lessons and Summer Dancing courses. Michela shows great interest in musical theatre and Drama also play an important role in her life, infact she was given the part of Chloe in D.R.E.A.M.S. Together with the D.R.E.A.M.S team she was was part of the amazing opening act of the Malta Song for Europe 2013.
Michela has joined Journey Choir for two consecutive years and had the opportunity to be part of the concert Journey Evolution and was later chosen to be part of Ġensna choir; a very popular Rockestra amongst the Maltese.
About three years ago Michela was lucky enough to take part in a Cabaret for Cambodia show which was a fund raising show that included some of the best local talent in aid of children in need; a great opportunity with a noble aim behind it.
Michela was also a member of EnKor Choir for three years, a choir which covers a vast repertoire of songs such as Gospel, musical songs, classical and pop and found this experience very enriching to her musical knowledge. Together with Enkor she had the opportunity to sing both with the choir and perform as a solo at various concerts including the President’s Christmas’ Eve mass for two consecutive years.
Another experience that is surely treasured forever is the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2011 where Michela managed to place second in the Talent Żagħżugħ category with the song L-Istorja Tagħna back in 2011. Also she had the opportunity to be a backing vocalist in this prestigious festival for three times.
Currently Michela is studying vocal technqiue and is being coached by Pamela Bezzina. Her favourite singing styles are classical songs and ballads. She participated for two consecutive years in You're the Voice Singing Concert organised by Pamela Bezzina and Glen Vella.
At the moments she is one of the semi-finalist in the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2014 in the 'talent Stabbilit' category and will be heading to Italy soon to take part in Voci del Sud 2014 festival.
Michela is looking forward to participate in more unforgettable singing opportunities.
In September 2014 she took part and ended among the finalists in the final night of the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2014, with the song Ġrajjiet lyrics by Stephen Baldacchino and music by Dominic Cini 'Minik'.
On 17 September, 2015 Michela Dalli taken part in the Final of Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2015 with the song Kelma Bejn Tnejn written by Rita Pace and composed by Andrew Zahra.
In July 2016 Michela took part in the L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2006 – (Festival Kanzunetta Maltija) with the song Taptipa Fuq L-Ispallejn lyricist by Emil Calleja Bayliss and composed by Pamela Bezzina. She passed from the Semi-Final held on Thursday 7 July, 2016 but he didn't made it,for the Final Night held on Saturday 9 July, 2016.
On 2 September, 2017 Michela taken part in L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2017 in a duet with Sebastian Carl Calleja with the song ‘Mill-Għatba ’l Barra’ lyrics and music by Dario Bezzina.
On 19 September, 2017 Michela taken part in Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2017 with the song ‘Ħabib Għalliem’ lyrics by Emil Calleja Bayliss and music by Andrew Zahra.