Kevin Cortis
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Kevin Cortis from l-Imtarfa, was born on 19 September 1992. He is a singer.
From an early age he started showing interest in music.
He started his singing career at the age of 10 by being a member of the Malta Children’s Choir under the direction of Ray Mangion. During that time he also started taking music theory and piano lessons under the guidance of Denise Cortis.
Kevin was also a member of the Mtarfa Parish Church Youth Choir from the age of 14 till the age of 20. He was also a member of the Mtarfa Drama Group were he participated in various plays and pageants.
After finishing his A Levels he wanted to take the singing career more serious and started taking lessons. Presently his vocal coach is Ina Robinich at Vocal Lane.
On the 18 of September, Kevin is taking part in Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2018 with the song ‘Issa…’ written by Joe Julian Farrugia and composed by Dominic Cini.
On 19 September, 2019 Kevin for the second year was one of the finalist in the 28 Edition of Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2019 held at Pieta near Dar Ċentrali with the song 'Kif Ma Tismax' lyrics by Andrew Vella and composed by Dominic Cini, incidentaly on his birthday and he win the Televoting Prize with this song.
Year | Festival | Songs | Lyrics | Composer | Placed | Video |
2018 | Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2018 | Issa.. | Joe Julian Farrugia | Dominic Cini | (Click for Video) | |
2019 | Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2019 | Kid Ma Tismax | Andrew Vella | Dominic | 1st.Place Televoting Prize KKI- 2019 | (Click for Video) |