Dwayne Cassar
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Dwayne Cassar Born on 4 August, 1992. He Comes from from Fgura. He is the Bass Guitar of the band Cushion.
Currently bass player for local Indian Fusion Band Cushion. Started discovering Bass playing at the age of 14. Eventually he formed an alternative/ commercial rock band together with his brother and best friend. In the meantime Dwayne also was doing some work together with experienced Rock band Purple Haze. These ventures eventually led to bigger things, and he was asked to join forces with one of Malta's top Hard Rock bands, A Day too Late, and continued to build up his experience of live performances and songwriting. Eventually the band split up and Dwayne was invited to join Cushion's promising and diverse project.
Although this was a challenge, due the diversity in style, Dwayne accepted this offer open heartedly, and eventually proved to be the right choice. At this point, Cushion started growing in popularity with their intense live shows locally. These performances were a stepping stone towards the invitation to perform live in North Cyprus, were Dwayne together with the band also recorded the material for Cushion's upcoming debut album.
Currently writing new songs for 2018 with Cushion, and preparing himself with the rest of the band for yet another promising year.