Wallace Philip Gulia
Judge Professor Wallace Philip Gulia (4 March 1926 - 11 June 2000) was born on 4 March 1926 son of Salvatore and Carmen née Cilia.
He began his studies at the Liceum between 1936 and 1942 and continued at the universities of Malta, London and Manchester where he obtained the B.Sc.,Ph.C in 1945, B.A. in 1949 and LL.D. in 1952. He worked in favour of the Maltese language as a Secretary of the Għaqda tal-Malti at the University of Malta, and also occupied the post of President of the Akkademja Tal-Malti between 1974 and 1984.
Judge Gulia was a lecturer in Public Administration and Social and Political Theory and also taught the Administration Law. He held the post of Crown Attorney and was chairman of the Land Arbitration Board, the Mental Health Review Tribunal, the University Students Council and the Malta Society of the Blind.
He participated and read papers in international conferences in Beirut and New Delhi. He was a member of the Royal Institute of Public Administration of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1947 and a judge of the Maltese Courts between 1983 and 1992.
Wallace Gulia was a leading writer of prose and poet. His publications include:
- "L-Ewwel Għanja" a collection of poems published in 1947
- "Poeżiji Miġbura 1947-1972" published in 1974
- "Marjana, poeziji Marjani" (1984)
- "U Alla deher lill-Bniedem poema eroiku u teofaniku" (1990),
- "Social Harmony" (1948)
- "Two Papers" (1949)
- " Voluntary Effort in the Modern World" (1950)
- "L-Amministrazzjoni Pubblika" (1956)
- "Il-Bniedem u l-Organizzazzjoni tax-Xogħol" (1958)
- "Government Liability in Malta" (1974).
Judge Gulia passed away on 11 June 2000 aged 74.