Soċjeta Mużikali Trinita Qaddisa

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Storja tal-Banda Soċjeta Mużikali Trinita Qaddisa

Soċjeta' Mużikali Trinita Qaddisa - A.D. 1949



No Surmastrijiet Minn Sa
01 Antonio Zammit 1948 1956
02 Giuseppe Maria Barbara 1956 1977
03 Abel Joseph Mizzi 1977 2002
04 Ugo Buhagiar 2002 2011
05 David Joseph Sammut 2011


No Presidenti Minn Sa
01 Emanuel J.Refalo 1946 1949
02 Manwel Bonnici 1949 1957
03 Anton Cassar 1957
04 Clinton Sammut


No Segretarji Minn Sa
01 Byron John Sammut


No Teżoriera Minn Sa
01 Paul Camilleri

Band Commissions

Band Activities Overseas

Historical Events in which the Band participated

Song Festivals, Events or Drama Activies

Annual Concerts

Annual Musical Activities

Recorded releases (LPs, Cassettes and CDs)


No Name of Cassettes Year Festive Marches Funeral Marches Waltzes Others
01 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijuzi - F'Egħluq l-40 tas-Soċjeta tagħna (1946-1983) Banda Trinita Mqaddisa (1986) 1986 *
02 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijuzi - Tal-Banda Trinita Qaddisa (1991) 1991 *
03 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijuzi - Tal-Banda Trinita Qaddisa (1993) 1993 *
04 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijuzi - Tal-Banda Trinita Qaddisa - Fiesta (1995) 1995 *
05 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijuzi - F'Egħluq l-40 Sena tal-Banda (1949-1989) Banda Trinita Mqaddsa (1989) 1989
06 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijuzi - Tal-Bamda Trinita Qaddisa (1998) 1998 *


No Name of Cd's Year Festive Marches Funeral Marches Waltzes Others
01 Festive Marches - 50 Sena (1949 - 1999) Mis-Soċjeta Mużikali Trinita Qaddisa (1999) 1999 *
02 Festive Marches - Marċi Brijuzi - Għeluq is-60 sena Tal-Għaqda tal-Mużika Trinita Qaddisa - Marsa (1949 - 2009) 2009 *

Programmes and Publications


External links