Shaun Zaffarese
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Shaun Zaffarese born on 25 September, 1997. Living in iż-Żurrieq. From a tender age he discovered his voice capabilities and thus began studying at the academy where he is still studying till this day, The Voice Academy Malta led by Ivan DeGabriele.
After less than a year studying his voice in the mentioned academy, Shaun took another step and started competing against other singers through many local festivals where he managed to acquire a placing from first to third in the major part of these festivals. He also participated in two international festivals, these being Eurostars International Festival in 2012 where he acquired first place and also in 2016 Voices of the World International Festival where he placed second.
Shaun was also chosen by the Committee for the feast of Mount Carmel in Żurrieq to be the vocalist of the official anthem of the feast in 2015 and perform from the balcony in front of a numerous audience. Shaun has also been studying music theory since 2014, therefore improving his knowledge and being more able to perform with live bands.
His dream was always to become a professional singer and therefore to do what he really loves doing and is capable in. Therefore, Shaun is currently taking another big step forward in his music carrier as he is taking part in festivals and other musical events organised in Malta on a larger basis, such as his continuious participation as a main vocalist live with the band of Maestro Joe Brown in Strina 2015.
Shaun truely believes that every step he takes forward is helping him to build on his experience and thus to always continue learning. He is ready to work with various people to be able to improve his capabilities.
Shaun for the first time is taken part in the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza – Talent Ġdid 2016 with the song Vittorja lyricist by Emil Calleja Bayliss and composed by Mark Scicluna.