Paul Formosa
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Paul Formosa (Drums) born at Xagħra, Gozo on 22 August, 1989.
Paul picked up the drum sticks at the age of 16 after being captivated by the performance of Metallica’s Lars Ulrich in their San Diego gig in 1992, on the DVD ‘Live Sh*t: Binge & Purge’. From then onwards Paul played in various Gozitan bands while always seeking to form his own Metal band. After jamming with various Gozitan guitarists to the tunes of Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne and Judas Priest, he contacted guitarists Andy Fava and Joe Costa in 2011 with whom he met up for a jam, resulting in the birth of Ascendor. Blasio Muscat and Steve Muscat completed the lineup on bass and vocals respectively and the band have to date released 3 full-length albums and are currently working on their fourth release.