Nicole Brincat
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Nicole Brincat was born on 23 February of 1997 she is a Singer and model.
She is the only child in the family. She was born and lives in l-Imsida.
Student and her ambitions are to continue her studies in fashion and beauty line, she also loved all kinds of art, and dedicated her free time practicing the voice.
She has a great passion towards singing. Always had the forward to become a singer and when decieded to start studying singing autistic had to sit with her teacher Priscilla Psaila known as (Kaya) much loved. Priscilla much dedication to make this work out, she sow in 'Nicole a great energy and love towards singing.
Nicole think that Priscilla give her valuable advices helped to further refine this talent. Today Nicole is happily very day that she and Priscilla were great friends. FIRST distributed as knowledgeable for Nicole in the singing was in very good opportunity when she participate, after was chosen among forty other children in TV program Arpeġġi.
This was shown on local stations and broadcast lasted for about three months. The program was conducted by Maestro Paul Abela and had wine-based music (live). At the end of each program three jury members were present in the program choose the best song of the program and all programs intended distinguishing final song.
This was a great opportunity for those participating children to voice the voice and talent among their numerous viewers who gathered this program. Nicole had won one song from programs with version (cover version) Proud Mary a hit by the talent singer and known worldwide with Tina Turner and had made great success with this song also.
Other for not as knowledgeable Nicole ever forget was when took part in a competition that was slightly different because the fact, that the competition did not involve singing but was only contest where one wanted to show talent, personality and beauty. The other participants who were singing, also had modeling too.
This has opened many new avenues for as knowledgeable as they had ended Nicole finalist and has been selected to go to rapresent Malta in the Italia International Competition. This contest was named Miss a new star la stella per lo Spettacolo and Nicole had the opportunity to meet with many known personalities as well as make new friends with the girl who had twenty-four on the same adventure as. For a hole week filled and interesting activities and international competitions, training in different areas and Shieh commitment to be able to get good positions in different categories.
Nicole is very proud with this beatiful title that she managed to get to bhala Miss a new star international in this contest and will continue to cherish forever, Nicole managed to get more confidence as well as other competitions try to take part in field of beauty. Even a few months later once again took part in an otherwise this field, this time by the name of Miss face of Malta when it was competing again with forty-five other girl.
Infact this contest was involving three months of great com and preparations for final night was held on 1 July 2012. But it was a great satisfaction for Nicole. Again Nicole once again achieved very positive results when it was fourth place and was chosen to be one of the Maltese models on local calendar.
The Participating in this contests conducted many of the dreams that had for near future. Nicole has many of its original songs, one of the most popular bring about the name Ħabib, an original song written by composor Priscilla Psaila and by author Christopher Azzopardi. This song has significance on friendship. Nicole for her friends and is very mean for her, who had autistic ti find those four friends who have always been genuine.
Every time that interpret this song Nicole is taking special dedication for themselves. Nicole by song gained first place in a contest,Bronk Productions, with Maltese song festival was held in May of 2011 other Competing Nicole managed to get positive results of the first and second place were the Euro Pop Contest, Ilħna Novelli and Singer Stage these contests all left special memories and recollections will continue throughout her life embraces all.
All in passing a difficult time in his life, for Nicole this time it was precisely the time in 2013 when she was still as close sixteen years. This happened when shock her by the death of a person who was very important in her life, his grandfather. For Nicole grandfather meant much because it considered as a father and friend since the humble character, and faithful who had positively to all those around him, his life course was great support and fan of Nicole.
Wanted to dedicate a song for him and was given this opportunity when passed in September 2013 when she was selected to be one of the participants in the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza . She participated with the song Ħallini Ngħidlek (Let me tell you), written by composer Dominic Cini known as Minik and authored by Stephen Baldacchino. With this song managed to get third place.
It was a great honor for Nicole and for her whole family. Very certain that grandfather is delighted by this honor. Nicole told that she is still in its early career and intends to continue to work to meet all the ambitions at future.
In September 2014 she took part and ended among the finalists in the final night of the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza - 2014, with the song Ħamsin Sena Nazzjon lyrics by Paul Ellul and music by Mark Spiteri Lucas and sung in a duet with Priscilla Psaila. .