Luke Agius
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Luke Agius was born on 4 September, 1990 at Naxxar. He used the stage name LuLu
LuLu’s passion for music started back in secondary school as his interest was simply to have fun and as much as possible be active in the music scene until he had first discovered his talents during the preperations for his annual music concert at school were he had been selected for the show as the main role.
The talented young musician then started taking guitar/piano lessons with his school music teacher and this is when he decided to take music on a more serious manner and continue expanding in his profession.
In the past 7 years, LuLu’s music studies has driven yet on very high level as he had been proudly certified and managed to obtain positive results throughout his previous examinations.
At this point his love for music had continue to grow and more opportunites started to arise as he had in fact played in a variety of local venues and concerts with well known artists such as The Farsons Beer Festival, De Niro’s, The villa, Zion, Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendeza, The Manoel Theatre, Fossos, TV programs, Mgarr, BJs to mention a few. Nowadays Lulu’s forms part of an acoustic duo called Xarulu and is also a session musician for established performers such as Lyndsay Pace, Julie Pomorski and Jessica Muscat.
When it comes to musical inspiration, LuLu’s favourite genre had always been rock and acoustic music from a tender age and also admires classical musicianssuch as Chopin and Bethoveen. In fact ‘Letter 25’, a rock ballad song that was a hit for Lulu’s and also Lyndsay Pace during summer 2014 was being inspired from this genres of music and also inspiration.
LuLu’s devotion and determination towards music is an incredible one as he is continously striving for precision in every detail with motivation of many hours during practice in delebirate ways whilst engaging in activites freely. He is always eager to learn more and set master goals in upcoming performancesin order to reach the most sufficient standard, leading him to happiness throughout his musical journey.
On 2 September, 2017 Xalrulu taken part in L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2017 with the song ‘Rutina Tgħallina’ lyrics and music by Xarulu and got the third place, and beside that win the also teh prize for ‘The Best Recording’.