Josepha Cumbo
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Josepha Cumbo was born on 15th of June 1997 and lives in Ħal Għaxaq.
Music has always been a passion for her and she started taking singing lessons when she was seven years old. She has never looked back and from then on she started participating in local festivals where she often does well and ranks first place in the category she competes in.
When she was around fourteen years old, Josepha started participating in televised singing competitions and often does well with the public who appreciate her vocal capabilities.
Josepha also started showing interest in musical instruments from a young age, in fact she started studying the piano and guitar along with music theory.
At around fifteen years of age, Josepha started showing interest in opera and began studying classical voice professionally. She studies at the School of Music in Valletta. Josepha is a student at the Junior College and continues her quest to improve as she persists in studying music.
In 2014 Josepha will be participating in the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza Talent Ġdid with the song 'Nisġa' composed by Dominic Cini 'Minik' and written by Emil Calleja Bayliss.
In September 2014 she made it to the finalists, and in the final night of the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza - 2014, with the song 'Nisġa' composed by Dominic Cini 'Minik' and written by Emil Calleja Bayliss.