Joseph Giusti

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Joseph Giusti

Joseph Giusti (11 April 1960 - 21 October 1995) was a Maltese broadcaster, dj and bartender from il-Kalkara.

He always loved music and in his teenage years he learnt how to play the rhythm guitar under the tutorship of Vanni Pulé and then started playing during folk masses in Kalkara, Valletta and Ħal Far.

After he left school, Joseph spent his first salary to purchase stereo music playing equipment for home. Then he went on to buy enough apparatus to have his own disco playing equipment and he used to play in various public events as Sleazy Disco. He played in weddings, private events and public disco halls such as the Orpheum in il-Gżira and Bieb is-Sultan in Ħaż-Żabbar when the historic gate was turned into an entertainment spot.

He was also a resident dj on Super One Radio and was also responsible for training many promising youngsters who wished to pursue a career in broadcasting. He used to take part in the national Disco Dancing Championship.

Joseph had a career in catering. He attended specialised courses at ITS, St Julian's up to middle management level, and worked in 5 star hotels, namely Phoenicia, Excelsior and Holiday Inn. At the latter, he was not only employed in the drinks section but used to also be the resident dj at the Orion, the hotel's disco night club.

He was a member of the Maltese Bartenders Guild and took part in cocktails competitions. He attended an international course about alcohol mixing in Porto. After his demise, the international body named its annual award The Joseph Giusti Bartender of the Year Award.

Joseph passed away unexpectedly at the age of 35.

Żewġt Iħbieb

On 24 October 1995, the day of his funeral, his friend and work colleague Joe Julian Farrugia read this poem entitled Żewġt Iħbieb on radio during a special live programme transmitted at the time of Giusti's usual weekly programme. The memorial radio show was attended by radio broadcasters from all local stations.

Jekk qalbek, tajba, mdiehba
issikktet milli tħabbat
Jekk leħnek, tant imfittex
ser jieqaf mill-frekwenza
Jekk diski w kanzunetti
daqshekk se ddoqq u ddawwar
Jekk xorb u spirti mħallta
m’aħniex se nduqu aktar
Jekk f’ħajtek xorti kiefra
min-nieqa sa ġol-midfna
Jekk ħass li kien bizzejjed
l-Imgħallem u sejjaħlek
Jekk wiċċek se jispiċċa
ritratt taħt iċ-ċipressa
Jekk ismek, ittra, ittra,
se jonqxu rħama bajda:

Min jista’ jsikket f’qalbi
kunċert ta’ dieqa mdallma
ta’ mużika bla ritmu
ta’ versi ma jaqblux?

Min jista’ minni jnessi
waqtiet ta’ ferħ jew dwejjaq
li konna dejjem naqsmu
fil-ħruġ jew fuq ix-xogħol?

Darb’ oħra mhux f’did-dinja
niltaqgħu, min jaf meta
u ngħidu x’għadda minna
fiż-żmien li beda llum.

U terġa’ ddoqq id-diski
u terġa’ tferra l-wiski
niftakru ż-żmien l’għaddejna
bejnietna, żewġt iħbieb.