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Il-Kantilena is the oldest piece of Maltese literature at the National Archives in Rabat, Malta.
It was written by Pietru Caxaro in the 1480s.
The work was considered lost of many years until is was rediscovered by Fr Mikiel Fsadni and Prof. Godfrey Wettinger in September 1966, by chance at the Notarial archives in Valletta.
In 2008, parts of Il-Kantilena were apadpted into a song called Xidew il-Qada by Dominic Galea for the album Ommi by Doreen Galea.
Student research
Students on the course MAL2024 Ix-Xhieda tal-Malti Miktub led by Olvin Vella, conducted a series of video interviews about Il-Kantilena in 2012.
The students involves in this project included: Axisa Farrell Deborah, Bilocca Mandy, Bugeja Semira, Cauchi Jessica Judith, Fenech Conrad, Gaffarena Purkiss Stephanie, Mallia Gabriella, Mifsud Kristen, Mifsud Steven, Saliba Ramona, Sammut Maria Kristina, Simiana Maria, Sultana Jessica, Vassallo Annalise, Vassallo Yanica and Zammit Elaine.
The researchers and academics interviewed for this project are: Joan Abela, Anna Borg Cardona, Joseph Brincat, Carmel Cassar, Arnold Cassola, Charles Dalli, Stanley Fiorini, Oliver Friggieri, Bernard Micallef, Manwel Mifsud, Mark Montebello, Joanne Sciberras, Cora Vella, Olvin Vella, and Martin Zammit.
Nadine Genovese photographed the document for this project.