Frank Galea
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Mro Frank Galea (23 July 1945 - 1 February 2012) was a Maltese composer, bandmaster and broadcaster from Ħaż-Żebbuġ.
He attended St Francis School at Żebbuġ between 1948 to 1951, Żebbuġ Boys’ Primary School between 1951-1954 and the Archbishop’s Seminary in Floriana between 1954-1962.
He began studying music under Miss M.L Bonnici and the violin with Carlo Fiamingo and Giorlando Valente. He took vocal lessons with Bice Ciappara, Antoinette Miggiani and Dobreva. He studied harmony and composition with Maestro Carmelo Pace.
He had professional training as an instructor in (St Michael's College of Education) from 1967 to 1969, where he obtained a certificate of instructor specialising in Music and History. He taught theory and harmony at Johann Strauss School of Music (1978-1997). He became Assistant Head of Gzira Boys' Secondary School and Cospicua Girls Secondary School (1997-2001). He was also an examiner in the MATSEC Board of Music at the University of Malta (1999-2001).
Academic Qualifications : - Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Administration and Management (DEAM) - University of Malta (1993-1995) - BA (Hons.) Archeology and Anthropology - University of Malta (2005-2008) - Certificate of Proofreading in Maltese - University of Malta and the Malta Council (2008-2009) - Silver and Gold Bar Bar Awards for Proficiency - Civil Defence Corps
Musical Qualifications :
- A.Mus.LCM 1976. - L.Mus.LCM 1979. - FLCM 1980.
Competitions for the best composition of classical music, organized by the Malta Society of Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce and The Performing Rights Society of London (PRS) (1973) Won Third Prize in composition Three Spiritual Madrigal for SATB (1982) Won First Prize by Piccolo Concerto per Archi ed Clarinetto and the composition Deux Bogatellis.
Bands that he led as Bandmaster
- (1975-1978) Każin San Ġużepp u Banda de Rohan Żebbuġ. - (1981-1995) Għaqda Mużikali San Pietru fil-Ktajjen Birżebbuġia. - (1988-1998) Anici Band and Social Club The Detroit also directed Hynix America, Toronto in Canada and Libya). - The Band of The School of Music - The Junior Band Orchestra - The Orchestra di Cappella.
Frank wrote over seventy compositions including festive and funeral marches, overtures and waltzes. He made several arrangements of orchestral works for the band and wrote the Cantata of The Apoteosis of St. Peter and St. George, Masses, oratorios, and an operetta for children Children in the woods presented at the De Porres Hall in 1978.
Other Interests
a) Lyric singer as low soloist who took part in many MCI concerts and in the four Maestro Carmelo Pace operas: Caterina Desguanez (1970 and 1980), Angelica (1973), L'Ipogeana (1976) and I Martiri (1989). He also took part in opera Rigoletto held in 1982 at the Manoel Theatre and in operettas Die Fledermaus (1969), Night in Venice (1971) and Gypsy Baron held at the College of Teachers and Astra Theatre in Gozo.
b) Composer - wrote music of many different styles and executed a number of concerts with his music Lunchtime Concerts Isouard Hall Two concerts (The Music of Frank Galea) Robert Sammut Hall.
c) Author of four (4) books on music, published by Johann Strauss School of Music.
d) Actor - Worked on stage for the first time in the Dun Michael Xerri Hall. - In the Shakespeare plays Merchant of Venice, Hamlet and Macbeth produced by Għaqda Drammatika Maltija at the Catholic Institute in 1964. - In Deborah by Fr.Peter Serracino Inglott in 1969 hosted by Young Christian Workers Zgħażagh Ħaddiema Nsara at the Catholic Institute. - In the drama Proċess lil Ġesu’ presented by M.A.S Manoel Theatre and the Catholic Institute
e) Writer of numerous essays, articles in newspapers and magazines, stories and poems in English and Maltese. He was active in the Literary Revival Movement and in 1973 along with three other writers Olives, the poems and his prose were published f'antoloġija (Square-enrichment) which came out the same movement.
f) First Class Referee with the Malta Basketball Association (1974-1981).
g) radio broadcaster for six (6) years where presented and produced programs of classical music with Super One Radio.
h) compere of many programs among f'lejla commemorating Victory Day (2002).
i) Perform Volunteer Work as a speaker and animator of Caritas and diaconia Drug Awareness Group of Zebbug and taught music at St. Mary's Hospital and in San Blas men with drug problem .
Iċ-Cirku Dsatax (19): On his own initiative, a group of nineteen persons committed themselves to contribute a sum of money annually to pay for the church music and religious feast of St. Joseph in Zebbug. This ring has no connection and with any society or association. Frank's desire was to continue this initiative even after his death thus expressing devotion to St. Joseph by strengthening his religious feast.
Mro. Frank Galea died on 1 February 2012 at at Sir Paul Boffa Hospital. At 66 years. Frank was married to Josephine née Camilleri and had two loving sons André and Renzo.
Profil bil-Malti
mill-website tal-Każin ta' San Ġużepp u Banda De Rohan - Ħaż-Żebbuġ Frank Galea twieled Ħaż-Żebbuġ nhar it- 23 ta’ Lulju 1945, iben Joseph u Adriana née Zammit it-tnejn minn Ħaż-Żebbuġ. Il-kbir fost tliet aħwa. Irċieva l-edukazzjoni tiegħu fl-iskola tas-sorijiet Franġiskani u fl-iskola primarja. Kompla fis-Seminarju u St. Michael College u aktar tard fl-Università ta’ Malta. Minn hawnhekk ħa d-Dipt. Ed. (Adm. & Mang.) u FLCM fil-kompożizzjoni. Is-Surmast Frank Galea żżewweġ lil Josephine xebba Camilleri u għandu żewġt itfal, Andrè u Renzo.
Is-Surmast Frank Galea ġej minn familja ta’ mużiċisti ta’ fama kbira. Fl-età żgħira ta’ 6 snin-il ġenituri tiegħu bagħtuh jistudja t-teorija tal-mużika u l-pjanu għand is-Sinjorina Maria Lourdes Bonnici. Studja l-vjolin għand Carlo Fjamingo u wara l-mewt tiegħu kompla għand Giorlando Valente. Studja ukoll il-vuċi għand Bice Ciappara, Antionette Miggiani u l-Professoressa B. Dobreva. Studja ukoll l-armonija u l-kompożizzjoni għand Carmelo Pace.
Fl-età ta’ 17-il sena beda jieħu l-lezzjonijiet għand is-Surmast Ġeraldu Farrugia u wara sentejn ħareġ idoqq il-Flicorn Sopran mal-Banda De Rohan. F’Mejju ta’ 1976 is-Surmast Frank Galea beda l-karriera tiegħu ta’ surmast direttur mal-Banda De Rohan. Dam f’din il-kariga sal-1978.
Is-Surmast Galea kiteb diversi xogħlijiet mużikali “da Camera” li huma ħames quddisiet, numru ta’ motetti u Madrigali, Cantati a Cappella, kantati bl-akkumpanjament, Te Deum per Cinque voci u l-Oratorju “Simon Bolivar”. Kiteb ukoll “Arie Da Salotto” – operetta għat-tfal. Fost il-kompożizzjonijiet tiegħu għal-Banda De Rohan nsibu l-Overture “Dramatique”, l-Intermezzo “Dirgo” u Selection “It-tfal fil-Bosk”. Kiteb diversi marċi brijużi u funebri, fosthom il-marċ “Lill-Ħaddiema tan-Nar”. Ikkompona madwar 70 marċ brijużi, funebri u valzi għal diversi baned.
Fl-1972, bil-kompożizzjoni “Three Spiritual Madrigals”, rebaħ it-tielet premju fil-konkors nazzjonali mniedi għal kompożituri Maltin mis-Soċjetà Maltija tal-Arti u Kummerċ flimkien mal-Performing Rights Society ta’ Londra. Fl-1982 rebaħ l-ewwel premju fl-istess konkors bil-kompożizzjoni tiegħu “ Piccolo Concerto Per Clarinetto ed archi”.
Is-Surmast Frank Galea kien surmast direttur ukoll tal-Banda San Pietru fil-Ktajjen ta’ Birżebbuġa bejn l-1981 u 1995 u l-ewwel surmast tal-Banda Anici ta’ Ħal-Qormi bejn l-1987 u l-1998.
Ħalla din id-dinja nhar l-Erbgħa 1 ta’ Frar 2012. Dakinhar tal-funeral tiegħu l-Banda De Rohan kienet qed tagħti s-servizz tagħha barra minn Malta għalhekk ma setax tagħti s-sehem tagħha fil-funeral tas-Surmast Galea. Il-funeral tiegħu kien akkumpanjat mill-mass band komposta mill-bandisti talBanda San Pietru fil-Ktajjen u l-Banda Anici.