Fondazzjoni Kreattività Art Collection
The Fondazzjoni Kreattività Art Collection is a publicly owned visual art collection held by Fondazzjoni Kreattività in Valletta, Malta. The collection includes a range of works by artists who have exhibited at St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity between 2000 and 2015, and Spazju Kreattiv since 2015. The collection includes documents relating to the exhibitions.

When Fondazzjoni Ċentru għall-Kreattività was created to operate the St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity in 2000, it immediately started putting on visual art exhibitions within the building. Over the years, many of the artists whose work was exhibited within the space donated one of the works from their exhibition through a long-established practice common in Malta in state-owned spaces used for art exhibitions. This practice has led to Fondazzjoni Kreattività amassing a substantial collection of art works, which are considered to be its permanent collection and, by extension, part of the National Collection of works of art.
In January 2016, Fondazzjoni Kreattività reviewed the way works entered its permanent collection and ceased the practice of obligatory donation from artists whose work was exhibited at St James Cavalier. Since then, new works have continued to enter the collection under arrangements that are fairer to artists. This change followed an initial research project to gather feedback from artists, curators, cultural heritage professionals and others involved in the sector. This research project included a display of some of the works from the collection, entitled Past! Present. Future? as part of the Spazju Kreattiv programme. In most cases, this was the first time the works of art had been viewed in public again since they first appeared at the original exhibition they came from.
Following on from Past! Present. Future?, work on compiling a detailed catalogue focusing on Fondazzjoni Kreattività’s art collection at St James Cavalier continued in January 2017.
Apart from the works of art themselves, which can be considered an archived document of the artists’ work, the collection custodians set out to identify which are the most important basic elements that remain after a creative project has been exhibited to the public – the documents. Proposals, press releases, artist profiles, photos, reviews, posters, videos and other material can provide an indication of the significance of the context in which the works of art were originally presented. This material can help researchers to better understand the artworks and also the work of the artist in a broader cultural spectrum. These items are being systematically collected and archived by curators through 2017 and 2018.
The preservation of the collection includes the creation of a comprehensive catalogue set for publication in 2020. At that point, it is envisioned that the collection's relationship with the larger National Collection administered by MUŻA will also be addressed appropriately.
Public Displays of the Collection
In 2015 works from the collection started being re-displayed as part of the Spazju Kreattiv programme. Past! Present. Future? was the first exhibition containing works from the collection, most of which had not been seen in public since they were first acquired.
Five further opportunities to systematically display works from the collection have been included in the Spazju Kreattiv programme at St James Cavalier and abroad between 2016 and 2019.
In the three instances of Art from the Fondazzjoni Kreattività Collection, works have been displayed grouped chronologically, covering periods of approximately six years of Fondazzjoni Kreattività's existence:
- Art from the Fondazzjoni Kreattività Collection: Documenting 2000-2006 appeared during January and February 2017,
- Art from the Fondazzjoni Kreattività Collection: Documenting 2007-2012 in February and March 2018, and
- Art from the Fondazzjoni Kreattività Collection: Documenting 2013-2018 occurred between January and April 2019.
As part of Wiki Loves Art 2019, works in the collection by women artists were shown in the Art+Feminism 2019 exhibition.
In September 2018 works from the collection were taken to the Luxembourg Court of Auditors for the Id-Dinja M'Għadiex Ċatta exhibition.
These activities are intended to draw attention to specific aspects of the Fondazzjoni Kreattività collection and the artists whose work feature in it, as well as provide an environment in which documents can be gathered about the artists themselves and their works. Related activities include discussion group events, oral history sessions, wiki editathons, and one-to-one meetings with artists, curators and the estates of deceased artists.
The Collection
The collection is in the process of being organised into a publicly accessible catalogue. You can view the working list containing all the works that have been processed, or are in the pipeline for being processed, on this separate page.
A book containing the catalogue will be published in late 2020.
See Also
- Past! Present. Future? (book) - work-in-progress
- Fondazzjoni Kreattività Art Collection (contents)
- Category:Fondazzjoni Kreattività Art Collection
- Category:Fondazzjoni Kreattività Art Collection artists
- Art+Feminism 2019 + 2020
- Art from the Fondazzjoni Kreattività Collection: Documenting 2013-2018
- Art from the Fondazzjoni Kreattività Collection: Documenting 2007-2012
- Art from the Fondazzjoni Kreattività Collection: Documenting 2000-2006
- Id-Dinja M'Għadiex Ċatta - a touring exhibition of contemporary art from the Fondazzjoni Kreattività collection
- Remembering the Future: Digital Art in Malta (1989-2019)