Fiona Camilleri
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Fiona Camilleri was born on the 3 June, 1991. She is a singer.
She was always mesmerised by music and sang along to Disney Films, The Beatles and Queen tunes since the age of three.
At age 10, she landed her first leading role in her school’s Christmas Concert, playing the main part of Ali Kali. From then on, she took on other parts each year in her school’s annual spring concert, namely: Quasimodo- in The Hunchback of Notre Dame; Grizabella- in Cats; Gaga Girl- in We Will Rock You; and Fantine/Jean Valjean- in Les Miserables.
During her years at the University of Malta Junior College and the University of Malta itself, Fiona took part in various productions by the [Junior College Choir]] and the Degree Plus Chior, respectively. She sang songs from ABBA and Anastasia, while backed by the choirs, and also took part in the Junior College Soiree 2008 and 2009, singing a total of four solos. Being an active member with the Salesians of Don Bosco, Fiona took part in many concerts that they held, both at Had-Dingli, as well as the Salesian Theatre, Sliema. The parts she played in these concerts included: Victor the Gargoyle- in Boscofest 2005 (The Hunchback of Notre Dame); Widow Corny- in Boscofest 2006 (Oliver!); Tracy Turnblad- in Boscofest 2007 (Hairspray); Backing Vocal- in 201 File; Good Spirit- in 7even; and Dorothy- in Move Magic (Wizard of Oz).
Fiona took part in the KSU Singer/Songwriters Festival in 2010, with a song she wrote, entitled ‘Reality’. She was also the main backing-vocalist for the local Maltese Duo- Instincs with Robert Carbonaro.
In 2010, Fiona began studying Classical Voice at the Johann Strauss School of Music, under the guidance of Andriana Yordanova.
In the Summer of 2012, she took part in the televised singing competition Don’t Stop Me Now, and placed 5th.
Also in 2012, Fiona took part in Voices – Dream a Little Dream as part of the choir’s Soprano section.
In the Winter of 2012, Fiona sang three classical arias: ‘Pretty Flower’, ‘O Mio Babbino Caro’, and ‘Amarilli’, in a day-time show given at the Oratory of Saint Francis, Valletta. In 2013, Fiona took part in the Maltese song competition- L-Għanja tal-Poplu, singing the song Tahnina, written by Robert Carbonaro. She took home the prize for Best New Talent (“L-Aqwa Talent Ġdid”).
Fiona is currently an active member of two choirs, namely; The Salesian Worship Team, and Voca - A Passion for Song.