Esther Spiteri
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Esther Spiteri born on the 19th of May, 1997. She comes from iż-Żurrieq, Malta. She is a Speech and Language Pathologist, a singer and a freelance model with a special interest in fashion.
Esther has been singing ever since she was little. Having both parents who both have a passion for music, she was always brought up in a musical environment, encouraged to sing, play musical instruments and explore her artistic side.
She used to play the piano as well as both an acoustic and electric guitar for a while. Initially she started exploring her interest in music and singing through forming part of the community local choir and school musicals.
One of her very first musicals was ‘Les Miserables’ in 2011, taking on the role of Jean Valjean, as the main actress. Acting is also something that Esther enjoys doing but never explored professionally.
Esther has been studying and working on her voice professionally for over 10 years with her Vocal Coach Ivan Degabriele. Throughout these years, she has participated in several local singing competitions, a singing competition in Bulgaria Silver Yantra - International Pop Music Contest and was on XFactor Malta Season 3.
During the aforementioned competitions, Esther has had several placings. In 2013, she won the Grand Prix with the song ‘When You Believe’ in the Magic Memories Singers Festival. During the XFactor Malta Season 3 journey, Esther was chosen to form part of a group during booth camp.
The group consisted of 4 artists; Esther Spiteri, Martina Fenech, Jacqueline Richard and Anthea Gatt. They managed to make it till the 6 chair challenge with the song ‘Edge of Glory’.
Esther was recently enjoying working on several collaborations with local artists. She is also currently focusing on producing original music with her duo partner Martina Fenech as well as a solo artist. This year, Esther is participating in the 46th Edition of L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2022 alongside Martina Fenech with the song ‘Kont Barrani’ lyrics by Etienne Micallef, melody by Mark Spiteri Lucas and music arrangement and production by Aldo Spiteri at Wicked and Loud Studios. They are through to the final which will be held on the 30th of July 2022. Her motto is; dream big, work hard and never give up. Let it be. What's meant to be will always find its path.