Daniela Vella
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Daniela Vella born on the 28 August, 1988, She a Singer.
She took her first singing lesions when she was 11 years and she also started taking piano lessons from the young age of 6 years.
From there she started participating in local festivals, in which she gained a lot of experience and success as she won almost all of them. In one prominent song festival she also won the singer of the year award and best voice and overall winner in other festivals.
Eventually she was regularly invited to perform as a guest singer in various shows and fund raising activities that are organized throughout the year.
Daniela also started to appear on local TV stations in 2002 where she had participated in a program called Junior Popstars. Later she was lso a presenter of a radio program was a successes as it won an award for the Best Children’s Program in Malta. Daniela appeared a lot of times on local TV stations where she was invited to sing. Daniela is also a regular yearly performer at Sliema’s Stella Maris feats where she sings live with the resident Brass Band. This activity is also screened on local famous song festival Għanja tal-Poplu and a few months later she was also a finalist in another important festival Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza.
Other major song festivals where Daniela was also a finalist ara Għaqda għall-Melodija and Opportunity 2 Song for Europe
Her latest experience is mor rewarding because she has been chosen to represent Malta in a European compilation featuring the song Welcome to Europe recorded in different languages from all aroud Europe. The person behind this idea is Rolf Hetzer, director of SoundHouse Records of Germany who has shown interest in this young talented singer.
On the 18 September, 2006 Daniela participated in an important festival Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza with the song Lil Qalb ta’ Qalbi. Lately Daniel was chosen to take part in the Malta International Song Festival whice wa held on a local TV station in October.
Daniela also thank her familt for their all support they give her to keep on going with her career.