Carmelo Borg
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Carmelo Borg was born on the 22 November, 1939, his love for singing was seen of a very young age, where he was a soloist with the St Helen’s Basilica choir, the Parish church in Birkirkara, where he was also born.
After participating in a National Song Festival with great success Carmelo Borg soon after was approached by a trio The Guitarreros, he was the entertainer in many programmes in local theatres and also a guest singer in local concerts held in the 60’s by great foreign singers like Domenico Modugno, Aurelio Fierro, Joe Sentieri, Luciano Rondinella and Nunzio Gallo.
In 1963 Carmelo Borg was chosen from the Malta Song board to represent Malta in the Primo Festival Jonico Della Canzone, he sang four songs of which three entered the finals winning a bronze amfora in third place.
In 1964 he was winner of the first Napolitan Song Festival in Malta. In 1968 Carmelo was the Best Singer of the Malta Song Festival and the, success-sive year 1969 Carmelo was the winner of the Malta Song Festival.
In 1973 he won the bronze trophy placing third in the first Folk Song Festival, In 1983 in Rome he participated in the Rossegna Mondiale della Canzone Religiosa Popolare and was awarded a Gold medal for entering the finals.
He also had a weekly progrmme on the Rediffusion. When Malta had its own national TV station Carmelo was one of the regular participants on the entertainment shows produced by Victor Aquilina, Mario Ascione, Charles Stroud and other producers employed with the station.
His singing was mainly Italian, Naplolitan, and latin American, in 1977 Carmelo issued two singles in Maltese of which one had been a success mainly with the Maltese emigrants Bewsa Lil Malta composed by Dr.George Zammit and Carmelina Zammit. Later he issued an 16 Maltese tracks cd named Bewsa Lil Malta.
In 1998 he issued an Album of Maltese songs on a CD, and although at the age of 63 his love for Napolitn music, did not stop him from recording an album of Napolitan Song named Canta Napoli in 2002.
In 2007 he took part among other in the Musical Helena, and at 2010 when he celebrate his 70 birthday he recorded and issuded on cd ‘Ave Maria’.
In 2011 Carmelo Borg issued another Cd Album Tassew Ħabib with 17 track singing all in Maltese.