Avenue Sky
Avenue Sky is a pop boyband from Malta. It is made up of six members: Aidan Cassar, Andy Muscat, Clive Muscat, Joseph Refalo, Karl Scerri and Kevin Scicluna.
Founded in February 2016, Avenue Sky started as a project by its founding member Kevin Scicluna who, together with Glen Vella from VocalBooth Studios, chose to form this group.
Their debut single was none other than a cover version of Justin Bieber’s song, Love Yourself. Their version proved to be a hit on social media, receiving great feedback both locally and from abroad.
Avenue Sky’s first live performance occurred during Vocalbooth Studios’ Annual Showcase held at the Mediterranean Conference Centre Valletta in July 2016, where they were very well-received by the audience and the judges – Kevin Borg, Claudia Faniello and Julie Zahra.
Individually, they all have their own personal careers in music, however, when they come together, Avenue Sky takes the best out of each singer and this results in something unique, especially for the local music scene.
All the members of Avenue Sky work very hard in order to make sure that this is just the beginning of their journey together.