Angelica Portelli
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Angelica Portelli, born on 9 August at Victoria, Gozo She is a Singer and Actress.
Angelica started singing at the early age of three, when she already formed part of the Chorus Urbanus Junior Section. She must have taken from her father, Mario, who is a professional popular singer. At six, she took part for the first time in a song festival in Gozo, with her first interpretation being La Stelliera from Zecchino d’Oro. This opened the door to several other festivals in both Malta and Gozo, where she often placed in the first positions.
Angelica took her first voice lessons under the tuition of popular singer Pamela Bezzina, and then continued with Miriam Christine Borg, who is still her musical teacher. In 2006 she participated in the Junior Life Festival on a local TV station, where she placed first with her song Qawsalla, written by the late poet Can. Joe Meilak and composed by Antoine Mercieca, also from Victoria. Other festivals she took part in were the Song Festival Marjan at the Oratorju Don Bosco and the Junior Eurovision 2008 in the semi-final, with her song A Dream; here Angelica ended up as finalist, and the show featured on the national TV station.
Angelica Portelli is also very fond of dancing, and in fact she takes dancing lessons at her secondary school, the Bishop’s Conservatory Girls’ Secondary in Victoria. Together with her parents Mario and Frances, she is a member of the Astra Folk Group, where she both dances and sings as one of the group’s soloists. She also takes part in opera and other musical productions at Teatru Astra.
The latest success Angelica has had in the popular festival organised on the Floriana Granaries as part of the national festivities for Independence Day, is the result of her strong and positive determination to develop her artistic talents. Further more, it reflects the cultural background she hails from, which is St George’s parish and the La Stella Philharmonic Society, where many times she has had the opportunity to share her love for music through her participation in various activities organised by the two entities, which she and her parents consider as their wider family. The same is to be said for author Joe Chircop, whose musical Għaliex Jien? was staged last April at Teatru Astra. Chircop, one of our renowned local contemporary authors, is a close friend of the Għaqda ta’ l-Armar Festa San Ġorġ.
In September 2010 made a name for herself and for our community placing first in the New Talents’ category of the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza, with her song Ejjew Nieqfu, lyrics by Joe Chircop u music by Miriam Christine. Angelica told us that this success meant a lot to me, because it was an experience which encouraged me to advance in my singing career, since this was the biggest festival I have ever participated in.
Last but not least, Angelica forms part of a very energetic group of young students who attend regularly to the monthly meetings organised by St George’s parish for adolescents. These students are very eager to help out with activities and are especially involved in drama productions organised for the children of our parish, including the two main annual Novenas: Christmas and St George’s. In this group, Angelica’s enthusiasm and positive outlook are well know, and her readiness to participate in parish activities, in particular those for our students, is an example to her friends. Coming to a students’ meeting on a last Friday of the month, it is almost impossible to miss Angelica’s penetrating voice!
Our community – that is, both St George’s parish and the La Stella Society – sees it as its aim to promote and educate in the best way the high artistic and cultural talents of so many of her members, and thus joins Angelica, her relatives and friends, in the joy and satisfaction of this recent achievement, while congratulating her for future successes, which are not hers alone, but ours as well!